jamie waterworth warrington

  1. A

    jamie waterworth warrington

    Omar William dose he Penis Enlargement or what and whats the biggest and how big can people go with Penis Enlargement
  2. E

    jamie waterworth warrington

    I just started doing this stuff like a couple weeks ago. I had a pretty big dick anyway. but as soon as i started doing it (the DLD newbie routine) it got way fatter and a little longer especially during sex. the other night me and my girl were standing up and the lights were out. she was like...
  3. E

    jamie waterworth warrington

    Can one use body measurements to determine penis size? http://archives.tcm.ie/breakingnews/2002/08/14/story63858.asp What do you think?
  4. G

    jamie waterworth warrington

    I found this http://wikiafterdark.com/index.php/Understand_Penis_Size Some of the average sizes are really big, don't now how true or accurate it is. Basically blacks are at the top of the list and asians are at the bottom, so maybe the stereotypes are true?
  5. A

    jamie waterworth warrington

    I Was Just Wondering If There Was Cause I Never See Any Pics Or Know If There Are Any.
  6. S

    jamie waterworth warrington

    Here a a amazing routine for the intermediate to advanced Pe're from my bro forgiven, I love this routine and do it as well. He made it up for me as well, soI thought I would share it with you all. I do this one week, and then a special routine by DLD for me another week. Cheers! Thanks...