
  1. bucolic

    Thank you for this

    Hello brothers, I rarely write anything at all on the internet, but I have a story that you might find interesting. I found out about Matters of Size around 15 years ago... I downloaded a torrent which happened to be the MOS DVD. I tried some of the exercises but I lived in a very weird and...
  2. P

    Advices on How to get more discoloration

    Seems like everybody want to avoid discoloration but nobody want to get more,i am afraid with hydrocortisone make the skin of my cock more lighter,i do pumping Hanging and stretching
  3. E

    Hydrocortisone and stretch marks

    Hey y'all. Been doing the newbie routine for almost 6 weeks now and a couple weeks ago I read on here that hydrocortisone was good to apply after stretching. I tried doing this for a week or so but I thought I was seeing the beginning of stretch marks. I see that a potential side effect of...