It was really tough telling my gf about it and after 2.5 years of doing it she’s the first person I told and surprisingly she took it very week and is helping me pay for a length master and a hydromax extreme
Have any of the brothers ever taught their significant other any enlargement techniques to practise on you? My girl has expressed interest in me showing her some manual work for her to do on me, was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or experiences to share? Thinking I'll show her how to...
Hey guys!! I’ve been so busy with PE, work and life that I barely have time to post anymore so to make up for the last couple of months this is gonna be another long post!
So I've been with my woman now for just over 2 years and we finally decided to move in together. When i first met her i had...
It’s wise to not dig into the past of your girlfriends. The only thing you get digging up the past is dirty. Your girlfriend is with you now because she loves you. Believe me she’s not thinking about someone else’s penis, she’s thinking about how much you care and love for her. So don’t ask...
So as the question states, how do you feel about a wife, girlfriend, or significant other knowing that your into PE, well for me, mine has known from day one, as this all started with me having issues with EQ, mine is knows about it and encourages it, mine in fact purchase my bath mate, she has...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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