So I started penis exercises about 3 months ago doing the newbie routine. My penis has grown from 6.5 inches to about 7.1 inches non bone pressed although I’m proud of these achievements, it actually doesn’t look any bigger. Can any of you guys actually tell by looking at it after doing these...
Hey guys,
I have experience with using Penomet and Bathmate for 3 years switching between.
After Penomet session, my cock is always rock hard and strong erection.
After Bathmate x30, my dick is like a sponge everytime. Hard to get and maintain erection. Soft during the days. I dont know...
So I started training again, I am in my second week with the Phallosan currently wearing it for five hours straight mid-green strength, and I am going to work my way up to 10 hours. However I have been noticing that when I am not wearing the device and my penis is flaccid without it it...
Hi, does anyone have experience with phallogauge I can get it on but it slips of easy and it only seems to stretch my ligaments not the shaft of my penis .. also if you stretch the ligaments does this make your erection angle lower instead of point upwards? Thanks.
This song has always helped me any time I've ever felt like giving up on any of my goals. I hope some of you PE brothers also find it inspiring. God bless you guys! :)
Hello all,
I have a few stories for any that are bored enough to read. I also share in hopes to help any others in a position similar to mine and to provide a window into another angle of life for those who are not.
First of all, I was in a relationship with a much older woman for 11 or so...
So when im fully erect my penis pretty much points up at the ceiling i guess this is because i have a very high erection angle, think Chris strokes but a little more prominent. My upward curve also doesn't help this situation. Today i measured the underside of my penis and it came out to 8...
Hi all,
Just wanted to share my experience with PE, my first stat input was in 2011, which makes me a legit 9yr PE-er.
As you can see my chart there are no any serious gains (which makes me pissed off :D ). First couple of measures are basically not valid as I was standardizing my way of...
Hey guys
After you the community helped me with Length master through out the week, I was hoping you could help me with an old stupid injury I got by jelqing wrong 12 years ago.
I remember searching for PE online when I got misinformed about Jelqing or probably misunderstood what was written...
Well i don't know what really to do I never been on a date i'm 29 currently and will be 30 in less then 3 month.
i mean i just so depressed. I thought about just ending my life it's pretty easy to make it look like a accident too since there is no shortage of speeding cars...
This is really irritating cause i recently just started getting sexual with a girl. And i have a hard time getting strong 100% erections now. I obviously would hate to stop doing the bathmate cause than my penis would remain skinny.
Any tips advice?
Yes i do a shit ton of kegels.
I used a penis pump and my penis became very discolored. I used a tca chemical peel on my penis to try and remove some of the discoloration.
I did the peel in January 2018, so its been 5 months and I still have loss of feeling and cannot maintain erection during intercourse.
is this...
What's good MoS.
So I am a week without fapping. I went on a trip two weeks ago and no fap for a week but I caved in on last Saturday.
I realized my endurance during sex has went to shit because of not fapping. I bust within 3 minutes or less. Last night it was 15 strokes literally lol. I can...
How do you guys manage to do girth work without watching adult entertainment? I always have to have some kind of stimulus, but hate having to sit and watch adult entertainment for 30+ minutes. I like to do my PE while I sit and catch up on my shows at night, but it's usually impossible for me to maintain any kind of...
I had an idea to utilize my rehab band with stretching and I actually felt like I maybe onto something. Gonna fine tune this and see if I see any noticeable benefit.
Hello everybody first of all greetings to everyone and going straight to the point; I have been using only bathmate for almost 2 months, right now im max pressure with full erection and to not lose the erection i watch adult entertainment while i do it.
But as far as i know theres nothing like jelqing and even...
Hi. These questions are mainly for DLD but anyone who has had experience with this exercise is also welcome to join in and answer my questions.
So I recently saw in a forum post where DLD stated that erect stretching helped him gain length faster, now here are the questions I have:
1. What...
Hey yall its been a while since I've been on here but I only have a few minutes of internet and I thought I would share with you guys what I have learned using the PF for two months now. I had an issue at the beginning not being able to get enough tension to grow. I couldnt get it past the end...
So I've always been one of those guys who grows more than triple when I get an erection. When flaccid I can be anywhere between average on a good day, to hardcore turtling down to like an inch and a half on a bad day. Needless to say, I've never been one for locker rooms.
Happily, this seems to...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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