
  1. B

    The Reason why everything above 8 inch penis is useless

    hey, i want to discuess a little about a thought that i have and i want to share with you especially in this community, everyone wants big cock right? its the ultimate dream, almost every survey shows the ideal size is 7-8 inch and i think every man should strive to get this size because he...
  2. B

    Boohoohoo's Healthy Living 90 Day Challenge

    Hi guys, So some of you may recognize my name, Boohoohoo, but I have been a member of this forum for years now. I used to be a very fit guy, but for years now I've let my body go. I went from being a muscular 205 lbs at 6'1'', to being 320 lbs at my heaviest. Since then I battled my way down...
  3. H

    Testicle Health Massage Challange!

    Nevermind. Delete thread :)
  4. K

    How to fantasize in shower?

    How to fantasize in shower? To get that erection before you put dick in. Imagining fucking someone who I would be able to fuck in real life seems to help. Not thinking about stressful things seems to help. Anything else seems to help you guys? Imagining scent/feeling/sound? Location? Imagining...
  5. D

    Hi Any Other Black Guys Out There Feel Small Because Of The Sterotype?

    Hey I'm interested in talking to other black guys out there who feel somewhat inadequate because of the stereotype. Like ive mentioned in previous posts I'm about 8.2 BPenis EnlargementL x 6" Girth and girls sometimes seem a little dissapointed when they see thats all I have..... and dnt get me...
  6. F

    WTF!!! couldnt get hard

    OK, today I did a favor for a girl that lived down the street. A hottie i might add. Well in return she insisted she give me a blow job,OK GREAT!!!!!! I have been doin Penis Enlargement for about a month and a half now. I have not have had any gains. Well when she wanted to give me head i...
  7. R

    Ron Paul

    can anyone stateside reliabley inform me about the level of exposure Ron Paul is recieving on the major networks for his landslide Republican Presidential debate poll victories? keep pushing
  8. V

    And Finally After Two Years>>> Vkay Gains!!!

    Hey everyone. I haven't had too much of a presence at MoS over the past several weeks. As you know, in I tried a 7 day on, zero day off routine for 5 weeks with no gains and I got lured into the whole IPR protocol. I decided to take an extended break from Penis Enlargement and it served me...
  9. B

    Anybody/IS 2 hours jelqing 2 much?

    I get in an hour (about 50 mins) in the morning and usually if not to tired another 50 min session at night. Anybody else do 2 hours, anybody think it's to much? Anybody on this board do more than that??, anybody...... Once I achieve the length I want, one day I'll most likely do 3 one hour...
  10. V

    Conclusions of The Perfect Penis

    Just finished watching the program. Here are some concluding remarks about the 47 minutes and 40 seconds show. Mr. Mark = Legally retarded. whatt the fuckkk was that? eww. just fucken wrong. eww. That kid, got ripped off. 3/8th of an inch for $4000. he woulda made more newbie...
  11. P


    I have been doing some research on penis-specific ligaments and fascia and was surprised to learn that these tissues have more elastin than collagen, the opposite of what I had learned about the rest of the body. This makes sense since the penis has to stretch more than any other anatomic...
  12. K


    Ok Kong... I will address our recent debate or disagreement on polls here, as to not to hijack someone else's post on an entirely different subject. First, lets get this straight, I only disagreed with Graves ONE statement that "Also, most polls suggest that women by far prefer un-cut penises."...
  13. DLD

    Now The World Knows....MOS

    SEE ARTICLE Size matters Mike Salvini is an evangelist for natural penis enlargement, a weird and scientifically unproven way of upsizing the male member. And thousands of men are going to great lengths to follow him. - - - - - - - - - - - - By Peter Rubin March 24, 2005 *|* At 6:30 each...
  14. DLD

    DLD's Expressive Stretching: Possibly The Missing Link to Massive Length Gains

    Expressive Stretching is 12 years old! Crazy how time flies!
  15. C

    I have a really bad view on myself

    I wonder why I see myself so negatively? I think I am good looking and have a lot to offer to a woman, but I seem to always slip into a hole and see myself as inadequate and ugly and no woman would ever want me. In the end I turn to alcohol and drown my sorrows. But this is only a temporary...
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    Hello all!
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    @crazy_monkey, greetings and welcome.
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    @nickyboy, Slow Squash Jelq. It's one of the jelq methods.
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  • G @ Growing4Squirting:
    ComradeImprover2 said:
  • G @ Growing4Squirting:
    ComradeImprover2 said:
    I'm at 5.3 currently So I will need to gain 0.6 inchs of girth
    shouldn't be hard brother
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    i am a beginner here and i will need some help. dm me if you are willing to help me. thanks in advance
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    @letssgetbigger, welcome brother. Start posting in the forum for New Members. We'll provide you up to date info and answer your questions.
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