Stretching with weights.

You can hang weights with the LengthMaster. People rarely do hanging but it works.
I wish men would just take the plunge and get a lenghtmaster...they all would make the best gains possible
I agree. The power in that device, will get you fast gains.
Hanging is a massive commitment. Why hang when you can gain all length with lengthmaster

This is the exact same question I always ask myself. Stretching with LengthMaster is much fun when compared to hanging.
Hi guys,
I've been in & out of the room for quite some time I'm looking at a LengthMaster to hopfully forfill my modest goal of an extra inch in length. I'm hopping I'm not out of line by asking a few questions before I purchas a LengthMaster just to give me the confidence.
I've seen some videos about twisting the penis length ways & streaching, I think its called bundling, does this bundling looks a bit barbaric to me. Does this have to happen or can the penis just be stretched with out it? How much benefit is there? How much tension is put on the skin when twist & stretching?
If the penis is been stretched in multiple angles is there a need to twist?
With the LengthMaster clamping down on the shaft, does the skin get pinched? Understanding everyone feels tension in their way, can you give some scale of minimal tension up to max tension to use including hanging please?
Humbley appoligic if the above has been covered before but I've had a desent look around before this.
Greatfull for the knowledge you pass on..
I'm hopping I'm not out of line by asking a few questions before I purchas a LengthMaster just to give me the confidence.
Never cease in asking questions and do researches before buying or investing in anything. We are here to support your endeavors.

I've seen some videos about twisting the penis length ways & streaching, I think its called bundling, does this bundling looks a bit barbaric to me. Does this have to happen or can the penis just be stretched with out it?
LengthMaster expedite the amount of tension force being used on a penis. Traction and extender devices provide lower traction tensions, but you have to use the traction devices over a very, very, very long period of time. LengthMaster pushes the tissues to be primed for elongation within 20 minutes, and you can pair up the traction or extender device for the next 4 to 10 hours to maximize the elongation efficiency. Barbaric? In a natural sense, yes, since we are challenging against our own DNA codes by hijacking it. If this is barbaric, it will apply the same for those who undergoes bodybuilding to hijack their bodies to go beyond the natural size their bodies meant to conform within. Same for athletes trying to hijack their bodies to obtain peak performances going beyond their body potentials. Just something to think about.

How much benefit is there?
If you want to gain, be a little or a lot, in length to satisfy your lady(-ies), that is the main benefits. Aside from that, confidence booster, refocus of ADHD/mental un-focus, behavioral reprogramming, and many others that I can list on and on. If you pleasure yourself, you are doing PE. PE keeps your sexual health and body health optimized. You'll be surprised there are many correlations to PE and human health.

How much tension is put on the skin when twist & stretching?
You build up level by level. Most starts around 2 to 3lbs of traction force for the first month. Try to pull your penis hard to feel the dull tug, below the uncomfortable pain level, and that is around 3lbs. 5lbs is when you reach that slight pain. The initial gaining is just below the slight pain. As you go, the traction force increases. No need to be in a hurry to pull your penis to the point of crying. Just enough to achieve the feels of the full penile body and the base of the penis reach tiredness/fatigue.

If the penis is been stretched in multiple angles is there a need to twist?
Yes. Twisting allows you to break the tough internal tissues and collagen bonds from your epidermal and dermal layers for new extended bonds and repair. Cells repair, reform, and duplicate for new growths. Twisting in a bundled stretches maximize the process. It's like cracking your knuckles or stretching your limbs in odd angles to stretch the muscle tissues and ligaments to prevent injuries during health routines.

With the LengthMaster clamping down on the shaft, does the skin get pinched?
Yes, it can by default. No one penis with match the LengthMaster, or any devices. This is why you perform your own mods to fit your needs. We have plenty of those instructions. When you wrap properly, there is no pinch, slip, or pain from the plates. It takes a bit of a learning curve to get it just right. This is why we are here to help. We all have different penises, and we have variable approaches for all kind of penises.

Understanding everyone feels tension in their way, can you give some scale of minimal tension up to max tension to use including hanging please?
Minimum traction force should start out at 2lbs. In 20 minutes, you'll feel a slight fatigue, just like the traction device after 2 hours at 1.2kg. But you will feel it withon 20 minutes using the routine.

Every week, if you want to measure the weight of traction, you can add 0.5lbs to the initial 2lbs of weight to feel. Stay within the 0.5lbs per 1 to 2 weeks. You add too much traction force, your body will develop denser tissues to combat the higher weight. Once you hit around 5lbs of traction force, initiate dynamic tension between 3.5lbs to 5lbs, creep up to 5.5lbs for a few minutes, and back down to 3.5lbs to 5lbs for a few weeks. This is to extend the amount of optimal growth at lower weights. When you don't feel the fatigues even after 20 to 30 minutes at the lowe weight, you can increase upward about 0.5lbs.

Humbley appoligic if the above has been covered before but I've had a desent look around before this.
Greatfull for the knowledge you pass on..
We are here to pass on the knowledge. Ask questions and never be afraid of asking the strangest questions that come to your mind.
Never cease in asking questions and do researches before buying or investing in anything. We are here to support your endeavors.

LengthMaster expedite the amount of tension force being used on a penis. Traction and extender devices provide lower traction tensions, but you have to use the traction devices over a very, very, very long period of time. LengthMaster pushes the tissues to be primed for elongation within 20 minutes, and you can pair up the traction or extender device for the next 4 to 10 hours to maximize the elongation efficiency. Barbaric? In a natural sense, yes, since we are challenging against our own DNA codes by hijacking it. If this is barbaric, it will apply the same for those who undergoes bodybuilding to hijack their bodies to go beyond the natural size their bodies meant to conform within. Same for athletes trying to hijack their bodies to obtain peak performances going beyond their body potentials. Just something to think about.

If you want to gain, be a little or a lot, in length to satisfy your lady(-ies), that is the main benefits. Aside from that, confidence booster, refocus of ADHD/mental un-focus, behavioral reprogramming, and many others that I can list on and on. If you pleasure yourself, you are doing PE. PE keeps your sexual health and body health optimized. You'll be surprised there are many correlations to PE and human health.

You build up level by level. Most starts around 2 to 3lbs of traction force for the first month. Try to pull your penis hard to feel the dull tug, below the uncomfortable pain level, and that is around 3lbs. 5lbs is when you reach that slight pain. The initial gaining is just below the slight pain. As you go, the traction force increases. No need to be in a hurry to pull your penis to the point of crying. Just enough to achieve the feels of the full penile body and the base of the penis reach tiredness/fatigue.

Yes. Twisting allows you to break the tough internal tissues and collagen bonds from your epidermal and dermal layers for new extended bonds and repair. Cells repair, reform, and duplicate for new growths. Twisting in a bundled stretches maximize the process. It's like cracking your knuckles or stretching your limbs in odd angles to stretch the muscle tissues and ligaments to prevent injuries during health routines.

Yes, it can by default. No one penis with match the LengthMaster, or any devices. This is why you perform your own mods to fit your needs. We have plenty of those instructions. When you wrap properly, there is no pinch, slip, or pain from the plates. It takes a bit of a learning curve to get it just right. This is why we are here to help. We all have different penises, and we have variable approaches for all kind of penises.

Minimum traction force should start out at 2lbs. In 20 minutes, you'll feel a slight fatigue, just like the traction device after 2 hours at 1.2kg. But you will feel it withon 20 minutes using the routine.

Every week, if you want to measure the weight of traction, you can add 0.5lbs to the initial 2lbs of weight to feel. Stay within the 0.5lbs per 1 to 2 weeks. You add too much traction force, your body will develop denser tissues to combat the higher weight. Once you hit around 5lbs of traction force, initiate dynamic tension between 3.5lbs to 5lbs, creep up to 5.5lbs for a few minutes, and back down to 3.5lbs to 5lbs for a few weeks. This is to extend the amount of optimal growth at lower weights. When you don't feel the fatigues even after 20 to 30 minutes at the lowe weight, you can increase upward about 0.5lbs.

We are here to pass on the knowledge. Ask questions and never be afraid of asking the strangest questions that come to your mind.
Hi oldandlively, thanks very much for the detailed reply, I'm not new to I prefer to say penis enhancement & tired alot of money & energy into it.
Appoligies for the use of the ternlm 'barbaric twisting', it was what came to mind at the time & may be I should've used a better term.

I'm going to go with the LengthMaster as I've found & tried out a second hand one close to me for sale on a Body dysmorphic disorder page. He had a small bag scale hooked up to it so he could get a better idea of the tension he was using.
I didnt feel any real tention in eather side - up - down & stright out pulls untill I got to 5kg's approx 10lb. Tried the 'barbaric twisting', thing & could barely get 180° twist with lots of stress on the skin, & my eyes almost popping out. I never knew my penis could do that.As an all day streacher I'm thinking a silisleeve, unless there is something better out there that holds its form & stays strong for longer. Stealth corkscrew ADS may be an option it has the weight factor as well. Strings & loops to the lower leg, don't seem to work on me. When I sit there's no tention. When I forget about it get up it feels like I'm being hund upside down by the penis & takes my breath away every time to a point where it's noticeable to others.
If I'm remembering correctly, I think I read on this forum some where there is a video package that can be purchased. May be that will answer alot of how to & why questions for me so I bother the least amount of people with small questions.
I'm going to go with the LengthMaster as I've found & tried out a second hand one close to me for sale on a Body dysmorphic disorder page. He had a small bag scale hooked up to it so he could get a better idea of the tension he was using.
There is a small learning curve to the LengthMaster, but it's a very dynamic tool to cover more than enough routines. I have yet to figure out the ending point for the tool in generating the most efficient and effective routines for myself, base on the base routines provided by DLD and the brothers.

I didnt feel any real tention in eather side - up - down & stright out pulls untill I got to 5kg's approx 10lb. Tried the 'barbaric twisting', thing & could barely get 180° twist with lots of stress on the skin, & my eyes almost popping out. I never knew my penis could do that.
The funny thing about what our penis can do, as you go further into the routines with the LM, you'll be more shocked than surprised. Currently, when I strap the LM to the base of my penis, I'm doing 720 degrees twist either side, a still have enough room for another 180. As your tissues slowly become more elastic, your bundled twisting will become more aggressive and advanced for optimal growth phases. The most efficient way is to break those dense tissues apart for growth maximization even at lower weights. But at around 5kg, that is very impressive. Sounds like your internal tissues are very dense. This causes slower growth overall. Using the Power Assist handle and the Length hanger plates, you'll get the benefits that the other devices lack. As I indicated in other posts, I already invested $4k of tools, and so far, LM beats them all. I'm very curious about the newer techs, like the $20k machine, and the shockwave therapy. However, those machines are way too rich for any brothers here.

As an all day streacher I'm thinking a silisleeve, unless there is something better out there that holds its form & stays strong for longer. Stealth corkscrew ADS may be an option it has the weight factor as well. Strings & loops to the lower leg, don't seem to work on me. When I sit there's no tention. When I forget about it get up it feels like I'm being hund upside down by the penis & takes my breath away every time to a point where it's noticeable to others.
This is where you must investigate for yourself. Each system will have their positives and negatives. Brother @trustr1 and I are going through our in-between-growth phases, and the SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger is either too small or too large. Just like any other system, we are finding ways to cope using a bit of modding to accommodate our needs. All systems need modding from their base forms, unfortunately. The most effective pull is downwards, not by gravity weight. But using the LM, you can. Just wrap or go passive with a penis sleeve and partial wrapping to minimize the amount of space needed. Wrapping/sleeving is just as effective in promotion elongation during healing.

If I'm remembering correctly, I think I read on this forum some where there is a video package that can be purchased. May be that will answer alot of how to & why questions for me so I bother the least amount of people with small questions.
As for the video package, I believe it was a DVD. However, those videos are now shared to the brotherhood as part of the PE resources. I may be wrong. Coaching service, like our brother @huge-girth, will lead you in a more methodical approach rather trials and errors on your own. Otherwise, by creating a log page for routine and progress for yourself, we monitor and provide info based on evaluating data you post to direct you better. This is what this brotherhood is about.
There is a small learning curve to the LengthMaster, but it's a very dynamic tool to cover more than enough routines. I have yet to figure out the ending point for the tool in generating the most efficient and effective routines for myself, base on the base routines provided by DLD and the brothers.

The funny thing about what our penis can do, as you go further into the routines with the LM, you'll be more shocked than surprised. Currently, when I strap the LM to the base of my penis, I'm doing 720 degrees twist either side, a still have enough room for another 180. As your tissues slowly become more elastic, your bundled twisting will become more aggressive and advanced for optimal growth phases. The most efficient way is to break those dense tissues apart for growth maximization even at lower weights. But at around 5kg, that is very impressive. Sounds like your internal tissues are very dense. This causes slower growth overall. Using the Power Assist handle and the Length hanger plates, you'll get the benefits that the other devices lack. As I indicated in other posts, I already invested $4k of tools, and so far, LM beats them all. I'm very curious about the newer techs, like the $20k machine, and the shockwave therapy. However, those machines are way too rich for any brothers here.

This is where you must investigate for yourself. Each system will have their positives and negatives. Brother @trustr1 and I are going through our in-between-growth phases, and the SiliStretcher is either too small or too large. Just like any other system, we are finding ways to cope using a bit of modding to accommodate our needs. All systems need modding from their base forms, unfortunately. The most effective pull is downwards, not by gravity weight. But using the LM, you can. Just wrap or go passive with a penis sleeve and partial wrapping to minimize the amount of space needed. Wrapping/sleeving is just as effective in promotion elongation during healing.

As for the video package, I believe it was a DVD. However, those videos are now shared to the brotherhood as part of the PE resources. I may be wrong. Coaching service, like our brother @huge-girth, will lead you in a more methodical approach rather trials and errors on your own. Otherwise, by creating a log page for routine and progress for yourself, we monitor and provide info based on evaluating data you post to direct you better. This is what this brotherhood is about.
All awesome options
Sounds like your internal tissues are very dense. This causes slower growth overall.
Ohh man, I don't need my body to work against me because I might have dense tissue. The 5kg's isn't me been in a hurry any lighter tension dosn't feel like I'm trying to do anything & just going through the motions.
i hope I'm not reading what youtlr putting down correctly & the best way to improve the dense tissue is to do that barbaric twisting thing.
The amount of torque on my from the lengthmaster when I bend to the side is amazing. Will there be any groth in the area where the LM clamps down & all the way to the head? I did notice the edges of the clamp pinched & irritated me I'm thinking of shanfuring those edges to see if that will help. It may be because I'm only short at 5 & 3/4". The improvement I would like to make it to reduce the curve to the left mid way along the shaft..
To be able to do two full rotations & another 180 is impressive, is that because of your length or your tissue make up?
Please keep yourself to the the forum (Phallosan Forte Forum).
This thread is in the wrong forum.
I'm moving it to, Penis Enlargement Forum because it's about many different things.
The redirect expires after: 7 days.
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Ohh man, I don't need my body to work against me because I might have dense tissue. The 5kg's isn't me been in a hurry any lighter tension dosn't feel like I'm trying to do anything & just going through the motions.
i hope I'm not reading what youtlr putting down correctly & the best way to improve the dense tissue is to do that barbaric twisting thing.
Your body will always work against you in some form to preserve itself from overworking, or over growing. But to exceed the set growth potential, you just have to go that extra step of pushing it above its limits.

The amount of torque on my from the lengthmaster when I bend to the side is amazing. Will there be any groth in the area where the LM clamps down & all the way to the head?
Yes, and yes. The areas where the torquing are being done will get most of the growth. This is why there are routines to be incorporated with the LM, such as Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ) to work on the area being strapped down by the plates. That area is still being affected by the stretches and torquing but only at 70%. You want that remaining 30% using the SSJ routine for 5 to 15 minutes.

I did notice the edges of the clamp pinched & irritated me I'm thinking of shanfuring those edges to see if that will help. It may be because I'm only short at 5 & 3/4". The improvement I would like to make it to reduce the curve to the left mid way along the shaft..
This is why we mentioned about the mod earlier with a bit of self adding paddings using tapes. I use kinesiology sport tapes for higher traction and softer padding. I want to test out again by adding gel pads I have on standby. It might up the game for me in comforts. Also, make sure to look a the supporting wooden or metal cross piece for the LM upper plate. Breakage can occur if you over pressurize plates during screwing down.

To be able to do two full rotations & another 180 is impressive, is that because of your length or your tissue make up?
Both. My length now is ~6.65in from 6in about 7 months ago. I could only twist 1.5 rotations back then. Once my tissues soften and become more malleable, I went past 2 full rotations. Now, I'm going past 2.5 full rotations. Malleability is a sign that your penis is being receptive to expansion and elongation. Your penis will work with you by applying proper torque/twisting to soften up the tissues. The routines called it cranking. This is critical to get the tissues to work in your favor during growth phases.
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