You can wear your cock ring throughout the day. Just be sure to take of every hour to take off and introduce fresh blood and to readjust penis ring
@DLD we trust you everytime. Kinggg👍💪
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No stick to 10 minutes.
Cutting off blood for to long and you risk developing Deep Vain Thrombosis (you don't know if you have it). Old blood will clump together, and form blood clots, these blood clots can dislodge and travel to your brain, heart lungs, where your veins are smaller, and this will create problems in your future.
Do you know anyone this has actually happened to with PE?
Do you know anyone this has actually happened to with PE?
Yes. They don't report here doesn't mean medical cases don't surface.

An example of a penile thrombosis case among many other cases not studied and published:

Most people coming into the emergency rooms or clinics hid the facts that the traumas caused by overzealous and extreme PE without cautions ended up as "uncertainty cases" or "misdiagnosed cases". Months to years later, the cases surfaces as extreme PE related.
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