I'm quitting social media to have more time in my life. MOS is the only "social media" I'm going to consume.


Jan 6, 2023
Oh! I’m sorry this post is all over the place, I hope you could find any RED thread in it. If you even want to read it, it’s long.
I hope you could get some insights from this. It covers: time optimization, negative energy (abusive family members), social media, some neuroscience, DIGITAL DEMENTIA, some personal stuff and life goals.

As the title indicates, I'm quitting social media (Facebook, Instagram, Quora, �other PE site�, Twitter... and others), I don't need it right now in my life. It has been a big distraction in my life from the start. I remember when I was young, and we had a list of all the phone-numbers besides the phone. The results of this were that I could remember multiple numbers in my head. I can't do this any longer. Since my brain do not need to remember this, I think my brain disconnect this entirely. I can't either remember my own number (I have a new number).

So, the conclusion of this is that I need to let my brain work as it was designed to work. We are designed to live in the present moment, and not in a virtual world on our phone (social media...). I think social media warp our sense of what is important for us (our reality).
I get no new connections (important connections with people) through social media, maybe but mostly it's people who wants to use me for something, or scammers. I got for example, an opportunity to represent a nutritional (dietary supplements) company.
But if I want to be honest, I don’t want to represent something I do not believe in. It was a page on Instagram, and If you go on there you see all these people posing in front of this company products. Maybe this was an opportunity for me to get into the “fitness influencer business”. But I find all those people so fake. I think these people are like Muppets.

  • Can they even tell their followers, this dietary supplement is garbage, it does not do anything? I don’t think so. This world is so fake to me (Social Media). You see all these skinny ass drugged up teenagers, lifting over 300 kg for reps in deadlift. It took me 17 years to lift 250 kg one rep, at a time. How are this possible. There is so many of them also. It’s not possible if you are natural, and with their light body weight, it should not be possible. I'm so sick of the fake reality social media brings. So, I'm quitting everything.
I have realized that social media mostly fills my mind with useless information. Sometimes I find something good, but that's not most times.

What you need to know is that they have designed the social media platforms, in a way that it functions like as a slot machine at a casino. They want maximum stimulation of your brain, so you are going to continue scrolling for hours.
This happens when you scroll in your news feed (For example on Facebook): Your brain, i.e., you need to decide, if that you are looking at is interesting/"important" or not, that is: - Should you stay on this post and read more, or should you keep scrolling to find something more interesting? This decision drains your brain on energy (life energy), that is: neurotransmitters (substances/compounds in your brain).
If you don't know what neurotransmitters is? You can put it simply as; Chemicals/compounds in your brain that have the function to transfer nerve signals (at the nerve endings <=> Synapses), between nerve cells. Many nerve cells are tied together in your brain and in your entire body. The myth that you only use 10% of your brain’s capacity is wrong. You use your entire brains capacity/capability all the time.

More explanation: For nerve signals in the brain to be transferred, the signal needs to transfer through multiple nerve cells, and this transfer is dependent on neurotransmitters in order to "jump" from nerve cell to nerve cell.
In some dementia the myelin sheath is damage which makes the nerve signal transfer much slower. That's why you see people with dementia move and think so slow (you need to wait for them to think and move). I don't know why I'm describing this (with dementia), I suppose it could be interesting in relation to the title of this post/thread. That is: To much stimulation of your brain can impact your ability to do other important things in life.

I don't think many of you are playing video games, but maybe. But this is another example (also watching TV) of an activity that drains your brain of energy (neurotransmitter substances). This is not good, if you want to focus on more important things in life.
I feel since I have started with PE (Penis Enlargement), I have revaluating what is important in my life. I think the way PE did this for me, in the way that PE forced me to re-evaluate what I did during my days. Not just the big things like, going to school and going to work, but on the tiny details that make my life/everyday life work.

Explanation about this picture:
To the left in this picture you see a representation of a nerve cell, the long thing that's called Axon, is where the nerve signal are transferred to the next nerve cell, the transference of the signals happens in the, Synaptic terminals. At this point the different kind of neurotransmitter substances are used in order to transfer the signal to the next nerve cells, at Dendritic branches. The green thing in the picture is a new nerve cell. Nerve cells are bundled up in this way in our brain and our body. The axons can be pretty long sometimes the axons in a nerve cell can be as long as, 3 feet (between your brain and body). So imagine if you have drained your brain from neurotransmitter chemicals with social media overstimulation, and now you are trying to read a book. It's not so strange that this is hard now.
I don't know why I'm describing this for you guys, but this forum is called Deep Thoughts Forum so I suppose it's for deep thoughts like this.
I know this is probably a time waste for me, but I hope some of you would find this kind of information interesting. This is how my brain works!

I’m studying alongside of doing PE. I also had a routine where I was going to the gym (before I discovered PE), like 2-3 times per week for 17 years. But this gym going, was halted with the start of my penis enlargement journey, for that reason I needed to set aside 1 hour and 40 minutes to do my penis enlargement routines every day to make it work. I have tendency to get obsessions over things (also hyperfocus <=> intense focus on things).
So, I think some restructure of my life is good from time to time.

This post is an example for obsession/hyperfocus. I’m thinking of something I want to share with the brotherhood (I hope it will help someone as well?), and I must share it, even when I probably should do something else with my time (studying to a test, going to the gym).

But I really like to hang here on MOS, it gets me into the mindset that I have a major goal in my life, and this goal is to have a big penis. Also, don’t follow what other people are doing, do what you want to do in life, it’s your life. This relates to the cut-of from my destructive family. I'm now on the outside of this abusive and destructiveness, and I finally for the first time in your life feel happy. No one more that drains your energy with negativity and self-limiting beliefs, I can do anything I want in life. I do not need permission, to do what I want to do in life. The only one that determine my destiny are myself, no one is going to tell me what I can and can’t do. Life finally feels good.

My goal doing PE:
My penis should be so big, that the next women I'm with (living a solitude life now), are going to "gape in surprise" when I remove my pants. This is the goal. I will then not be second guessing myself, if I have a big or small penis. I want to be the biggest she has ever seen. Since a normal (most men) have a penis between 5.1 and 5.5 inches (12.95-13.97 cm) in BPEL, AND 4.59” in EG.
I want to be the biggest she has ever felt and seen, and most importantly it should feel the best. Not too big, just perfect. A plus here would be if I could make her squirt, without using my tongue/mouth and fingers. There of the choice of my username @squirt_inducer_man
- I wonder how long and thick my penis needs to be to accomplish this? Is the “golden ratio” (BPEL: 8”; EG: 6”) enough for this? I think I was close one time with my "tiny" penis, but the woman didn’t want to let go, and she made me stop. I’m 100% sure if I had continued she was going to squirt. She said it felt strange!?

My realization after thinking about life optimization:

I do not get anything from social media anymore, it’s such a time-wasting pursuit. I'm only getting distracted from that. And I feel the energy there tend to be to the negative side, which I do not like at all.

There is a thing called digital dementia. It's a dementia similar state that people get. I do not have it, but I feel distracted from smartphone usage. Digital dementia happens due to overuse of digital tools like, Laptops, Phones, most importantly I think social media can induce this state.
Digital Dementia: Your mind gets distracted and unfocused due to overuse of technology. With technology you are learning your brain to always be and stay distracted. With a simple notification sound from your phone, you can destroy your focus. So, it’s important in how we are using our brain, and what information we are letting in. All this are impacting our brain, and how it functions. With overuse of technology, you start to have a hard time to focus and using your long-term memory.

You can read more about it here (Digital Dementia), I have a folder on Google Drive where I have some more information about digital dementia.
Digital Dementia - Google Drive

My conclusion is after this long and maybe fragmented post (I hope it was okay to read):
- Quit all social media accounts, all besides MOS (mattersofsize.com), and also look after a solution to get a more old-style phone to reduce my exposure to non-useful information. I want a crappy phone, where I can’t do much, besides taking phone calls and send some short SMS. People should have a hard time to contact me, if they do not have my phone number, and for that they need to meet me in the real life. This connects to my ability to protect myself, from my destructive and abusive family.

By the way: I don’t see MOS as a social media platform either.
I see MOS more as the family I never had.

Take care brothers!
You need to tell me if this was useful at all 🤔💭
(Post edited due to, error in sentence structure, and spell check).
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Indeed, The Matrix is real.
Dude I Hate Biden but no Matt what I do that is all I see
Mos is in the position it is because of his policies. The matrix is evil and we have to sit back and accept it. When Trump was in we were doing great now we struggle
So MOS have it harder now with Biden. That sucks... That's not so far fetch to understand, can't understand how they can put a man with dementia in power. I don't live in USA but watch the news sometimes.

When I was outside (didn't know about it) of MOS, It felt like I was stuck in the matrix. It was really hard for me to find MOS, and find out the truth.
I knew the Phallosan forte existed, and also Bathmate pumps...and I thought, it have to bee something else out there...I NEEDED THE TRUTH...and then I found MOS.

It's like a drapery in front of MOS and you need to get out of the Matrix to find it.
Most sites out there talks about the impossibility of increasing your penis size...why is that? if that's not the truth. Someting has to be going on to suppress, and/or not to show some information.
So MOS have it harder now with Biden. That sucks... That's not so far fetch to understand, can't understand how they can put a man with dementia in power. I don't live in USA but watch the news sometimes.

When I was outside (didn't know about it) of MOS, It felt like I was stuck in the matrix. It was really hard for me to find MOS, and find out the truth.
I knew the Phallosan forte existed, and also Bathmate pumps...and I thought, it have to bee something else out there...I NEEDED THE TRUTH...and then I found MOS.

It's like a drapery in front of MOS and you need to get out of the Matrix to find it.
Most sites out there talks about the impossibility of increasing your penis size...why is that? if that's not the truth. Someting has to be going on to suppress, and/or not to show some information.

Right? I feel the same way man. With so many men mentioning their individual experience, growth has to be true. But hey, if those fools are unwilling to believe because they don't try, then that's their loss. Makes the competition easier since they completely took themselves outta the. running =D
Right? I feel the same way man. With so many men mentioning their individual experience, growth has to be true. But hey, if those fools are unwilling to believe because they don't try, then that's their loss. Makes the competition easier since they completely took themselves outta the. running =D
I don't believe they are fools. I believe if you are not dedicated to find out the possibilities of PE, you will not find out what's possible. Most men like me, before finding out about MOS, do not even know MOS exists.
I'm talking about people who come to conclusions too fast and instead of hunt for the truth, they would deny that PE is even true. They'll just say it doesn't exist and move on even when proof is all around them. (Not even MOS) There's plenty other sites claiming PE works, plenty other people who share their experience elsewhere, and to not believe em... hmmm
Yes indeed some people can't see outside "the box".

One example of this:
You can't get big arms if you do not do biceps curls. Many people do believe this without any questions. But static holds/picking up something heavy, in movements like deadlift will produce incredible arm strength, and they will grow big. Heavy Deadlift, Rack-pull will do this, even picking up heavy balls. But they are stuck in their paradigm, and can't escape.

The results of this is guys that goes to the gym, and want to maximize muscle mass growth (to the max) and they do not increase it, and a couple of years goes by, and they are still at the same level...it's sad. Everyone have different goals at the gym (and in life), but if you want to maximize skeletal muscle mass, and are stuck in the paradigm that you need dumbell curls in order to do that...you are not open to new idea's. Many people have snapped of their muscle attachments in this belief.

It's like, I'm new at MOS but I think I know everything already. You would never learn and evolve. You learn every day. You need humility!

But I do not judge people just trying to do my best here in life, and help so many people as I can on my journey. Be kind and supportive to others. We are in this together, i.e. life.

Take care.

I'm at least happy I discovered penis enlargement, and I'm thankful that @DLD have kept MOS alive for as long as he has. Forever thankful for this man.

Take care brother, and all the brothers that read this.
Right? I feel the same way man. With so many men mentioning their individual experience, growth has to be true. But hey, if those fools are unwilling to believe because they don't try, then that's their loss. Makes the competition easier since they completely took themselves outta the. running =D

Exactly! If you want this you need to want it badly enough to do the work
@squirt_inducer_man I was also looking at his stats and was thinking how crazy it's been that he still keeps up with all of it. I am also very grateful. Thx @DLD

and I do like ur perspective, non-judgement is def the way to go. I find when I get frustrated and patience is out the window, I get a bit crass. Peace my man, and I really hope you achieve your goals
@squirt_inducer_man I was also looking at his stats and was thinking how crazy it's been that he still keeps up with all of it. I am also very grateful. Thx @DLD

and I do like ur perspective, non-judgement is def the way to go. I find when I get frustrated and patience is out the window, I get a bit crass. Peace my man, and I really hope you achieve your goals
Yeah! Thanks. I hope you find your way as well (archive your goals).
yeah, I got the snap measure tape coming, once that comes in I'll prolly do a bi weekly reading and see how the measurements go
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