Recent content by Zone16

  1. Z

    VLC Tugger for SizeGenetics Ultimate Comfort with MOS Discount!

    How discreet is the packaging/label on this? I have to get my mail shipped to a P.O. box and I'd rather not get any odd looks from the old women behind the counter lol
  2. Z

    Observation with Bathmate/condom use

    Just a thought, would cutting the condom so only your head is exposed help target that area and quicken gains? I've been trying to find a way to expedite gains to the head of my penis and I might just have to buy a Bathmate now lol
  3. Z

    If MOS had it's own Extender what would you want to see happen...PLEASE CHIME IN

    Also maybe with all these "options" you could make it a sort of "Build Your Own Extender". Each person could choose from a set list of options for each part of the extender. I.E. Base, rods, head attachment etc. Just another idea, customization is always a plus for me when it comes to making...
  4. Z

    If MOS had it's own Extender what would you want to see happen...PLEASE CHIME IN

    Maybe options on base circumference? I would prefer one that I only put my penis through (which I assume would help prevent any kind of turkey neck) but some people may prefer a base like the HDSS that you put your whole unit through.
  5. Z

    Thinking about buying an extender.. Advise?

    Alrighty, thanks for the help. Hopefully I'll try to do 20+ mins of manuals before the extender, but I def plan to do some sort of stretching daily. Wish me luck!
  6. Z

    Thinking about buying an extender.. Advise?

    Thanks for the replies! I wouldn't be wearing it at work, my job is very physically demanding and i feel like even attempting to wear an extender at would could spell disaster for my parts.. I would be wearing it after work from about 7pm to midnight in my house along with manual stretching...
  7. Z

    Thinking about buying an extender.. Advise?

    Hi everyone, long time luker here. I've been Penis Enlargement'ing on and off for.. I don't even know, maybe 8 months now. (when I say on and off.. I mean mostly off) Even with my seldom serious stretching, I've managed to go from 7 3/4" bone pressed flaccid stretched to about 8.5" and bpel 6...
  8. Z

    Blue Whale's Ultimate Stretch

    Do we Do this stretch to both sides? (both right handed and left handed) or just to one side?
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