Recent content by thewalabe

  1. thewalabe

    Do you worry about the way you dress?

    Although the books are more general and perhaps not entirely useful on your site I think you - personally at least - would enjoy the Gentlemen series of books that are sold at Brooks Brothers. A lot of the things that you say, or that the image consultants say can also be found there. just an...
  2. thewalabe

    Historical Blunders

    Sorry if I'm being a jerk but has anyone studied history? We should be talking about the worst historical blunders in all of history not just the last two years. In 20, 50 maybe a hundred years people might be able to say that Iraq was a big deal, maybe its because women are wearing "I Heart...
  3. thewalabe

    What you didn't know about the dollar

    I'm just curious. What exactly are you trying to say in this? I understand the influence part you're trying to talk about but nothing else.
  4. thewalabe

    What you didn't know about the dollar

    I think its pretty hilarious that you keep refering to them as Arabs in caves. I'll bite on your norad documentation. I look around on google for a little while and I'm guessing you're going to cite reports from the 9/11 commission. I looked at them briefly and the explanation does seem...
  5. thewalabe

    What you didn't know about the dollar

    Hey, I'm not really making any comparisons here. I'm just pointing out the simple fact that things aren't always as they seem or as they're explained. Any inteligent american should dispise moore. I'll admit that I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist myself but I find it almost impossible to...
  6. thewalabe

    What you didn't know about the dollar

    New world order? Oil, dollar and war conspiracy? It seems to me that a few to many of our members have been watching a few too many michael moore "documentaries."
  7. thewalabe

    Three Soft weeks and half an inch in length? Wow!

    No wonder sex has just been better and better. I decided to measure up again a few days ago and I've already gained half an inch in length. I'm a little bit over 7.25. Screw any disbelievers because this shit works. I haven't even been stretching that hard or that long a day. I'm on a...
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