Recent content by liquid2k9

  1. L

    Question about cementing gain

    By the way, do you have a warm up routine you can suggest?
  2. L

    Question about cementing gain

    Great pointers! Thanks so much! I went into it hardcore, but my EQ has been a lot better then it was before using the device. It seems healthier, if that makes sense. Maybe I need to warm up as you suggested, I hope this helps out. Thanks for all of your help!
  3. L

    Question about cementing gain

    Thanks for the feedback...One more question, I notice at times I am not able to stretch as far as the day before, I am attributing this to stress, but I want to make sure I am not over doing anythingin that the decreased stretch is not due to me over working it. I try to do around 6-8 hours a...
  4. L

    Question about cementing gain

    I have been using the sizegenetics for about 3 weeks now. I noticed at first there was a great deal of pain from the stretching, just this week that pain has gone away. When first using it, does it hurt, then your body gets use to it? Second question, I noticed many people saying that they...
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