Recent content by IWantMine9

  1. I

    2 Weeks into Newbie Routine - Questions and observations

    Wow! These past few days have been a real learning experience for me. About 36 hours ago, I was becoming a little concerned about my erection quality. I have been doing some very intense stretching after wrapping for a while with the rice sock. I decided to take it easy for a day to see what...
  2. I

    how do you make a rice sock?

    Yeah. I've been using the rice sock anywhere from 6-8 times a day. It's amazing how intense a stretch you get after wrapping. It really is so important not to skip that step. Was it battery powered? ;) That'd actually be pretty kick ass to wear something like that all day.
  3. I

    how do you make a rice sock?

    Nice! I've been using this all afternoon. I wish I could keep my junk in this heated state all the time. hehe Feels awesome!
  4. I

    how do you make a rice sock?

    Wow! This is awesome! Best warm up idea ever! How long can you keep heating these things before you have to replace the rice?
  5. I

    2 Weeks into Newbie Routine - Questions and observations

    Great news! I just measured an increase of .5 inches in my BPenis EnlargementL. This is after just two weeks of effort. It goes to show you how hard work usually pays off. Believe all fellow newbies! Keep your penis in a stretched state, either length or width, for as long as possible...
  6. I

    2 Weeks into Newbie Routine - Questions and observations

    OK. I've been doing the newbie routine for roughly two weeks now. I've done some reading on these forums and the general idea for both length and girth work is keeping the penis in an extended state for as long as possible. So yesterday I wanted to try stop with the half measures and see...
  7. I

    Just started and have some questions...

    That would be an interesting read DLD. Thanks!
  8. I

    Just started and have some questions...

    I'm sure this is a "no shit" discovery, but this simple fact is exciting for me. From the Wikipedia article on ligaments. "Ligaments are elastic; when under tension, they gradually lengthen, unlike tendons which are inelastic." It makes me curious about the properties of the specific...
  9. I

    Just started and have some questions...

    Wow! I just got stretching for a while and damn does it feel good!!! I really feel like I'm doing something positive to my penis. I almost feel like even if I didn't gain one bit ever this would be worth doing. I feel my libido rising. I feel a good burn in my groin. It's almost like my cock...
  10. I

    Just started and have some questions...

    Is there any consensus on good signs of progress or what you should be feeling? Soreness, etc? I'd like to have some feeling to shoot for so I know that I'm on the right track. Otherwise I'm just stumbling in the dark here right?
  11. I

    Just started and have some questions...

    Thanks for your reply BTW TheStick! It's comforting knowing that we're all here to help each other.
  12. I

    Just started and have some questions...

    Have either of you, or anybody for that matter, had lig pops that sounded like a rip or crunch? Like I said, it wasn't painful, just a bit scary. I'm really committed to doing this everyday. I guess I'm just trying to get a feel for and info on the process. Also, when I'm stretching what am I...
  13. I

    Just started and have some questions...

    OK. Right now I'm just doing stretches because for now I'm comfortable with my girth. I'm trying to be committed to a program, but I need the experience of all of you to answer these questions. When I'm stretching how much force should I use? I read in the "Newbie Routine Tutorial" that at...
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