Recent content by Girthtacular

  1. G

    Jelqing machine?

    you would be better off finding a heavy duty canning tong and trying to modify some sort of rollers on it. would probably be cheaper too. the problem is that these aren't really made to exert much force, so the joint is typically quite weak. with some machine shop experience, you could...
  2. G

    Hiding and extra inch+ this whole time..Now what do I do??

    Think of it like a math equation. total length(BPenis EnlargementL) = total visible length(NBPenis EnlargementL) + fat pad thickness so if your BPenis EnlargementL is constant, the only way to increase your NBPenis EnlargementL is to reduce the fat pad thickness. There are limits on how much...
  3. G


    are you taking medications for anything?
  4. G

    Girlfriends pussy is waaay too tight.

    The pain could also be partly due to her state of mind. Try to find a way to make sure she is relaxed and comfortable. If you two just started dating, she may still feel anxious about sex (even if she says otherwise, people in general can be quite neurotic). More extensive foreplay (not...
  5. G

    Question on girth and relation with weight?

    First off, you can feel the skin on your penis and see how thin it is. the skin on your dick doesnt hold much fat at all, so any gains you could get from becoming overweight would be miniscule at best. As for losing weight increasing your NBPenis EnlargementL, there is no hard fast...
  6. G

    how to measure a curve , bend ?

    either use a stiff ruler and bend your penis straight (may only work if you have a slight curve), use a piece of string and measure that, or just get a cloth measuring tape that seamstress's use.
  7. G

    How to get over penis size?

    if you play the strict odds, chances of a girl ever coming in contact with a 9.5x7 dick is slim to nil, as that is fucking huge. overall, you just have to learn to let go of the things that you dont have control of. say she was with someone who had a monster dick, she is either no longer with...
  8. G

    New GF, new (very hard) goal. Many questions. Need help!

    Has she seen your dick and commented that it is smaller than he previous BF? Just because she says 9", it doesnt mean he actually had a 9" dick. Guys like to exaggerate, and girls generally dont pull out the ruler to verify, so they take his word for it.
  9. G


    I have always just used a cloth measuring tape: you can find them near all of the sewing supplies at target/walmart. cheap and works for both nbpel and girth measurements. I have a bit of an upward curve, but when I want to measure my...
  10. G

    Hooked up with her. Got her number. Want to fuck her, but how????

    If you keep looking for excuses not do something (like approach a girl at the bar, traveling a short distance to get some, or even procrastinate on a work/school project) you will ultimately keep finding them. At some point you have to just learn to step out of your self created bubble and try...
  11. G

    HCG for Weight Loss?

    Does anyone here have an experience in using HCG drops in combination of a very low calorie diet and seen positive results?
  12. G

    I loose weight !

    I am not sold on this. Honestly, the fact that they have no calories is what makes me wary of them, sort of the whole, "if they arent made up of calories, then what the hell are they made from?". Then again, I gave up drinking any soda since I am also skeptical about HFCS, and so far this...
  13. G

    Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle - Tips To Lose Fat

    losing weight is great, but it is a bittersweet feeling having to buy a whole new wardrobe because your work shirts are so baggy that it looks like a parachute is wrapped around you.
  14. G

    Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle - Tips To Lose Fat

    Also, switching to eating smaller meals, 5-6 times a day is a good way to not only lose weight but to also just feel healthier. by eating smaller meals, your body gets more accustom to not having so much food, so when you do go out and get fast food, you feel sick if you eat a huge portion. It...
  15. G

    I have reached around 180, could it be this Stretch ..?

    So it sounds similar to if you are standing, and pull the Bathmate away from your body at a pretty high angle (<45deg from the belly button), and I have noticed this to be a very intense stretch. The only problem I have run into is losing the seal. I am almost considering getting a X-40 (have...
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