Recent content by DantheMan2018

  1. DantheMan2018

    Ultrasound Penis Enlargement

    Will you be hanging? How long of a decon are you taking? I was on a long one too
  2. DantheMan2018

    Ultrasound Penis Enlargement

    What is your routine looking like?
  3. DantheMan2018

    Ultrasound Penis Enlargement

    I’m curious why you think it would cause ED? Reason I’m asking is because based on krypa’s log, the longer decon the better. I’m at 9 months decon. And, based on his findings it isn’t necessary about the weight but the heat therapy Also, did you end up getting a US machine? Looking forward to...
  4. DantheMan2018

    Ultrasound Therapy

    @Minceydice is still active on MOS he just hasn’t posted in his thread
  5. DantheMan2018

    Ultrasound Therapy

    @Minceydice any update with the ultrasound workouts?
  6. DantheMan2018

    Can someone recommend and ADS for me?

    I find the silisleeves way more comfortable and easier to put on than the ace. They're used to HEAL in an elongated state, nothing more. Good luck!
  7. DantheMan2018

    Silistretcher vs Phallosan Forte

    Awesome stuff. Can't wait to get my Silistretcher and scale in the mail!
  8. DantheMan2018

    Silistretcher vs Phallosan Forte

    As a daily user of PF for healing in stretched state, I too am making the switch to SS. Should be receiving mine any day now and will be using it as my daily extender using DLD's routine
  9. DantheMan2018

    Going from SG to Silistrercher

    Wow that's an awesome deal! So the scale is it with it? I don't have to purchase it separately?
  10. DantheMan2018

    Going from SG to Silistrercher

    Ya I'll definitely be picking one up. I like your routine with it because that's similar to my SG one. Although you'd be able to wear the Silisleeve much much longer without any pain! I'll probably do sets of 2 hours. 2 hours on right side, 2 on left etc with the vacuum piece it'll be painless...
  11. DantheMan2018

    Going from SG to Silistrercher

    Ok awesome. Because I know the SG has a max output of I think 1200grams
  12. DantheMan2018

    Going from SG to Silistrercher

    Hey guys, how would I translate the "intensity" or output of the SG in grams of force if I were to purchase the Silistretcher? If I wear my SG at pretty much full tension (0.5" beyond erect length) how would I do the same with the silistretcher? Is there a measuring tool that's comparable?
  13. DantheMan2018

    Welcome to MOS, DantheMan2018

    Thanks for the love DLD! Be sure to follow my routine!
  14. DantheMan2018

    Welcome to MOS, DantheMan2018

    thank you as always for the reply! :D
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