Recent content by 900lbdick

  1. 9

    Ball jelqs frustrating

    Pretty much this ^
  2. 9

    Ball jelqs frustrating

    I wanna do ball jelqs but its hard to do it because I can only jelq down like 2 centimeters before my balls start to get squished, and my sack doesn't hand low enough for me to even go a good distance so idk what to do :/
  3. 9

    Ball Jelqing

    Will grabbing behind the balls and jelqing up be the same as jelqing the scrotum directly? Cause mine doesn't stretch enough to do it like supra's method.
  4. 9

    Crazy video, real or fake?

    holy shit lol
  5. 9

    Hello from South Africa ....

    Same here, I started doing girth exercises and by the next week I could feel the difference in my hand, that's how I knew my dick reacted well to girth exercises. Now length on the other hand.. :(
  6. 9

    Hello from South Africa ....

    I think I found a potential friend @OP give it a try one time. Better to have tried than not tried at all
  7. 9

    How am I supposed to know if kegels work

    I don't get sore (idk if that's supposed to happen it IS a muscle), all I feel is the contractions and I guess I'm doing RKs right I don't even know. Its frustrating.
  8. 9

    Looking for answers!
  9. 9

    Looking for answers

    So, I've been following the stud maker drill and changed my whole perspective of masturbation. Now I can fap for at least an hour and I can ejac whenever I want just by thinking about it. The longest I've gone was 2 hours and 20 minutes but I stopped because it was boring and my wrist was...
  10. 9


    I wonder what drinks contain these amino acids that I can find at a corner store
  11. 9


    I'm changing my whole masturbation view. I'll masturbate, but I won't ejac until two months from now (1st time). Gonna try to prevent as much prem-e as possible
  12. 9

    Magnum Condoms

    Not making fun of it I'm surprised is all, and no because I'm on vacation
  13. 9


    I still need a kegel and RK routine ):
  14. 9


    I see a lot of exercises that says do kegels to let more blood flow into the penis, but I can only get a little to flow through, and I have to squeeze so hard for that that my whole body tenses up, which is no good. I can even hold a weak kegel for 2 seconds with out it dropping. This guy...
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