Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
Its here finally!!! :)

This is one of the most anticipated Penis Enlargement exercises in recent years here on MOS. I have had tons of e-mails and messages about this baby and rightfully so because THIS is going to make your cock W I D E R than anything else you have tried ... this is the BEST width exercise in the ENTIRE Penis Enlargement world ;)

Nothing is as effective or intense as this, NOTHING!

The name

Its called the Redz Frendo:The secret to Shorty Mac & Shane Diesel . Frendo is Latin for CRUSHER as this baby is a crusher, causeing width expansion like nothing else. Shorty Mac and Shane Diesel are both huge dicked �naked person� who are known for big girths, especially the WIDTH and these will grant you monster width aswell.

How they work

Redz Frendo's work different than everyother width exercise that existed before it. Its unique in how it goes about things. Let me explain how.

These are performed constricted and this can be with a cable clamp, hose clamp, string or whatever you like to use. Just so long as you can safely get it off afterwards. The reason it needs to be constricted, is to keep the penis fully engorged for the duration of the set which is vitally important to getting the massive expansion in width size aswell.

When the penis is clamped and the pieces of ''equipment'' placed onto the penis, it forces the top and the bottom of the penis into the centre towards oneanother. This creates a crushing effect like that seen in a vice but not as intense, we dont want it that intense :O ;)

So once the ''equipment'' has started to do its job as explained above, you will remain aroused and as erect as you can for the duration of the set which should be 15 minutes or more, depending on your experience. Very fresh guys should try 5-10 minutes and once the first set is done you can do anotherone. Total no more than 45 minutes, so someone like me advanced can get either x3 15 minute sets in or x2 20 minute sets in.

Its important to work towards at least 15 minutes because this is the MAGIC of the Frendo's .... as the penis is being pressed in towards itself, which alas makes it wider like we want, its being HELD in this state for the duration of the set which as I stated should be our aim of around 15 minutes. Its dureing this time, the extended state of the width to the penis that it will start to see changes in its size and in time this will become permanent.

When you do clamping work such as the standard constrictors otherwise known as clamped edgeing, you are holding the penis in its maximum erect state for a set amount of time whole you remain aroused. Dureing this extended time the penis is at a much more engorged and fuller size than usual and for longer, which is the VITAL point here ... its this EXTENDED time in the the most ENGORGED portion of the penises erection that starts to work its MAGIC ... this is what makes Frendo's DIFFERENT and unique, its like clamping but for width :)

The blood is sitting inside your chambers all this time while your aroused, fully erect and clamped at the base. While it sits waiting the pockets inside are being stretched and expanded to a size they have never been before, in our case widthways and its this over time that gives us that size in width ... this is how Frendo's work my brothers :)

How do I do them and what is this ''equipment''?

These are simple to perform, really they are but it make take a few tries to really get your form strict and know how much pressure to add.

Equipment needed :)

x1 medium sized cable clamp
x2 large sized cable clamps
x2 4 inches [L] X 2 1/2 inches [H] pieces of TILE

If you cant get clamps or dont use them than you can use alternatives.

The large clamps are for holding the tiles. Makesure you use a flat tile, you can get a piece cut to suit your needs. I would guess 4 inches length and 2 1/2 inches height would be fine for most guys, small > huge in size.

If you think you may need more or less than adjust as you see fit but really it shouldn't be a problem and hope it isnt.

Now all you need to do is get yourself into a standard constrictor otherwise known as clamped edgeing, just click a clamp around the base of your penis and get yourself aroused ... simple enough :)

With that done you will now need to leave a small space below the glans of the penis if your uncut like me, so you can masturbate as somestage to keep aroused. I like to rub the foreskin over the glans and keeps me going but you may have other ideas. For cut guys I dont know how you would keep youirself aroused, hope your okay with the setup.

So once you have the small space found about 1 inch beneath the bottom of the glans I want you to place one tile ontop and one tile beneath the penis and push them into oneanother, so they compress and literally crush the penis into itself .. sounds bad, its not :)

With this done you will have to grab one of the large clamps and clip it around the ends of the tiles. The large clamps will clamp around both tiles well on eachside so keeping the whole thing stable and supportive, plus you can quickly remove in an emergency.

It shouldnt be difficult to get that sorted but may take a few tries. Have faith and patience. Once that is done you will FEEL a large internal pressure inside your penis and this is because of the crushing force being exerted into it from the tiles as they want to 'hug' oneanother ;) It will be uncomfortable at first, perhaps slightly painful so do pay attention.

When everything has been attached in its place you can now sit back and enjoy. KEEP yourself aroused dureing the entire set as much as you can, keeping as much as the erection in as possible ... you dont want it to go semi or limp ... the more blood the better expansion and more width can be worked with.

This is why I suggest the 1 inch gap from the bottom of the glans, so you can masturbate and keep yourself going. Also doing kegels helps ALLOT with this exercise and you will literally feel the blood and muscle as it forces between the two tiles ... I think its an awesome sensation I really do.

You want to aim for 15-20 minutes NON-STOP in this thing, yes it sounds allot but if you read how it works you will understand why. Like extenders and how they work with extended time in the stretch position and likewise we need extended time in this width position.

If your newer or want to be careful than go for 5-10 minutes and test the water. No harm in that or doing 5 mins than 2 mins rest and repeating for a total of 20-45 minutes etc BUT your goal is to REACH 15-20 minutes and if you do oneday manage to even get to 30 mins non-stop than that is even better but its VERY ADVANCED indeed, so dont worry about that.

I highly recommend that a warm up and warm down are done with this method because of the huge amounts of blood your dealing with. It will make the session easier, more productive, less chance of injury, less chance of getting red spots and will help with the healing and circulation.

I've also drew an illustration and scanned it into the computer for upload here which will help understand how to perform the Frendo's.

Please let me know if you have anything to say about this and do try them. I would like several members to give these ago for 8-10 weeks and see how good they are.

UPDATE 21st October 2009[/U

You can if you prefer, use the hanger attachment that comes with the MOS Length Master and detach that from the LM and set it up in a manner that resembles the tiles in the diagram. Shouldnt be hard to understand.

I use this attachments and find it much easier and better than the tile method, simply easier but if you dont have it than the tiles will suffice.

Also a variation to the Frendo's is a downward bend while in the LM hanger attachment [Havent tried with the original setup but dont see why it wouldnt work] which will force the penis into a more wider shape.

Your sat down in a chair [I do these seated] and pull the attachment downwards, not too far but enough so the penis becomes horizontal or just below this.
You will notice a nice wider shape to the penis.

Hold these for several seconds and repeat for as often as you desire. Just something I found by trial & error.

Gives you a look while done, similer to the erect bends done over the wrist [Stillwantmore got some pix on here alongwith ItsElectric in clamping section as a guide check stickys] or the 'U' bend.

UPDATE: January 2012

Pictures from the member Hellboy demonstrating this exercise. Thanks Hellboy.



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You know RED, this could be done with the Length Master too. Everyone should buy a LENGTHMASTER so you can support me financially. When you get yours I would love to watch you try this. I'm a gay pervert by the way!
That would be great if this can be done in the Length Master or if it doesnt quite workout in the current model and enough members here try this exercise and report back positive feedback, than maybe in the future an attachment could be made for the LM for this to be done.

I would strongly advise everyone try this method out and really give it a try and in a few weeks you should see a drastic change in your girth width-wise.
Fantastic job, RED! This is a revolution-exercise for width. I know you have been talking about the importance of width, and it´s really a subject of Penis Enlargement that have not been explored much yet. I KNOW this exercise will work fantastic, because since (from inspiration fro your ATS rollers) I started to work on width, usin my both hands as a waffle jelquing down the shaft while light-clamped (using a fabric to clamp off), I started to get fast girth results.

This Frendo exercise is a awesome invention, and really new in many ways. Like a extreme-width-ADS (but for 15 min, not all day long!), and it incorporate the extender long time usage theory.
Gotta order myself some big clamps, and buy some tiles, and give theese a go!

It seems pretty intense thoug, what schedule/routine (day on/off) do you recommend me doing?
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Awesome to read your wanting to try these and I know you will see good things. The ATS rollers were good but they are not as powerful like these. They were more like a width-jelq if you will while these are as you say an ADS-type exercise for width working on that theory of time in the position we want to see growth.

Schedule is tricky for me to say as I have a much different approach to Penis Enlargement than many, not saying I'm always right ... its just my methods but with this exercise I would suggest a minimum of 1 day on 1 day off as your penis will be beat the nextday and it COULD happen that you might need to either skip a girth session or go lighter in a girth session for example if you doing jelqs, clamping, SSJs etc than this would interfere with them, not how they work and effectiveness but the quality of erection you'll get as the penis will be very tired the nextday.

Its entirely your choice. You could do these 5 on and 2 off and they work well for you. I think from what I remember reading you are quite advanced at Penis Enlargement? go with what feels right and what you like best.
Looks awesome, but cant you link a picture of the tile piece?
My tile is ceramic and just been cut from a larger piece. I didnt cut it for this specific exercise but found something that I could work with and it came to 4 x 2.5. We had some various sized pieces of tile around the garage that wasnt being used.

I would upload a shot of my piece but the phone keeps freezing when I want to do it, so I have instead uploaded a picture of a 6 x 2.5 tile which will give you an idea of what it should look like. This tile piece is metal and from the website and looks quite good and smooth finished.

When you buy a tile makesure its SMOOTH on the surface that will be pushing into you, for obvious reasons. In early days of testing this I did try wood but got small splinters in my dick, no joke either! hurt like a bitch when it got lodged into my glans OUCH.

If you guys cant find a 4 x 2.5 not to worry just grab the 6 x 2.5 piece because they are everywhere and try that out, should be fine.

Let me know how you get on.


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I wondering something Red. I have a pretty strong curve to the northwest and I was wondering if this would work well with a strong upward curve? Should I put the tile and clamps on when I'm 90% erect so that the curve isn't too strong?
I dont see a problem with that but you would have to try it yourself for comfort and let us know how it goes.
Will do mi amigo. I've been wanting to try something new for width anyhow. I should be able to get some large clamps next week. Then I'll let you know how it ends up.
Hey Red i think making with bibhanger here in brazil not having cable clamps. the pe develop mind...
I wanna read this but I hate scrolling through endless useless information. I wish these guys who write up articles, Redzule2003 and DLD, learn to properly write for the viewer and not for their egos.
Thanks Red, Gonna add this into the routine as soon as i get the supplies.
Grandejoe;345377 said:
Dont you have an alternative for the tile piece? :)

I dont no, but I'm sure you can think of something ;) possibly smooth wood ?:(
If anyone has questions or isnt sure on anything than please don't ask me. Feedback is very special, but I hate the endless repeated questions I can't my work is i;m answering questions all day.
This is not anything like I had imagined it might be. It will involve additional equipment (just the tiles, basically), and I'm trying to figure out exactly how I would work this in. As a result, I have nothing to report yet.

How have you gained from this exercise? Does it increase girth or does it "rearrange" the girth into more width and less depth?

Thanks for this and your other innovative work on NPenis Enlargement.
RED, I got the tiles but now I have some questions.

  • Did you get gains from this exercise? If so, how much?
  • Does the exercise increase girth or does it "rearrange" the volume you have into more width and less depth?
  • The tiles are 6-7 cm wide, and in your drawing it's clear that they only cover part of the penis, as you would expect. You say to spend 15-20 minutes non-stop in this thing. Is that all with the tiles in one place, or do you move them to different parts of the penis in the same workout? If you leave the tiles in one place for each training session, do you put them in a different place for each different session?
  • Did you have any problem with one part growing wider than the others?
No problems buddy :)


Q: Did I get gains from this?

A:Not yet because my routine is focused on length at the moment and I was testing these inbetween that, so didnt want to spend as much time like I would have liked.

I've noticed large temporary gains afterwards, which indicate to me that these will work very well indeed. My temp width went from 2.2 - 2 3/4 inches and more at the base.

However I have noticed recently my penis is thicker in width when I grip around it, so its very likely I have seen some growth from these as other girthwork hasnt been done.

This exercise needs more feedback on it and I'm very confident it will work great otherwise it wouldnt have made it on the forums ;)


Q: Does the exercise increase girth or does it "rearrange" the volume you have into more width and less depth?

A: This is a very good question. The Frendo's create new growth in the penis via new expansion being made permanent through width. I dont see them reduceing depth to the penis because the body adapts to this with additional growth where it needs it.

A good comparison would be stretching for length and thinking that it would make your girth become thinner. We all know it doesnt as the body adapts to this change with additional growth to the girth as it needs it for the new length, so everything is equal and balanced.

I think this is the case with the Frendo's that the body balances it out and as the width grows wider, than you will see that the depth hasnt reduced but possibly becomes that bit more deeper to compensate for the larger width, like the foundations of a building need to be stronger for a larger building ... I'm very confident these do not reduce depth but I can see why you would question this.


Q: The tiles are 6-7 cm wide, and in your drawing it's clear that they only cover part of the penis, as you would expect. You say to spend 15-20 minutes non-stop in this thing. Is that all with the tiles in one place, or do you move them to different parts of the penis in the same workout? If you leave the tiles in one place for each training session, do you put them in a different place for each different session?

A: The penis isnt covered fully by these and that wouldnt be a good idea at all as blood flow would be cut off badly. The 15-20 mins spent in this is a target time for users to aim for and not the starting time. I would estimate 5-10 mins for starters.

Yes that is with the tiles in the same place on the penis, not moved between sets or sessions, whatever you would like to call it.


Q:Did you have any problem with one part growing wider than the others?

A: Well I've not done these long enough to make that call, being honest here but from the temp results and the slight increase in my width which could be as a result from the Frendo's I have not uneven growth.

I will explain why I think uneven growth would be no problem with this exercise.

Upon execution of the exercise, you will notice the penis becomes wider and flatter from looking at it ... you will see the top and bottom portions below the tiles are also wider than normal and the area that is trapped will be aswell.

Now, when the Frendo's are doing their thing they are exerting a massive force of pressure throughout the penis which is kind of like a shockwave or wave in the water if you will :) as it 'vibrates' throughout the entire penis, or in our case the width ripples and expands from the epicentre, which is the tiles ... so width is expanded all around the penis and uneven growth should not be an issue.

If guys want to move the tiles around to different areas, than thats fine and another variation that could be used.

Men who have 9 inch and longer dicks may have to do that anyway because the ''ripple effect'' wouldnt be as strong, more area to cover and as the epicentre [tiles] has further to send for a longer man, it wont be as effective imo so bigger men over 9 inches I suggest getting slightly wider tiles.

Anymore questions or comments than feel free.
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