
Sep 17, 2011
Hello everybody first of all greetings to everyone and going straight to the point; I have been using only bathmate for almost 2 months, right now im max pressure with full erection and to not lose the erection i watch �naked people movies� while i do it.
But as far as i know theres nothing like jelqing and even better
Bathmate + jelqing its one of the best routines you can do and i remember reading on a forum that there is this bathmate advanced routine where you do 5 min bathmate + 5 min jelqing x3 sets all this giving you 30 min of workout.
Obviously this is a more advanced and not for beginner and i would like to add jelqing after bathmate in a month beginning with 10 minutes pumping and doing 5 min jelqing to see if i can without harm and eventually in one month progress get to the 5x5 x3sets.

The problem here is that I used to do a routine where you do one day jelqing + stretches and next day bathmate, but when i did the 5 min jelqing (this was the limit in the first week routine) it hurt me a lot even more than with the bathmate and i get red spots and pain so i decided to stop that and do only bathmate for a while and i actually never did the 5 minutes jelqing so i decided to convert that to real numbers so 5 minutes to me where like 50-75 jelqing because it hurted a lot and like i was a beginner my penis became erect when i was doing them so i had to stop many times and even with this like i said i begin to feel a little of pain after workout, so my question is, is it good what im about to do and my conversion of mins to real numbers or i have to do more jelqing per session because i never understand the "5 min jelqing" because one person can do maybe 60 jelqings while others can do 100 or many more and for me is better to say im going to do 60 or something like that instead of checking the time in a clock.
Also if the routine is good or i need to add something else. I havent get real Gains, only after bathmate use my girth is bigger but it stays like that only like 5 hours maybe.

I hope you can help me, thanks in advance for the replies.
firstly, listen to your body and don't exercise to the point of 'pain' (discomfort? yes pain? no)
secondly, is you BM modded or The Extreme model? when you say you pump to 'the max', what exactly in 'the max'?

warming-up with a few minutes of flaccid bundles (all directions) and some erect stretches between BM sets seem to work well for me (but I've been using my modded X40 for 3+ years and have logged many many miles, so err on the side of caution). I employ basic physics with my PE routine...leverage over time = results (very simple, but it takes dedication/discipline/determination)
Jelqing is not comfortable for many men and there is a much better exercise that will bring greater expansion are SlowSquashJelqs. There is no real 'sliding' in the SSJ so it does not irritate the slitlike a normal jelq. It also is the perfect partner to the BathMate in the sense of SRT and the 5x5x3 routine. Red spots will happen with girth for a bit but eventually those will no longer happen.
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