I am so conflicted about the LG. It looks very well made and I'm sure it's comfortable but all I see on all three main pe forums is people saying they're hanging 6 lbs, 8 lbs, sometimes you see 10 lbs like you just mentioned, but you almost never read anyone hanging 15+ lbs for 2 hours a day with any consistency.

Even you, for example, have been using this thing for years and you're only hanging with 10 lbs? That doesn't instill me with a lot of confidence. I know it's not all about the weight but... it kind of is. To gain more than the typical inch or inch and a half that most people gain I feel like the only real way to do that is with heavier weights for around 10 hours a week.

I have scoured all the forums and I've yet to see someone who has been doing that kind of a routine for any meaningful length of time.

Sorry to go on a tear there, I know this is mostly about your set up, but I really want an LG but I just can't justify the insultingly high price tag, with zero chance of a refund even if it doesn't perform as advertised. I keep hoping someone will convince me, that all it takes is the right wrap or tape or cap, and you can hang plenty of weight for hours if broken up, but I don't think it's going to happen.

I would love to ask kingsnake what his routine is currently, and what his experiences have been with the LG but he's nowhere to be found.
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I've gone up to 20 lbs for 45 min sets for multiple sets a day and spent most of my hanging career at around 15 lbs. As far as wrapping goes if you read the way tbone did it that's the way I did it to reach that weight. It should really take years for a new hanger to reach that weight and like I said before made most my gains below 8 lbs.

What I'm saying is that kind of weight (15+) is unnecessary with decons and therapeutic heat. I made no new gains going that high in weight, none. I'm now making newbie like gains doing what I'm doing now, this is with over 15 years of PE and being mostly on than off. If you're wanting to go the vacuum hanger route the LG is the best hands down. If you want traditional hangers I suggest bib hardcore. You can hang for weight sure. But why hang for weight when you can hang for gains, the difference is subtle but it is also huge.

If you're just learning of me then you should know I've also taken 18 months off before coming back this June. I'm not hanging to lift big weights off my dick I'm hanging to gain. So I only need to hang enough to cause gains without further toughening the tissues which going for too high a weight would. The therapeutic heat I talk about also helps that elongation occur at much lower weights with less damage. Also taking that very long break has allowed me to make gains again at much reduced weight. It's a win win situation, not to mention reduced risk of injury.

Give this a read when you get time.
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I have vacuum hung 19 lbs for 10 hours a week for several months.
That was with a cheap unit with an LG sleeve.
I would be very confident the LG can handle up to 20 lbs for 10 hours.... I would also think the Silistretcher can also handle that.
Appreciate the responses, guys. I really do want to try the LG but I wonder if I'm better off just sticking my LENGTHMASTER. I'll figure it out I guess. Thanks though.
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