Getting into pumping

Do you mean you are stretching and pumping once in a week? How do you expect to make permanent gains with that approach?
You know...I would honestly love to do my routine more often but I just feel like I don't have a ton of extra energy for life (not at my best) if I do. Between work, playing with my kids, the gym, sports, etc, I need all the energy I can get. Does anyone else feel like PE fatigues their bodies/minds quite a bit? If so, I would love to hear some remedies or routines for improvement. I already have, what i think is a great supplement routine going, with a multivitamin. electrolytes, creatine, cal/mag, fish oil, etc.
Does anyone else feel like PE fatigues their bodies/minds quite a bit?
Don't know about that. I just had to prioritize differently in my life. I live alone so it's no problem for me.

Here is how I live right now...

My time is my time. But I lost substantial skeletal muscle mass during this year, in order to make penis enlargement work for me. I'm still really strong, but my hand and finger strength are insane now from doing BTC-BS with LENGTHMASTER 3.

I'm going hard for one year now...then I will shift my focus somewhat. I'm going to do online courses on the side.

But back to your question.
Yes it's really tough both mentally and physically to have this dedication in penis enlargement...especially when you have a specific goal connected to a limited timeframe. I will not be able to go this hard my entire life. Some days I'm thinking is it worth it. But my deadline is not far from now.

Hope this gave you some perspective. Some days I'm really drained but I keep going no matter what.
Always my brother.
Don't know about that. I just had to prioritize differently in my life. I live alone so it's no problem for me.

Here is how I live right now...
View attachment 1834198

My time is my time. But I lost substantial skeletal muscle mass during this year, in order to make penis enlargement work for me. I'm still really strong, but my hand and finger strength are insane now from doing BTC-BS with LengthMaster 3.

I'm going hard for one year now...then I will shift my focus somewhat. I'm going to do online courses on the side.

But back to your question.
Yes it's really tough both mentally and physically to have this dedication in penis enlargement...especially when you have a specific goal connected to a limited timeframe. I will not be able to go this hard my entire life. Some days I'm thinking is it worth it. But my deadline is not far from now.

Hope this gave you some perspective. Some days I'm really drained but I keep going no matter what.
Thanks for sharing a detailed response. It's much appreciated and I love your home setup! Looks like a great way to live.

I absolutely understand the goal-oriented mentality and trust me when I say that I have been there many times before. Maybe that means that I am sort of approaching where I want to be and trying to find a balance. Will I be able to make any gains with this approach? I think so. I see PE alot like the gym, it's not necessarily the amount you go, but more your methodology and is it effective for you. My goal right now is to find that balanced routine that is effective and doesn't drain me too much.

My wife actually knows everything about my PE journey and she fully supports it. The way her and I have discussed it is that we go to the gym to improve our physiques so why should my PE routine be any different. We have been together a long time so she has been around for all of the growth haha.
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Thanks for sharing a detailed response. It's much appreciated and I love your home setup! Looks like a great way to live.
That blueprint was kinda a joke. It's the map of "THE HATCH" in the TV series: LOST.
But my life have been like this for almost a year now, like living in a bunker.

I absolutely understand the goal-oriented mentality and trust me when I say that I have been there many times before. Maybe that means that I am sort of approaching where I want to be and trying to find a balance. Will I be able to make any gains with this approach? I think so. I see PE alot like the gym, it's not necessarily the amount you go, but more your methodology and is it effective for you. My goal right now is to find that balanced routine that is effective and doesn't drain me too much.
Indeed it's exactly as going to the gym. I have done 3 days on and 1 day off for a long time now. And the more intensity you have in bundled stretches the less time you can get away with and still gain like crazy. Some days even 20 minutes of bundled stretches is enough (I try to do 20 min times 2 times).

My wife actually knows everything about my PE journey and she fully supports it. The way her and I have discussed it is that we go to the gym to improve our physiques so why should my PE routine be any different. We have been together a long time so she has been around for all of the growth haha.
Sounds perfect to have a woman that accepts all off you...even penis enlargement.
Having a woman like that is as rare as a blood diamond.
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