Cost of Viagra in Sweden. What do you pay for Viagra?


Also called: SIM
Staff member
Jan 6, 2023
Hi! I'm never been using Viagra before but I'm considering it for Phase 2 in Program 2, when I'm going to be doing; Girth Program: 5x5x3 daily.
Therefore I have checked out the prices of Viagra in my country, and I thought I would share my "over-killed" analysis of the prices of the diffrent tablet sizes/packages.

If you are going to use Viagra daily a smaller dosage is preferable.

Here are the cost of Viagra (In Sweden at: 2023.02.24 []):
The costs in this tabel is converted from SEK to USD and also rounded of with two decimal places.
Here is the source of the orginal data: En översikt av Viagra priser • euroClinix®, in the table below.

Amount of tablets/package sizeViagra 25mgViagra 50mgViagra 100mg
4 tablets23.54 USD25,24 USD29,91 USD
8 tablets20,82 USD23,93 USD27,52 USD
12 tablets20,82 USD22,74 USD25,13 USD
16 tablets17,11 USD20,88 USD21,23 USD
32 tablets14,64 USD14,93 USD15,13 USD = 158,12 (SEK)

1 SEK = 0,0957274 USD
1 USD = 10,4463 SEK

1 tablet => 25 mg at 32 tablets ==> 14,64 USD / 32 = ~ 0,45 USD per tablet.
1 tablet => 50 mg at 32 tablets ==> 14,93 USD / 32 = ~ 0,47 USD per tablet.
1 tablet => 100 mg at 32 tablets ==> 15,13 USD / 32 = ~ 0,47 USD per tablet.

And what I have read about previously on this forum is that you can take the 100 mg tablet and devide it into 4 and it should last 4 days. Since you only take it before your girth sessions.
This will leave a total cost of: (158,12 SEK / 32 tablets) / 4 <==> 4,94125 SEK / 4 = 1,2353125 SEK ~ 1,24 USD per day.
It can even be worth it to buy 25 mg tablets, just to make it more easy to consume?

That's really affordable. I will try Viagra out later on, but I'm somewhat worried by the list of side-effects. Do I need to be worried?
They say it can lead to problems in your eyes?

It's somewhat annoying to get it where I live, since you need a prescription from a physician in order to get it.
Do you need a prescription of Viagra where you live?

Kind regards brothers.
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I last shipment of 9 ten-packs of 25mg C (generic) and 1 ten-pack of V 100mg (also generic) cost me $100usd including shipping...a buck a pill.
I use one C each weekend (when I visit my GF) and I use 1/2 of V for any 'extra-carricular' activities that need an immediate boost.

For someong that's healthy and can achieve erections normally/easily, the 25mg C is ideal cuz it eliminates ANY doubt and the ability to remain 90%-100% is almost automatic.

I've experimented with a full 100mg V and I can definitely feel the face-flush and the overall amped-up (almost anxiety) side-effects...that's why I use only a half-dose. After 5 or ten minutes, it's 'insta-boner'...kinda crazy how these pills work so well :)
I last shipment of 9 ten-packs of 25mg C (generic) and 1 ten-pack of V 100mg (also generic) cost me $100usd including shipping...a buck a pill.
I use one C each weekend (when I visit my GF) and I use 1/2 of V for any 'extra-carricular' activities that need an immediate boost.

For someong that's healthy and can achieve erections normally/easily, the 25mg C is ideal cuz it eliminates ANY doubt and the ability to remain 90%-100% is almost automatic.

I've experimented with a full 100mg V and I can definitely feel the face-flush and the overall amped-up (almost anxiety) side-effects...that's why I use only a half-dose. After 5 or ten minutes, it's 'insta-boner'...kinda crazy how these pills work so well :)
It sounds like I need to try Viagra. I got it once by a drug dealer, a woman but I don't remember the experience I had from that.
But where I live you need a doctor to prescribe it. I hope you can get as much as you need without any questions.
It sounds like I need to try Viagra. I got it once by a drug dealer, a woman but I don't remember the experience I had from that.
But where I live you need a doctor to prescribe it. I hope you can get as much as you need without any questions.

Usually one is better than the other depending on your body chemistry
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