No, I have not been using it here lately. Too much of a hassle for me, I drink a lot of water at work, because I move around a lot and would otherwise become dehydrated easily. I have to make frequent piss stops because of this. I will be back into hanging in the near future though, so no big loss for me.

It seems to me that most "ADS" systems, really are not ADS, no matter how they are designed. Maybe if you work in a situation that allows frequent bathroom breaks, and you have the patience to constantly tinker with the device....I dunno.
I put one of these (golf weight stretchers) together and am probably going to start wearing around the house when I am not doing my routine. I figure even if it's only 3-4 hours a day, and a low weight, it's probably better than nothing, since it's constant. I've had mine on for an hour and a half straight now and all is great.

Like you, I don't see it being very practical to wear outside the home, though.
I agree with still on the tinkering and constant piss breaks. Any ads system takes time to get used to, like anything in Penis Enlargement you have to learn how to use it. I manage to use my tugger 4-8 hours a day, but I do take breaks and just let it go for a bit, and then I'll make a pit stop in the bathroom and put it back on. My biggest problem was finding a comfort level with the tugger and keeping the thing on, but all is well now.
stillwantmore said:
Yea, so far so good. I'm really liking it. I would just love to find a source for golf weights online though...working on other guys can get on this. Plus I'm sure theyre lower profile than this 50mm weight.

Why can't you take a piss break with it on? Is it the clamp? I use the weights andsecure them with a strip of coach wrap(also from walmart), however any self adhesive wrap will work. Simply cut the wrap about 14-16 inches. (I buy the 2inch wide wrap) Fold it in half so it becomes 14x1 inch. Place the weights on penis. Wrap the bandage (coach wrap) in front of the weights right above the glans. Mine has never slipped off and I can take a piss break with it on.
Try Walmart Again....not All Stores Stock Them, One Store In My Area Stocks Them A 1.47 Each. Have Bought 8 So Far. Good Luck
I see jmonty has posted and I'm assuming it's Monty530 that I know from elsewhere. I have used his weights for over a year now and you can not beat them as an ADS. They are lead with a vinyl coating. Heavier than golf weights and very inexpensive. They also come in two diameters. I recently had to move up to the wider as hanging is increasing my flaccid girth too.

The SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger allows you to wear it 24 hours a day even to sleep. On top of being an excellent ADS is also an incredible hanger and soon will be adding the traction system that will go out to all users who have the SiliStretcher. There’s no better time to get one there now because they’ve just gone on sale and they’re selling very quickly. At the introductory price of $125 I would grab it right away
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