
  1. Mlathem

    Call me the comeback kid. Time to beat Peyronies disease. Had peyronies 2 1/2 years

    These 2 1/2 years has been a struggle atlas for my dick. I think there were some different factors playing into it. I took steroids 1-2 years before the injury and diagnosis and i had low low testosterone after this point which cased me to have lower libido. Thats what got me searching on the...
  2. H

    Hamrockers: *GAME CHANGER* Penis Enlargement: Ligament Stretching *GAME CHANGER*

    Before we start a little bit about myself. I've been doing PE off and on for quite some time now i'd say about 1 year all-together. I started off with a newbie routine and then went on to a device. The extender. Made some quality gains on length that I'm happy with and now I'm moving on to...
  3. C

    3 months post-hernia surgery - time to start PE again

    I did my first PE session on 2.7.2017 so it was just fitting to start working out again on 2.7.2018. Did my best to get a girth measurement to go along with the good length one I got. I barely got a 5.25" on 1, struggled to get another barely 5 25", and a bunch of 5" when I knew I wasn't 100%...
  4. T

    New routine check in

    So my new routine (This routine is done with a length master) 10 minute tunica warm up Bundled stretch left right up down straight out 2 minutes each Than i do 1 minute and a half of mother of all lig stretches left and right cheek 3x1 minute downward stretches downward (left right...

    This is currently my ideal routine I'm hoping to implement soon

    LM with SRT stretches + bundles + expressive stretches followed by LM hanging feature then Manual clamped kegels and reverse kegels then Phallosan wear until night session then Same as above + my good old hardcore BM routine with the BM hardcore stretches then Phallosan at night and...
  6. kak03

    What makes the penis grow during puberty

    So my mind is tired from work and penis enlargement has been on my sleepy mind. I appologize if this is going to be a bit rambly. As far as my knowlegde goes the penis grows during puberty from expansion. Basically the penis will expand during an erection and this stimulus coupled with an...
  7. T

    Can stretching from the base be applied to a new kind of enlargement device

    Now this may be already thought of or an idea already. An idea came to me as I was doing my stretching now I am currently doing footlong which I love but for some reason I decided to grab the base of my penis with one okay grip and right above it not and inch but directly above the other had I...
  8. daironmonk

    Did expressive hanging ever catch on?

    ive been MIA for awhile so Im not sure but did Expressive hanging ever catch on? if so will it work with my hanger?
  9. J

    Bathmate Success??!!

    Hi guys I want to get a Bathmate, more specifically the xx40, but I constantly get conflicting information on whether the gains are permanent or not. To the people that have a Bathmate; -Have you made permanent girth gains? -How significant were they? -Have you made permanent length...
  10. T

    How to keep the post girth for awhile?

    Ill get a good girth from the bathmate but itll go away. How do i keep the girth on for longer?
  11. A

    fat loss + dick gains= more dick gains

    I have lost 50 pounds of fat since dec 2016 and now im a muscle man loi. I know it has been said before, but if you are overweight and want a bigger dick you should start your journey with diet and exercise. I know its not the answer a lot of guys want to hear but YOU NEED TO START WITH DIET...
  12. S

    Here we go!

    I've been doing PE off/on since 2011 and, naturally, as a member of MoS I;ve always been aware of Titan Pills. Why now, you may ask? Two weeks ago I made a decision to stop watching �naked people movies� after realizing how it interfered with my natural sex drive. It never hit my mind that it's not normal to...
  13. B

    about doing the reverse kegel

    Hi all, I have got some questions about doing the reverse kegel. For the last few weeks I has been trying it out to do the reverse kegel. I can feel the muscle at the back of my ass is pushing the bc muscle to my penis, but i can feel the poo come out of my ass so I had to go to toilet to...
  14. M

    bathmate only routine

    few things I'd like to cover here, in regards to using a bathmate across the next year. first and foremost I only want a bathmate routine (no massive jelq sessions, no manual stretching or other manual enlargement techniques) not out of laziness, its out of fear of injuring myself and I hate...
  15. S

    Stretching while wrapped...

    Sometimes during the day I can slip away and get some quick stretches in and I do them while still being wrapped in the ACE bandage. I noticed that there is more tension on the ligs near the base of the penis, than there is when I'm unwrapped. Wrapped or not I never feel anything throughout...
  16. S

    Question about Tunica Work..

    I believe that I understand the role of the tunica and why it needs to be stretched before a manual workout, I'm even incorporating bundled stretches in between sets as well, however; my question is this.... If I did nothing but tunica work for a while, would that convert into actual gains, or...
  17. Egghead1

    The Importance of Heat Wrapping and a cooldown after an intense senssion

    So I've been dealing with an issue for the past 2 months that has little to no documented history on this site or any other site on the internet. I've been doing a pretty intense girth workout since August/September and everything has been going fairly smoothly until recently I would start to...
  18. N

    Going for it

    I’ve decided to purchase a phallosan after lurking really hard. I’ve tried the bathmate and the SG with a TLC tigger and had some gains and some success but the ease of use doesn’t quite fit my busy lifestyle aside from now being a new dad to a beautiful little girl, plus the responses to people...
  19. A

    Back again

    Hi all. Im back again after a few months' break. For the strt im doing manual erect jelqs around 150 in numbers. Ill be slow to start stretching again as i always go overboard and thn my eq hurts. This will be my routine. Erect jelqs 150 (Start) aftr 1 month ill double it. Stretches...
  20. IAmSpartacus71

    Does big girth make length gains harder to achieve?

    Is that true? Should I focus only on length until I'll reach my final goal and only then start to focus on girth? What do you guys think about it?
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