Psychology Feeling inadequate


Feb 27, 2023
What’s up family.. I’m just checking in to let you guys know where I’m at.. so my cheap noose extender broke, my cheap vac extender broke, and at this point I’m finding myself spinning my wheels each morning before I leave out the door.. sometimes this gets so bad I take 30-45 min trying to figure out how I should wrap, strap into leg attachment (vac losing air) or PF.. I’m not a big fan of PF honestly but I’ve never worn it consistently either.I view it as a placeholder, distinguished from an active gaining tool...anyway the reason I’m making this post is due to the constant thoughts of feeling “small”, first thing in the morning.. I wake up, go to pee, and I’m hesitant to pull it out bc I don’t know if I’ve gained.. this sucks bc of course there is NO noticeable gain and then I’m depressed.. I see a beautiful girl at the gas station, or somewhere in public, I might catch her eye 2, 3 times and first thing that comes to mind is, “go say hi, approach her”, then immediately i have thoughts of how I “can’t” please her with my size(6.2 NBP 5.5 meg) smh these thoughts never leave.. I don’t have a gf nor am I dating anyone so I have MUCH initiative to do PE.. but DAMN does it feel slow.. I don’t have much money, time, nor privacy but I’m doing my best.. waiting on my LENGTHMASTER to arrive then buying the mityvac next check! man I’m so tired of this feeling.. also I think I’ve hit a plateau.. still trying to close in on my first inch.. also gotta stop watching �naked people movies� it’s making me feel so little but at the same time I’m addicted to it.. I know I’m just rambling at this point but idk where else to turn
take 30-45 min trying to figure out how I should wrap
Do you mean an elongation wrap?
I see a beautiful girl at the gas station, or somewhere in public, I might catch her eye 2, 3 times and first thing that comes to mind is, “go say hi, approach her”, then immediately i have thoughts of how I “can’t” please her with my size(6.2 NBP 5.5 meg) smh these thoughts never leave..
Do you know your BPEL (Bone Pressed Erected Length)? You can please a woman really good with a penis of, BPEL: 5". Trust me I know this.

I think your mind is playing tricks on you, you are stuck in a paradigm of not having a big penis. If you feel bad of watching �naked people movies�, I will suggest that you stop watching it. �naked people movies� can really destroy our perception of reality.

I don’t have much money,
Don't let this keep you from your destiny. You can make great gains with "simple" hand stretches and discipline. Don't just wait on the LENGTHMASTER, take control of your future now. Do penis enlargement every day. Set a goal, and you can create a detailed plan to get to your goal penis size. Work on girth and length at the same time, or first work on length and then push in girthwork? The brotherhood can help you with a plan and staying motivated. But don't rely on motivation, use your dicipline to your advantage. Discpine every single day will get you to your goal.

One day at a time...then you will have a destiny, and something to look forward to every day. If everything is shit, you have control of your penis enlargement projects. I know it's easy for me to just state this, but work on switching your mindset around. Everything can be shit, but you can be good at the same time.

Some people do not even see the negativity and what I can't do. They see every moment in life as a lesson, and this lesson is not good or bad, it's just life experiences that you learn from.

I know you are depressed.
I want to cheer you up.

Do you move your body?, like working out. For me this have been a big part of my life since it makes both my mind and body feel so good.

I have MUCH initiative to do PE.. but DAMN does it feel slow..
If you keep it up every day and have a plan, then suddenly you will have a big penis.

There is more brothers out there that stay away from relationships until they have their target size. You are not alone in this.

I hope I could help you with something.
Just write back...and talk can make a big difference.

What’s up family..
You are correct this is the family.

Take care.
Thanks for the help bro! Yes I’m still here and not going anywhere.. for me it’s do P.E. Or DIE! And I choose life!
im not waiting on the LENGTHMASTER, I’m currently doing everything bundled for an hour a day,then back into my PF u til I find a better ads or vac extender I can wear while at work..i don’t work out as much as I should and that always helps.. but as far as feeling competent- I will be thejudge of that post sex (if they come back, their attitude towards me etc) which I don’t plan on having anytime soon even if the opportunity presented itself. It sucks bc no matter how much I fight it I just can’t seem to ignore my penis size.. it literally is the root of all my sadness u know? The lack of itand all my trauma from the past creeps up and usually attacks me in my dreams/nightmares .. I know 1 day I will look back on all of this pain and hurt and be able to smile, happy that I followed through with my dreams..I will never stop P.E. And I do not believe there is such a thing as “too big”, u less it can’t get erect.. so the sky is the limit for me.. thanks for hearing out my rant
Thanks for the help bro! Yes I’m still here and not going anywhere.. for me it’s do P.E. Or DIE! And I choose life!
im not waiting on the LM, I’m currently doing everything bundled for an hour a day,then back into my PF u til I find a better ads or vac extender I can wear while at work..i don’t work out as much as I should and that always helps.. but as far as feeling competent- I will be thejudge of that post sex (if they come back, their attitude towards me etc) which I don’t plan on having anytime soon even if the opportunity presented itself. It sucks bc no matter how much I fight it I just can’t seem to ignore my penis size.. it literally is the root of all my sadness u know? The lack of itand all my trauma from the past creeps up and usually attacks me in my dreams/nightmares .. I know 1 day I will look back on all of this pain and hurt and be able to smile, happy that I followed through with my dreams..I will never stop P.E. And I do not believe there is such a thing as “too big”, u less it can’t get erect.. so the sky is the limit for me.. thanks for hearing out my rant
Just from reading what you just wrote, I know you will get a really big penis. I'm on the same journey myself, 8"x6" is my goal, but they say 9" is the new 8". So how knows? Maybe I will go further then 8".

I understand it's hard when you do not see any of results, but if you keep at it and increase the intensity as you go...this will give you results.
1 hour of bundled stretches is good stuff...
That’s why 9 is my retirement.. from there its only maintenance.. but I feel the LENGTHMASTER will surely help with intensity .. 2 hands are better than one ya know!
That’s why 9 is my retirement.. from there its only maintenance.. but I feel the LM will surely help with intensity .. 2 hands are better than one ya know!

LENGTHMASTER is the best tool for length. It got me where I am and it will get your there too
@DLD I probably was the 1st order placed on the 3rd .. I kept hitting the refresh button from 2.58pm until about 3:07pm when I finally got through .. In that moment I realized just “how bad” I want this shit (growth in general) and ive never wanting anything in life like this..
@DLD I probably was the 1st order placed on the 3rd .. I kept hitting the refresh button from 2.58pm until about 3:07pm when I finally got through .. In that moment I realized just “how bad” I want this shit (growth in general) and ive never wanting anything in life like this..

Just from reading what you just wrote, I know you will get a really big penis.
I told you, that you will get a big penis. It's this kind of dedication that will bring you a big will get there.
@DLD I probably was the 1st order placed on the 3rd .. I kept hitting the refresh button from 2.58pm until about 3:07pm when I finally got through .. In that moment I realized just “how bad” I want this shit (growth in general) and ive never wanting anything in life like this..

Do you have now?
No it did not come yet.. first shipments go out on the 15th correct?
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What’s up family.. I’m just checking in to let you guys know where I’m at.. so my cheap noose extender broke, my cheap vac extender broke, and at this point I’m finding myself spinning my wheels each morning before I leave out the door.. sometimes this gets so bad I take 30-45 min trying to figure out how I should wrap, strap into leg attachment (vac losing air) or PF.. I’m not a big fan of PF honestly but I’ve never worn it consistently either.I view it as a placeholder, distinguished from an active gaining tool...anyway the reason I’m making this post is due to the constant thoughts of feeling “small”, first thing in the morning.. I wake up, go to pee, and I’m hesitant to pull it out bc I don’t know if I’ve gained.. this sucks bc of course there is NO noticeable gain and then I’m depressed.. I see a beautiful girl at the gas station, or somewhere in public, I might catch her eye 2, 3 times and first thing that comes to mind is, “go say hi, approach her”, then immediately i have thoughts of how I “can’t” please her with my size(6.2 NBP 5.5 meg) smh these thoughts never leave.. I don’t have a gf nor am I dating anyone so I have MUCH initiative to do PE.. but DAMN does it feel slow.. I don’t have much money, time, nor privacy but I’m doing my best.. waiting on my LM to arrive then buying the mityvac next check! man I’m so tired of this feeling.. also I think I’ve hit a plateau.. still trying to close in on my first inch.. also gotta stop watching �naked people movies� it’s making me feel so little but at the same time I’m addicted to it.. I know I’m just rambling at this point but idk where else to turn

Trust me you are big enough to please a woman. �naked people movies� sex and real life sex are two different things for example �naked people movies� is fake and a lot of acting.

I suggest for you to quit the �naked people movies� and be happy with your size and content with yourself and continue PE as a hobby to better yourself.
Trust me you are big enough to please a woman. �naked people movies� sex and real life sex are two different things for example �naked people movies� is fake and a lot of acting.

I suggest for you to quit the �naked people movies� and be happy with your size and content with yourself and continue PE as a hobby to better yourself.
Trust me you are big enough to please a woman. �naked people movies� sex and real life sex are two different things for example �naked people movies� is fake and a lot of acting.

I suggest for you to quit the �naked people movies� and be happy with your size and content with yourself and continue PE as a hobby to better yourself.
These words are true because this is what we are dealing with: �naked people movies� high-jack your brain in a way that's extremely destructive for you. You desensitize your brain big time...and you get dependent on �naked people movies� to function...�naked people movies� will make you negate real human connection with a real woman.

This is called: The Chaser Effect. You case virtual ways to stimulate your's like as any addiction. It's hard to quit since your brain are dependent on it now.

I think this video is the most important of them all. This video will make you understand why you need to quit �naked people movies� material.

I have decided, I'm going to quit �naked people movies�. It's not useful for me any longer.
Good for you...God knows I'm trying
I have tried to quit for a long time now. But I had enough after that pig picure of a �naked people movies�star (link on MOS).
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