
Jun 18, 2003
Young girls - the hot kind. The ones that are loud, obnoxious, and think their shit don't stink. They're used to getting their asses kissed.

What I'm wondering is, how can I put these bitches in their fucking place, ya know... bring 'em down a peg - without making it seem too obvious? Without making it look like I'm bitter (which I am) or trying too hard.

What subtle things can I do to shut them the fuck up and burst their little bubbles because they think they're God's fucking gift. They automatically assume that every guy wants them. I hate that shit. Meeting young little twats like that remind me of why I always liked older girls.

Their bodies are hot though. I bet their little pussies are immaculate too. But when I see them or hear them talk (especially when there's a fucking gaggle of them all being loud together), I fucking hate them.
There is a site called doubleyourdating.com that specifically addresses this my man!
It's all about not letting a woman take your power, you being in control and living in your own reality, not her little bitchy, you wossie reality.
I subscribed and have put some of the stuff from doubleyourdating to work. It is not uncommon for me to have 2 to 3 dates per weekend with different women. And no, I don't pay the way! 90% of the time they pay their own way. If I'm feeling good that day I might spend $10 on them but that's it. Hell, I even schedule my dates 4 to 6 weeks out and the women call me to confirm!
Now that I have learned how to attract and keep women I'm on a mission to attract and keep only 8,9, and 10's. So far, so good. I just landed one last Saturday and she seems to want to stick around.
I currently meet 1 to 2 new women per week in my quest to find Ms Right or just have 3 to 5 compatible women available to me. If they don't measure up to my (I repeat, MY) standards I blow them off. My usual polite response to them is "give me a call when you want to go out" then I forget about her. If she calls I either use her as a sex toy or just tell her to go away.
That's it. The shit works. There is an unlimited supply of women out there for me to pick from. I can't possibly, in my lifetime, meet all the compatible women the city of Denver has to offer. If it doesn't work out (meaning she doesn't like me) with one that I find especially appealing I don't turn into a woosie and chase her around, I just say "fuck it" and go find another woman to check out. Part of the training is to realize that another Ms Right is just around the corner that wants to be with you and do not allow yourself to get hung up on one bitch that is playing hard to get or doesn't like you.
I don't work for doubleyourdating.com but I can only say good things about the program they have to offer. It's all about reprogramming yourself back into a man that woman find attractive and getting rid of the woosie programmed man that society has taught us to be.
At fastseduction and the like, look up neg or negative hits. In other words, backhanded compliments about their attractiveness that sound sincere.
Fuck!!!! I just tried to write a page long reply, and then the fucker didn't post because of lagging. Damn it.
Do your replies in word or txt file that way you won't lose it.
Yeah, I usually do remember to do that. Anyhow, I don't feel like retyping all the stuff that was on my mind, so I'll just let it go.
don't you hate that?
losing a long emotional post is the hardest thing in the world, second to Penis Enlargement :p
I'm not talking about chicks I'm trying to get with, I'm talking about lil' cunts I come across as I go about my day. Like when I'm at work sometimes I'll have to deal with these loud, obnoxious bitches who think they're the shit. Especially when they are in a group, forget it... they kick it up a notch so they can be "cool" infront of their lil' twat friends. Ugh, it's so irritating. I wish I could just tell them to shut the fuck up, but that's a little too direct, plus it lacks imagination.
Tight thread... Not really your subject, but I've been thinking a lot lately about how to get hot chicks in general, cause I'm the "nice guy" trying to get the bitchy hot girls, and it's not working too well.

Thanks for the suggestion on those dating help sites, I'll have to check those out!
Dude, most of the time, they're only good to look at. Trying to get with them ain't even worth it, man. Lately, I haven't been interested enough to even pretend to care about what some cunt has to say. I guess I'm getting older or something, but I just don't care anymore.

All they are is eye candy. Once they open their mouth, it's ruined for me.

Yeah, I guess I got issues.
Yeah, I hear ya on not getting too worked up about chicks like that (i.e. bitches), what I more meant was, I guess shutting them up cause they think they're the shit, and then wonder what happened when they end up getting pounded by me! Haha...
People who have no self-esteem on the inside and whose entire ego is based on the outside are pretty easy to bring down if you know how.

You are not going to be able to do it all at once, but everyone has some sort of physical imperfection if you change what your ideal is.

For example, a gal who is a little on the skinny side you could casually call her "skeletor" or "bones" and then just playfully say you were just joking in bad taste kinda like how a guy saying to a fat girl "hey big gal", is not gonna make you too popular with her.

Every woman is either too fat or too skinny or doesn't have the right shape since superficial beauty is based on an ideal in her head that changes from day to day.

And if there is a woman who thinks she is perfect and you yourself cannot notice something she might be insecure about, well then you invent an insecurity in her head. Like for example, you could bring up something dealing with random knowledge about a particular subject you know she is clueless about and then bring it up in conversation and when she has no clue you can pretend to act like "OMG I can't believe you don't know that. What did you do in high school to get that degree" but of course be snide about it as if you are just joking and in bad taste and not intentionally trying to hurt her feelings (even though that is your goal).

Keep doing this to any woman who does not have the kind of self-confidence that matters (the kind that comes from her heart) and her self-esteem will be in a wreck really fast. If she tries to pull a comeback on you, DO NOT EVER LET HER THINK SHE IS GETTING TO YOU. Your attitude must be that you are invincible and just laugh off whatever she says as if her values and projections of you don't really matter in the first place.

Like I said, this is a gradual process. You are not going to disintegrate a little bitch all at once without making it look like you are intentionally just trying to throw out whatever mean little insult you can come up with. You have to do it in a way that seems honest and non-vindictive. Basically, you want to get it in her head that if you think that way, then probably a lot of other guys think about her that way as well just they don't bring it up (kind of the bandwagon mentality gals have in evaluating themselves as it is not enough for one guy to think they are hot, they have to think that all the guys think they are hot).

And if she ever tries to suggest you are not in her league or pull that kind of routine on you, well there is the old "no thanks I don't fuck sluts" retort, or more common in today's culture since being a slut is not as much of a stigma anymore, but having an STD is. Just assert she probably has an STD and that her pussy is unclean and you don't want to get little red dots on your dick anytime soon.

Having an STD is like even more of a death sentence to your attractiveness nowadays than smoking or just about anything else, so pulling that "well all the guys like you and fuck you, therefore you probably have an STD card" is a win-win for you because there is no way she can get around it unless she carries the monthly results of a comprehensive STD test in her purse all the time.

Yah it is low, but a lot of gals need to have their bitchiness beaten out of their head every now and then for their own good. If you keep letting them act like bitches to your face, it only encourages them to behave worse so do whatever it takes to destroy them on the outside and then they might have a chance to grow from the inside and become a decent human being.
tell them if they dont quiet it down theyre gonna get slapped with your overgrown penis
"have you put on weight?"

"are those new jeans? they seem really tight"

"you look really drained, could you not sleep last night"

"bad hair day, huh?"

"you look like i feel"
One way to deal with it is obtain the attitude that it doesn't affect you how the little bitches act because you have more important things to do than worry about how they behave.

Once you get to that place in your mind, you will look at them playing their little game, see it for what it is and start busting up laughing because what they are doing is so ridiculous and you will know it. You see, what they are doing is playing a game to see if they can dominate men and are just practicing for later in life.

Never look like you are pissed off at them, in fact don't ever be mad. Stay calm, look them in the eye, laugh in their face, mention their mother never taught them etiquette and walk away. You better watch out though, they might start liking you because you would be the only one that knows the game they are playing.
Wait till they Grow up or Just Hook up with Older Chicks (More Mature)
I find that the younger chicks, are really into exploring their sexuality!True that most of them are very boring intellectually, but if they want to get slammed, and have anal sex, and threesomes etc., why deny? I think that this is a normal transition, eventually they will become a whole person(more interesting) and more of a 1 man woman. I would never consider dating one, but to shag one and inject my life's experiences(cock)...............YES!
Wait till they Grow up or Just Hook up with Older Chicks (More Mature)

Good advice lightning!
girthius said:
I find that the younger chicks, are really into exploring their sexuality!True that most of them are very boring intellectually, but if they want to get slammed, and have anal sex, and threesomes etc., why deny? I think that this is a normal transition, eventually they will become a whole person(more interesting) and more of a 1 man woman. I would never consider dating one, but to shag one and inject my life's experiences(cock)...............YES!

Yeah, same here. I realize I'm missing out now on some seriously much hornier and sexier girls that I will no longer be allowed to look at much less fuck on a one nighter without having to do some time in a few years. I mean I'm at an age where I could still theoretically fuck a 16 yr old goin on 17 without taking much flack if someone else found out like say her father.

I HAVE TO GET OUT THERE AND GET BACK IN THE GAME! right now though I have to go to work...fuck
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