Brittany Spears was recently featured in some magazine...Details, or GQ or some men's mag...and Jesus H Christ she looked so fucking good!! Fuck her terms of just being an object (which she is) she's got a devastating physique. They compared her to the original covergirl because they did the same pose with the same outfit (white sweater), and Brittany made the original covergirl look like a flat-assed hag!
What a fucking bubble-butt on that gal! ARF! As an avid Brittany hater....this magazine spread made me a believer. It might've been airbrushed the fuck out, but boy oh boy the results are tremendous. Inside, she's wearing these beads and you can practically see nip!! It's great!
To hell with Madonna. That dog had her day. Now she's vampirically leeching off the younger pop-whores to gain notariety yet again. I see right through that "GAY FOR PAY" bullshit. She also kissed Christina Aguilliera...yet no one seemed to take notice. It wasn't hot, it was predictable.
If Christina and Brittany kissed, that would be truly hot. Madonna's old enough to be my mother, for Christ's sake. She got a spider-face.