
Jan 26, 2005
I seem to have hit a major plateau. No matter how I attack Penis Enlargement, my gains have stopped. Some advice is greatly needed at this point as I'm feeling the plateau blues. I started back in September and have been pretty consistent, and figured I could have gained at LEAST 1/2 inch in 4 months... Here is my routine:

DLD newbie routine (30 secs each direction, rotaries)
DLD Blasters (25, with a 1 min footlong stretch every 5 reps)
Hanging 10# for 20 mins
Hanging 20# for 20 mins (intense)
Jelqing every other day (not for girth) 200-300 reps

Overall it takes about an hour, maybe more depending on how much I re-warm between excercises.

I need to know what I'm lacking that is preventing length gains. At 5.75 girth I'm not worried about that. My LOT is around 5-7 oclock (pretty much straight out) so I'm assuming that hanging straight-down SHOULD produce results.

What should I do? Focus on more manuals or hanging... cut something out? Am I "too diverse" and should I simplify? Should I change the order of exercises (hanging first, instead of manuals) ?

Thanks in advance...
bigcharlie said:
My LOT is around 5-7 oclock (pretty much straight out) so I'm assuming that hanging straight-down SHOULD produce results.
hey man. I'm not expert, seems like you should be gaining to me too. What do you use to hang? Also, maybe I don't understand LOT, but I thought that 12 o clock was straight up towards your head, and 6 o'clock was 180 degrees from there, so I thought straight out would be 9 o'clock.

is that not what you thought?
My bad, my lot is 9 o clock... straight out. I keep saying 6. Lol

As for the hanging, I use the bib hanger, with the autoextender wrap (much more comfortable than THERABAND). All hanging is straight down. I haven't messed with straight out since I already cover that in my manuals
Allot of talk about LOT lately:D
doublelongdaddy said:
Allot of talk about LOT lately:D

Hey, do you think its relevant in my case? For gains, is it better to stretch above or below the LOT? I never got that straight, honestly...

good to see you're still here. I haven't heard how your experimentation with the herbs went. How's the sex life now?

Anyway, I just made a 1/4" gain in both erect and bpfsl measures by hanging straight out for a month at 150 minutes every day with a max weight of 10 pounds. Maybe you SHOULD listen to the LOT theory, as it gave me my first gains in a LOOOONG time!

I plateaued for 4 months with manuals (discouraging, I know) and no gains with hanging BTC and SD for three months (again, very discouraging). This last month has brought me mucho lengtho, thanks to my SO setup. Your LOT is a bit better than mine, and it would seem that SD or BTC would do the trick for you--according to LOT theory. Maybe leave the manuals alone for a while, still jelq, but cut out the stretches. Make this time additional hanging time. Also, I think you will need much more than two sets to see gains. Use all the spare time you have. That AutoEXT wrap is VERY thick, and I think it hinders the hanger's ability to grasp internal structures. Maybe try Theraband or a thinner wrap.
-My two cents!
Herbs... not sure I remember that thread?

I will swap the manuals (other than warmup stretches) for more hanging. This time I think I will hang in the AM and PM, and jelq once a day. I will include hanging SO in the mix.

Maybe something like 3 sets in the AM of hanging SD + jelq, then 3 sets in the PM hanging SO + ADS.

In order for me to hang SO though I will have to figure something out. I sit on my couch when I Penis Enlargement (thats where the pc is) so no access to a desk for a "pully set up". I think I'll try the rice-sock fulcrum thing discussed in hanger section for that.

Wish me luck.
bigcharlie said:
Herbs... not sure I remember that thread?

I will swap the manuals (other than warmup stretches) for more hanging. This time I think I will hang in the AM and PM, and jelq once a day. I will include hanging SO in the mix.

Maybe something like 3 sets in the AM of hanging SD + jelq, then 3 sets in the PM hanging SO + ADS.

In order for me to hang SO though I will have to figure something out. I sit on my couch when I Penis Enlargement (thats where the pc is) so no access to a desk for a "pully set up". I think I'll try the rice-sock fulcrum thing discussed in hanger section for that.

Wish me luck.

Necessity is the father of invention.
I thought you were the one who PM'ed me about the penis herbs several moths back...i must have got the wrong guy. But good luck anyway.

I would recommend jelqing after you are COMPLETELY done hanging for the day, because it will greatly reduce your ability to hang heavy. Also, try wearing the ADS after your morning session instead, to take advantage of the healing in an extended state. You can wear it after your evening session too, depending on how late in the evening you do it (ie right before bed or right after dinner would give you different advice).
goldmember said:
I would recommend jelqing after you are COMPLETELY done hanging for the day

This is excellent advice as Hanging does restrict blood flow to the penis and jelqing will not only replenish this depletion but also increase the penile girth. Good point!
Bigcharlie, I just want to say don't get discouraged man. You've made some great gains thus far! I've been Penis Enlargement'ing since September too man, and while my girth has gone up 1/4" my length still has not budged!

By the way, we're almost the same size (I'm 7.5 BPenis EnlargementL x 5.75 EG) and we have the same goals of 8 NPenis EnlargementL x 6 EG. There is someone else here in your shoes bro. Let us know how your change works for you.
Wow its been awhile.... and I havent gained anything since a year and change when this thread started.... it's depressing.

I keep giving up from frustration, and I don't want to put all my eggs into this basket...

But I feel like I'm gonna have to go Bruce Lee on this shit to really get a response. When I get my pump in, I'm going to modify the routine I'm on now --

AM -- 10 min manual stretching, then vacuum hanging @ 10 lbs for 1 hour
DAY -- ADS as long as possible
PM -- 15 min <50% jelqing, then 10 min+ mild pumping

I hope I cover my bases this way. I've given up most of my remaining hobbies at this point to focus on fitness, nutrition, and Penis Enlargement. I really need to emerge from this cocoon I feel trapped in.

Honestly this is more about personal success than vanity. I just want to achieve something worthy...
give this a shot for a few weeks. It got me gaining big time.
If thats not gaining you anything then you should completely change your entire routine, it won't hurt.. Try more manual stretching and maximum intensity with 30-40 minutes jelqing per day for 3 weeks.. if this doesnt gain you atleast 0.1 inch ill be suprised. do 10 x 1 minute BTC stretches in the morning and night! thats 20 minutes per day of BTC and combine some other stretches too
MissionPossible said:
If thats not gaining you anything then you should completely change your entire routine, it won't hurt.. Try more manual stretching and maximum intensity with 30-40 minutes jelqing per day for 3 weeks.. if this doesnt gain you atleast 0.1 inch ill be suprised. do 10 x 1 minute BTC stretches in the morning and night! thats 20 minutes per day of BTC and combine some other stretches too

BTC is CRAZY on the ligs. Ill!
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