Welcome to MOS, Goldeneye1


Jun 3, 2003
Welcome to the Brotherhood, @Goldeneye1, I am @DLD. I encourage you to get involved and start making gains by reading through these two important threads, The Newbie Routine and the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory Routine. The goal is to create a routine, If you need help in writing a routine let me know.

Once you decide upon a routine, start a Routine and Process Log stating all your beginning measurements, your goals, your routine and any other information. This is what we encourage new members to do.

How big are you now and how big do you wanna get? We’re here to help make it happen. If you need help with anything, just ask.
Hello ,thank you,it's great to be here. My current size is 6.25 in length and about 5 inches in girth.

I'm aiming to be 8×6 ?, I have a Bathmate hydromax 7. However I'm not sure what would be the best device for gaining length??
Anyone out there can offer some tips on the top products to have in my arsenal to hit my goals?
Check out the MoS Shop. People swear by the SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger for passive elongation. I myself can vouch for the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging, with its tremendous ability to really get a great PULL. Bundled stretches are a breeze, and doubles as a hanger and fulcrum assisted device. Can't go wrong!
Hello ,thank you,it's great to be here. My current size is 6.25 in length and about 5 inches in girth.

I'm aiming to be 8×6 ?, I have a Bathmate hydromax 7. However I'm not sure what would be the best device for gaining length??

Thanks for coming out my brother! Your goals are very humble and easily attainable within a year or less. I’m glad you have the Bathmate I would suggest that you also pick up a couple other tools that will make your routine most gainful. I highly recommend the SiliStretcher as this is the best tool to not only gain but to also heal the penis in an elongated state. The other product would be the Lengthmaster, this is extremely powerful for many exercise and gives many options.

With what I said above you can do the entire SRT program without substitution. If you cannot attain those tools that we can work another routine out that will use the best of your manual power to make those gains.

@Goldeneye1 definitely have an eye on the LengthMaster - this thing is a beast and you can create much more intensity with it during stretching than when doing it manually :) One of my best PE buys :)
@Goldeneye1 definitely have an eye on the LengthMaster - this thing is a beast and you can create much more intensity with it during stretching than when doing it manually :) One of my best PE buys :)

the Lengthmaster Should be in every brothers toolbox. It is probably the most effective and universal tool we create for length work.

Thank you for all the advice and tips DLD and fellow brothers.? I will check out the Lengthmaster and silistrecher,and start a routine asap. I will post my training routine, and progress. Stay strong fellow brothers and March on.?
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Thank you for all the advice and tips DLD and fellow brothers.? I will check out the Lengthmaster and silistrecher,and start a routine asap. I will post my training routine, and progress. Stay strong fellow brothers and March on.?

Awesome if you need any help with anything just let me know. I look forward to your growth! God bless you my man

I have just purchased the Lengthmaster and I want to make good length gains with it before I have to add weights. Can anyone give me some advice and tips for say a 60 day routine doing manual stretches using the Lengthmaster to make good gains. Thanks.
I hope to go from 6.25 inches in length to 6.75 bpel and from 5 inches in girth to 5.25. I have a Bathmate hydromax 7. Do you think I can make those gains in that time period?
The best LengthMaster/SRT routine

Some video to help
Thank you DLD, routine and videos look great ,will get to work on them asap.
Can you suggest the best way to wrap, would a silisleev be the best way to protect my penis while stretching in the Lengthmaster as well as providing better gripping power. What would you go for?

Okay ,I have a tricky question to ask. I have just purchased a Lengthmaster and I have a bit of buyers remorse. I will explain why.

Over the next 6 months to 1 year, I hope to make it 7.25 bpel and 5.5 inches in girth. I have the Bathmate hydromax 7. So that takes care of Hardcore stretches and girth work.

Now, I work in construction and move around a lot on a daily basis. That's why I bought the Lengthmaster over silistretcher. Was afraid of breaking the ADS compared to working out with the Lengthmaster for a 1 hour after work.

Now,if all my fellow brothers could own just one device and make gains over the long term,what device would you buy?

I'm in two minds, returning the Lengthmaster and purchase the silistretcher or just hold onto the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging.

Please help fellow brothers. Thank you.
Can you suggest the best way to wrap, would a silisleev be the best way to protect my penis while stretching in the Lengthmaster as well as providing better gripping power. What would you go for?

The sleeves are a definite bonus in wrapping so I highly recommend getting a SiliSleeve for wrapping comfort. Sometimes people will use a little bit of Ace in combination with the sleeve. We actually have a wrapping forum if you want to search out other methods.

Okay ,I have a tricky question to ask. I have just purchased a Lengthmaster and I have a bit of buyers remorse. I will explain why.

Over the next 6 months to 1 year, I hope to make it 7.25 bpel and 5.5 inches in girth. I have the Bathmate hydromax 7. So that takes care of Hardcore stretches and girth work.

Now, I work in construction and move around a lot on a daily basis. That's why I bought the Lengthmaster over silistretcher. Was afraid of breaking the ADS compared to working out with the Lengthmaster for a 1 hour after work.

Now,if all my fellow brothers could own just one device and make gains over the long term,what device would you buy?

I'm in two minds, returning the Lengthmaster and purchase the silistretcher or just hold onto the LM.

Please help fellow brothers. Thank you.
Very different tools that accomplish length in very different ways. Most men have their LengthMaster but they will also have an ADS, like the SiliStretcher to follow the methodology of SRT healing and gaining techniques. The LM is geared towards strictly gaining or active in the SS is geared towards the healing and gaining.
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