
Jun 5, 2003
Hey people, newbie to the world of enlarging. I've been researching alot over the past couple of days and found these Vig - Rx natural herbal pills that claim to be able to add 3 inches to length within only a couple of months. I'm not sure whether to buy these and combine them with a stretching routine. Has anyone used them and do they work? The site is quite convincing and even provides before/after photos of users with noticeable gains.
i used them for 1 month while doing intensive Penis Enlargementing. I gained 1 inch in length in that first month. The second month i cut way back on Penis Enlargementing b/c of a very busy schedule, and gained .5 inch in length. Overall, i do think it helps w/ circulation and so forth, but if the major factor is actually working out your penis.

I do also believe that taking pills may help with your mental aspect of Penis Enlargementing which is also very important until you realize that just NPenis Enlargement is effective.
Pills don't increase length or girth simply by themselves. They help circulation and with a good exercise routine you can make very good gains.

There may be something to adding herbal stuff to your program. I gained about 1/4" BPenis EnlargementL when I measured the other day. I really haven't been doing Penis Enlargement seriously, only a couple of minutes here and there(4-5 times per week). I may have to attribute to starting to take Tribulus Terrestris a month ago.

Nobody will make signifigant, or permanent, gains with pills alone.
I tried the pills, they DID make me hard more often, but that is all. They did not enlarge my length OR girth by even a mm.
Gandolf said:
I tried the pills, they DID make me hard more often, but that is all. They did not enlarge my length OR girth by even a mm.
Pills will do 2 things for you
1. they will make you horny(er)! [more often than not!]
2. they will make your walet much lighter!

besides pills are great, for the peeps who sell them, they are getting rich >:( and you are getting screwed!! :O see if they will mail you a kiss :s LMAO lol
I'm taking VigRx right now. They do give you better circulation which is mainly why im taking them right now. I figure better circulation = faster healing time between Penis Enlargement sessions. I bout a 3 month supply and if I don't gain another 1/4" to 1/2" in the next month while doing Penis Enlargement and taking the Pills I'm not buying anymore... As for my gains while on them and doing my Penis Enlargement routine I've gained around 1/2" BPenis EnlargementL and 1/4" EG.
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I tried them for six months before I found Penis Enlargement. They did absolutely nothing for me.
TizZle said:
I'm taking VigRx right now. They do give you better circulation which is mainly why im taking them right now. I figure better circulation = faster healing time between Penis Enlargement sessions. I bout a 3 month supply and if I don't gain another 1/4" to 1/2" in the next month while doing Penis Enlargement and taking the Pills I'm not buying anymore... As for my gains while on them and doing my Penis Enlargement routine I've gained around 1/2" BPenis EnlargementL and 1/4" EG.

Those are not too bad of gains while on them. Im still sticking to my Liquid Cialis.. She's my baby...
I used Magna-RX for a month and it had no effect on my penis; when i took one at night and one in the morning while doing excercises for about a half hour a day, seven days a week i gained a half inch in about two weeks. It's still there too even though i've stopped doing everything. I think it helps but does nothing by itself.
So basically Vig-rx will help out Pe with exercise , so it is benifiting your gains, but of course just pills alone wont do anything.
I've taken two different types of pills over two different periods of time and neither of them made any size gains. I got sturdier erections, and probably more often after a few weeks of takin' em, but overall they didnt make any size difference. I guess they do make the blood flow down there better tho. Too expensive. I tried e-LONG-ate when it was fairly new and advertised on radio etc, and Enzyte.
I don't think any pill is worth your money. If a pill does help, it probably doesn't help enough to be worth $50+ per month. Unless you have a spare $50 laying around that you can blow on some sawdust.
I took sugar pills for a few weeks and gained a couple inches ;)
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