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Dec 6, 2009
Here's the original message from Thundersplace which started this hoopla. The OP did not care to provide the fact that he only skimmed over the message, and did not ever include the original or complete text of the message. The below mentioned ''defect'' is unproven, and if proven there are no raw numbers or statistics to cause it to be a real concern to 99% of men most likely. Any man, at any age and at any given point in time ''may be'' susceptible to any number of defects physically. Heart defects are one of the most common and usually over looked which sneak up on us. Anyway, I thought I'd show the original message in it's entirety. If you read the entire message rather than just pick and choose what you want to read, and take as ''fact'', you will see it's just a warning of a POTENTIAL but not PROBABLE concern. ----Stillwantmore


It has recently come to our attention here at �other PE site� that there appears to be a small percentage of the male population that may have a defect in the valves of the penis that allow an erection.

This defect may go unnoticed your whole life until you begin to do Penis Enlargement. It seems we have seen several cases where even Penis Enlargement done properly may be enough to damage these defective valves to the point where erections are no longer possible.

We have had literally thousands of Penis Enlargementers that have practiced Penis Enlargement safely. Usually the only ones that have injuries are those that go outside of recommended force levels and safe practice guidelines. However there does seem to be a very small percentage for whom even safe practices have resulted in injuries that may be permanent.

FURTHER, there doesn't seem to be any signs or indications before hand that you may be one of these unlucky few.

THEREFORE understand that if you decide to practice Penis Enlargement you are doing so at your own risk.(Just like it has ALWAYS been warned on EVERY Penis Enlargement site I've EVER seen.)
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grinder1;363652 said:
Over at �other forum�, there's a WARNING that states a risk in a small % of men with a faulty "erection valve" that could cause permanent erectile dysfunction EVEN WITH CORRECT Penis Enlargement. I haven't heard about this before and it's pretty scary. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Nothing against you or the information you provided but... there's a little lack of real information in this, isn't it? :)

I can't possibly imagine what they might be calling "erection valve".
Depends on just what the "percentage" of the "small percentage" actually is. All of life carries some small percentage of danger; how many people die in car wrecks going to work in the morning? Choke on Mom's homemade apple pie? Suffer a heart attack jogging, or even more disturbing: fucking!? Slip in their showers and drown....

And the list could go on forever.

How many guys ruin their health- and consequently, erections, systematically through shitty food, no exercise, booze, drugs, smoking....

The Thunderss claim has a ghost of validity.
Pretty much like the statement: Life will end up killin' ya!"
But until the true numbers are disclosed, and possibly the methods to identify and then avoid the supposed hazard are clearly identified and delineated, then this is just the Chicken Little alarm of Penis Enlargement.

Just my thoughts anyways.
Spent alot of time reading ALOT of pages of the discussion and i've come to a few conclusions:

1) It must be realized that, yes, driving a car has inherent risk, but this is a voluntary activity done to essentially achieve an orgasm.

2) No one knows what % of men are predisposed...and that's funny.

3) It seems if you have this problem, it makes itself known early in Penis Enlargement.

4) High pressure movements seem to be the likely culprit, shitting for example.

**All i'm saying is that it sounds like according to one guy effected, that there's like one surgeon in the world that can address this and it's viewed as 'experimental'...I know you all already know this, and are seeing or have seen wonderful gains, but I'm still posting ignorant shit.
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Yeah, well it really sucks if you're born with brain cancer too, sucks to be hit by the drunk asshole who shoots through your bedroom wall, sucks to be the poor bastards inhaling depleted uranium dust in Iraq, sucks to contract AIDS through a bad blood transfusion, and on, and on, and on.

Until some actual facts and numbers appear attached to this semi-hysterical claim I, for one, will simply continue to yawn.
MAXAMEYES;363662 said:
Yeah, well it really sucks if you're born with brain cancer too, sucks to be hit by the drunk asshole who shoots through your bedroom wall, sucks to be the poor bastards inhaling depleted uranium dust in Iraq, sucks to contract AIDS through a bad blood transfusion, and on, and on, and on.

Until some actual facts and numbers appear attached to this semi-hysterical claim I, for one, will simply continue to yawn.

Again, mostly "non-volunteer" scenarios. I choose to post ignorant shit about Penis Enlargement which is an activity I don't even participate in. I'm taking out my severe disgust for my own pre-pubescent-like size on you guys by trying to scare some of you. Any small percent I may scare will make me happier.
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Don't take what you read on �other PE site� to be fact. They have a large percentage of stupid and lame posts. They fancy themselves scientific (only because they raise these stupid issues and then debate them without data for weeks). The place is boring to me. If you want to get lost and confused: hang out there.
grinder1;363680 said:
Again, mostly "non-volunteer" scenarios. We CHOOSE to Penis Enlargement. We don't have to.

honestly then, don't do it. people choose to lift weights every day when they could drop the bar on their head benchpressing and suffocate
I think "grinder" has an axe to grind.
Joins a Penis Enlargement website and his first post is "scary" shit...from an inferior site which has repeatedly and openly displayed contempt for and animosity toward MOS, DLD and, by extension, the membership of MOS.

We've seen a hell of a lot of detractors and trolls lately and I just think this guy is tryin' to be one of 'em.

My suggestion would be to hit the ignore button on this guy.
stillwantmore2;363657 said:
Is that effeminate bunch still around, having their tea parties and such??? ;)

Exactly LMAO :)
Ok. So, I am no troll. I simply brought up a potential 'risk' that I came across at �other forum� that I thought might be worthy of discussion as it can potentially ruin your erection ability.

I may be risking my forum memebership, but to prove it, I was recently a member under "Grinder" and I had a bunch of pretty decent posts over many months and I love this site. I was removed for spam, BUT HERE'S THE THING...all I did was paste a link to a reputable medical website for an article that had concerns about a cancer link related to the use of heating pads!
I wrote that I thought they were very convenient, but maybe this was something to think about. I WAS TRYING TO HELP.

Anyway, I had nothing to gain from my post. I thought despite this potentially effecting a small % of Penis Enlargement'ers, that maybe it would inspire a helpful conversation as to how to avoid this unfortunate, albeit rare outcome.

I don't understand how you are so sensitive. God forbid someone varies from your narrow Penis Enlargement beliefs, you have to personally attack someone. I don't get it. There were some responses that were totally fine indicating that maybe those at �other forum� may be too timid or obvereacting. Fine! That's a perfectly fine opinion that was shared without personal attack.

P.S. You should be able to man up and allow my posts instead of cowardly removing or editing them all. If you have a good point of view, it should be able to stand on it's own.
grinder1;363795 said:
Ok. So, I am no troll. I simply brought up a potential 'risk' that I came across at �other forum� that I thought might be worthy of discussion as it can potentially ruin your erection ability.

I may be risking my forum memebership, but to prove it, I was recently a member under "Grinder" and I had a bunch of pretty decent posts over many months and I love this site. I was removed for spam, BUT HERE'S THE THING...all I did was paste a link to a reputable medical website for an article that had concerns about a cancer link related to the use of heating pads!
I wrote that I thought they were very convenient, but maybe this was something to think about. I WAS TRYING TO HELP.

Anyway, I had nothing to gain from my post. I thought despite this potentially effecting a small % of Penis Enlargement'ers, that maybe it would inspire a helpful conversation as to how to avoid this unfortunate, albeit rare outcome.

I don't understand how you are so sensitive. God forbid someone varies from your narrow Penis Enlargement beliefs, you have to personally attack someone. I don't get it. There were some responses that were totally fine indicating that maybe those at �other forum� may be too timid or obvereacting. Fine! That's a perfectly fine opinion that was shared without personal attack.

P.S. You should be able to man up and allow my posts instead of cowardly removing or editing them all. If you have a good point of view, it should be able to stand on it's own.

You're welcome! Welcome aboard. Your first few posts were not taken so well because we are a positive community focused on the positive physical and mental aspects of Penis Enlargement, not the down, depressing stuff. Sure, we all already know there are potential, and inherent risks just like any activity involving body modification. We still chose to Penis Enlargement though. Proceed with caution is the name of the game. Sometimes injuries happen. If that's too light hearted an approach for you, well...I'm not sure what to tell you other than proceed with caution. BTW, ''thundersplace'' is a decent group of ...people, but not really much of a knowledge base. They have their good points, and I appreciate that they contribute their tiny bit to the community, but the majority over there seem to spend most of their time with theories and ideas, and such rather than doing actual Penis Enlargement.
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QUOTE: "Ok. So, I am no troll. I simply brought up a potential 'risk' that I came across at �other forum� that I thought might be worthy of discussion as it can potentially ruin your erection ability."

OK, fair enough, if you prove not to be a troll I'll issue a retraction.
But as far as this "risk" you are warning us all about, without any real facts or numbers, hell, even anecdotal evidence, all it really amounts to is pissing into the wind.

The point I made that you failed to comprehend is that life itself is inherent with risks, sometimes brutal, tragic, fatal risks. And without any substantive proof accompanied by verifiable figures this "risk" you tout
borders intimately on the fictitious .

Degenerating rapidly into the fabricated.
Originally Posted by grinder1 View Post
Over at �other forum�, there's a WARNING that states a risk in a small % of men with a faulty "erection valve" that could cause permanent erectile dysfunction EVEN WITH CORRECT Penis Enlargement. I haven't heard about this before and it's pretty scary. Any thoughts? Thanks.
...and you're just finding this out now?
stillwantmore2;363800 said:
You're welcome! Welcome aboard. Your first few posts were not taken so well because we are a positive community focused on the positive physical and mental aspects of Penis Enlargement, not the down, depressing stuff. Sure, we all already know there are potential, and inherent risks just like any activity involving body modification. We still chose to Penis Enlargement though. Proceed with caution is the name of the game. Sometimes injuries happen. If that's too light hearted an approach for you, well...I'm not sure what to tell you other than proceed with caution. BTW, ''thundersplace'' is a decent group of ...people, but not really much of a knowledge base. They have their good points, and I appreciate that they contribute their tiny bit to the community, but the majority over there seem to spend most of their time with theories and ideas, and such rather than doing actual Penis Enlargement.

Thank you.
Threak-X;363807 said:
...and you're just finding this out now?

I am not speaking in generalities. I am not such a newb that I would bring up general risk as some kind of 'news breaking' post. It was the specificty of it. The mention of a 'weak valve' condition that could cause an irreversable erection problem. It just spooked me out and I thought a discussion might be helpful.
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