Not me

Mar 23, 2009
My ligaments have toughened. Can anyone tell me if it is possible and if it is then, how to reverse this.

I have been Penis Enlargementing (and posting on another site ) since early 2007. In this time I have gone from 5.5 to 6.5" BPenis EnlargementL, where I have plateued for about 6-9 months now.

My ligs in my penis are noticibly thicker nowadays and the last 5 months I have done a lot of intense stretching ~4-5 times a week in an attempt to lengthen with no great result.

There is a bit of info out there about thickening of ligs/muscle, but little, if anything about an effective formula for reversing this.
Not me;333748 said:
My ligaments have toughened. Can anyone tell me if it is possible and if it is then, how to reverse this.

I have been Penis Enlargementing (and posting on another site ) since early 2007. In this time I have gone from 5.5 to 6.5" BPenis EnlargementL, where I have plateued for about 6-9 months now.

My ligs in my penis are noticibly thicker nowadays and the last 5 months I have done a lot of intense stretching ~4-5 times a week in an attempt to lengthen with no great result.

There is a bit of info out there about thickening of ligs/muscle, but little, if anything about an effective formula for reversing this.

Intensity will be the trick here. If your ligaments have become tougher the only answer will be tougher workouts. There are some incredible stretches out there that you should look at like SOCK STRETCHES or some of the POWER ASSIST stretches, both suggestions are very intense.
Trouble is I have had to ease off because the intensity was already too much. Like, skinn damage and loss of libido and turtling.

What about deconditioning breaks?
I've read that it takes months for ligaments to revert to "normal" after strength training. How can you be sure it's ligs and not your septum?
Not me;333754 said:
Trouble is I have had to ease off because the intensity was already too much. Like, skinn damage and loss of libido and turtling.

What about deconditioning breaks?

OK, take a week off but during this time I want you to still do warm ups and deep penis massage. You may also want to include Testicle health too as this is very relaxing too. When you start again use hydrocortisone after each workout to keep the skin supple and it will also deal with any itching or irritation. After this time off work slowly into your original workout so not to injure yourself. After a week or so increase intensity day by day until you have a solid workout with no injuries.
MoreGains123;333758 said:
I've read that it takes months for ligaments to revert to "normal" after strength training. How can you be sure it's ligs and not your septum?

Where did you read this about ligs, moregains? I have read about muscle atrophy(?) but does it apply to ligs with respect to breaks in Penis Enlargement.?:(
My cock feels like it has thick ligs through it which are really tough.
What's a septum?

Doublelong, thanks for your advice. I have been in maintenace mode for about 10 days - The skin dmage seems to be sorting itself out ok with the type of stuff you mentioned and my libido is getting better and harder (3 x today:s), i think thanks to the break. I am not going to stop altogether until I know for sure it won't shrink, but also I am reluctant to go intense again until I can get some good information on wheather or not this just makes ligs tougher.
doublelongdaddy;333759 said:
You may also want to include Testicle health too as this is very relaxing too. .

Does rubbing your nuts while getting a blowjob count as testicle health ? LMAO
Not me;333797 said:
Doublelong, thanks for your advice. I have been in maintenace mode for about 10 days - The skin dmage seems to be sorting itself out ok with the type of stuff you mentioned and my libido is getting better and harder (3 x today:s), i think thanks to the break. I am not going to stop altogether until I know for sure it won't shrink, but also I am reluctant to go intense again until I can get some good information on wheather or not this just makes ligs tougher.

Don't think too much on it. In Penis Enlargement it is best to keep things very, very simple. The time you have spent healing is wise but do not expect bad to happen when you restart, as it will. Keep yourself in a good mental place and take it slow.
Not me;333754 said:
Trouble is I have had to ease off because the intensity was already too much. Like, skinn damage and loss of libido and turtling.

Your ligs should be getting tougher and more flexible. If your ligs are getting tougher without the flexibility then there's an imbalance of some kind in your routine.

The key to stretching is not in the grip but in the pull. You should only be gripping as hard as you need to in order to hold on to your penis and maintain the stretch. A thumb and forefinger encircled behind the glans should be enough for even the most intense stretches.

Stretching angles also make a big difference. [From a standing position] If you're stretching upwards or straight out you'll need to generate more force than if you were pulling downwards.

You could use a small towel to pad your grip. I was able to generate some very high intensity 10-20 second stretches with a towel for padding. This should lessen the pressure and eliminate skin damage/bruising.
You could use a small towel to pad your grip. I was able to generate some very high intensity 10-20 second stretches with a towel for padding. This should lessen the pressure and eliminate skin damage/bruising.

Big Al, I use a t-shirt and can generate heaps of stretch with may different methods, including the ones that have been suggested so far on this thread.

The best results come from being able to relax my cock and strectch gradually to a maximum stretch. I recently went too intense and just made my ligs thicker and I don't think there is much to be gained with any more intensity of any type right now.

I would rather go to a maintenace routine weekly light stretches, jelqs and holds if pushing on with more intense and damaging routines just makes sex worse. The whole idea is better sex.

Which gets back to my original question on this thread.

Is there a known way to decondition your ligs, based on actual Penis Enlargement experience like mine.?
I've read that it takes months for ligaments to revert to "normal" after strength training.
Moregains123 has read about this so I am not the oly one in the history of Penis Enlargement to go through this.
Pretty sure now that overstretching toughened it and now I am on a deconditioning break. Anyone who can pint me to examples of guys who have successfully ovecome this , I'll rep them.


30th March 2009, 12:24 PM #17
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As promised, I lifted some info from another site

Once again, I think there are 2 basic mechanisms for gain;

1 Forcing elongation of the tissues.

2 "Encouraging" growth of the tissues.

Those that have had success seem to fall into these two categories.

Those that forcefully elongate the tissues seem to make fairly good initial gains, then hit a brick wall. I think that at that point the ligaments or whatever have stretched to their max,and begin to respond with thickening and/or strengthening.

At that point a deconditioning break is needed to make any additional progress.

Those that "encourage" growth, seem to find a force level that doesn't stimulate the adaptation response of thickening/strengthening of the tissues.

They are usually using substantially less force than the 1st category, and seem to be able to make slow, steady progress over long periods of time.

I think skin can be looked at as a tissue that this applies to. If you are getting fat (slow gentle expansion of the skin) the body can produce almost unlimited expansion.

However if the expansion is too fast (as in bodybuilding,or rapid wt gain) the skin gets injured and scars ( as in stretch marks). Scarred skin is nowhere as elastic as healthy skin.

I think this is the type of responses we see in pe, and even though we are dealing with several tissue categories...I think the example is still applicable.

In my personal observations I find that forceful stretching of the tissue that will evoke a strengthening/toughening response, usually causes a rebound contraction after it is applied.

That is to say, the penis will "turtle" or shorten in response. It tends to also decrease the quality and quanity of the erectile response for a period of time.

I've been experimenting with careful daily measuring to determine the appropriate amount of time/force needed to get sustained growth.

I have been able to get a pretty good ballpark figure of what is the "right" amount of pe. If I go over it, I find that I get some contraction. If I nail it, I get small daily increases.

I've been getting my best results with this approach.

To show you how subtle this can be, I have been using 2 of Monty's pe wts for ADS and doing well. Yesterday I went to 3. This morning when I measured, I had about 1/4 inch contraction!

Today I went back to 2 and I may take the day off from other pe, then measure either tonite or tomorrow morning and see the results.

Another example is pumping. When I pump at 2-3 in hg, for 3 sets of 5 minutes, I make progress and getting harder and more frequent erections. When I go to 5 in hg...I lose ground!

Who would have thought that so small a change is the difference between sucess and failure? But for me, it does. I suspect for many pe'ers it also applies.

I think this precise approach isn't needed when using large forces, I think you can "hammer" your penis into lengthening, but you will get limited results before hitting that "wall", where no amount of force will work. Take you for example...20lbs!!! Jesuzzz, that is a lot of wt, but yet, no further gains.

Like the old saying "you can't whip a dead horse" well, you can...but he won't move. I think its the same with the penis. Once you have "forced" as much expansion it has to give, you have to take a break and let it decondition. can try the "encouragement" approach.

I think its a lot like learning to target shoot. If you can't see where your shot do you improve?

If you shoot a paper target, you can see if you are shooting high, low, right or left and make the correction.

If you don't carefully, daily observe your unit's response to pe, I think it makes it harder to know whether you are doing too much, too little or just right.

Read this thread on ligaments
Not me;334061 said:
Big Al, I use a t-shirt and can generate heaps of stretch with may different methods, including the ones that have been suggested so far on this thread.

The best results come from being able to relax my cock and strectch gradually to a maximum stretch. I recently went too intense and just made my ligs thicker and I don't think there is much to be gained with any more intensity of any type right now.

Your ligs are not going to toughen and shorten if you're doing intense stretching. As Davis' Law states, soft tissues will model themsellves on the demands imposed upon them. That means that high intensity stretching against resistance will give you tougher BUT more flexible ligaments.

Not me;334061 said:
I would rather go to a maintenace routine weekly light stretches, jelqs and holds if pushing on with more intense and damaging routines just makes sex worse. The whole idea is better sex.

If your routines are "damaging" then your approach to training needs to change. The ligs can adapt to extremely intense loads, but you have to adapt them to that kind of stress through relatively slow, regular progression coupled with adequate recovery.

Once you've revamped your routine you might try giving intense stretches followed by light extender or ADS work a try.

Not me;334061 said:
Which gets back to my original question on this thread.

Is there a known way to decondition your ligs, based on actual Penis Enlargement experience like mine.?

Moregains123 has read about this so I am not the oly one in the history of Penis Enlargement to go through this.

If you mean a total deconditioning and not just a short break, a complete cessation of all Penis Enlargement and stamina training will do that but you'll very likely suffer some loss in gains.
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Big Al;339856 said:
Your ligs are not going to toughen and shorten if you're doing intense stretching. As Davis' Law states, soft tissues will model themsellves on the demands imposed upon them. That means that high intensity stretching against resistance will give you tougher BUT more flexible ligaments.

Do you have more on this information? A link or something? Very interesting.
doublelongdaddy;339884 said:
Do you have more on this information? A link or something? Very interesting.

This physiological law is the ace in the hole for Penis Enlargement's legitimacy.


Davis' Law is used in anatomy to describe how soft tissue models along imposed demands. It is the corollary to Wolff's law. It is used in part to describe muscle-length relationships and to predict rehabilitation and postural distortion treatments as far as muscle length is concerned.
To add to the legitimacy issue, I saw Dr. Drew on TV a while back discussing penis enlargement. They had a plastic surgeon who performs Penis Enlargement procedures as would be expected. Someone asked about Penis Enlargement alternatives to surgery and he mentioned African and South American tribes that hang weights from their penises and openly admitted that permanent elongation of the penis is possible. The tribesmen's penises were rendered inopperative because they used noose hangers that cut off circulation for extended periods of time- but they had huge cocks. So I think it would stand to reason that if one can apply traction without prolonged bloodflow interruption he could lengthen his penis AND retain erectile function. Dr. Drew didn't go into this but at least he stated that its possible to permanently stretch the penis.
TheStick;339941 said:
To add to the legitimacy issue, I saw Dr. Drew on TV a while back discussing penis enlargement. They had a plastic surgeon who performs Penis Enlargement procedures as would be expected. Someone asked about Penis Enlargement alternatives to surgery and he mentioned African and South American tribes that hang weights from their penises and openly admitted that permanent elongation of the penis is possible. The tribesmen's penises were rendered inopperative because they used noose hangers that cut off circulation for extended periods of time- but they had huge cocks. So I think it would stand to reason that if one can apply traction without prolonged bloodflow interruption he could lengthen his penis AND retain erectile function. Dr. Drew didn't go into this but at least he stated that its possible to permanently stretch the penis.

But it is always some African tribe or some other "unattainable" method. What these fuckers need to do is spit the COMPLETE truth and make Penis Enlargement accessible to all men. Instead of some "African Tribe" how about "MOS"? You know?
TheStick;339941 said:
To add to the legitimacy issue, I saw Dr. Drew on TV a while back discussing penis enlargement. They had a plastic surgeon who performs Penis Enlargement procedures as would be expected. Someone asked about Penis Enlargement alternatives to surgery and he mentioned African and South American tribes that hang weights from their penises and openly admitted that permanent elongation of the penis is possible. The tribesmen's penises were rendered inopperative because they used noose hangers that cut off circulation for extended periods of time- but they had huge cocks. So I think it would stand to reason that if one can apply traction without prolonged bloodflow interruption he could lengthen his penis AND retain erectile function. Dr. Drew didn't go into this but at least he stated that its possible to permanently stretch the penis.

But it is always some African tribe or some other "unattainable" method. What these fuckers need to do is spit the COMPLETE truth and make Penis Enlargement accessible to all men. Instead of some "African Tribe" how about "MOS"? You know?
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