Here's what goes into making the
Power Assist so you guys can better understand the price on them.
1. It is a 60 mile round trip for me to go to get the ash to make them. Once I am there, my supplier lets me hand select the boards I want which is very fortunate. Most lumber suppliers won't let you go through and tear a lift of lumber apart to get what you want. Also, I am guaranteed that I am getting the best material available. When He orders in a lift of lumber it is shipped to him in air tight containers, not on a flatbed truck and exposed to the weather enountered on the way to him. When he gets it, it is stored in his climate controlled facility, not left out in the yard exposed to the weather. This ensures the quality and stability of the material I use.
2. After I get it I have to plane it down to thickness, straighten and dress the edges, then cut my blanks to size for the template jigs.
3. Next, I shape out the center hole, then transfer it to the other template to shape the handles and overall appearance.
4. After this is done I have to sand all the shaped edges so they are smooth and put the holes in for the rope.
5. Now it's time to round over the edges.
6. After all the above is done I go over each piece individually and hand sand/finish sand the piece to make it the best I can.
7. Once it is ready I then heat cut and seal the ends of the rope and attach it to the
Power Assist.
These are pretty much the steps involved to make one.
After this there are other costs involved such as packaging, shipping, customs clearance, replacement costs for tool bits, saw blades, etc.
My business is home based, I am the one who takes care of everything from lumber selection, production, and quality control. I have no employees which is good because it allows me to ensure that a good product is going out the door. If I'm not happy with it then it won't leave my shop.
This isn't to criticize anyone's feelings, but rather to help you guys see what goes into making these. It's no one's fault, but all you guys have seen is the end result without knowing what it takes to get there. DLD's cost on these is my bottom line and the best deal I can give him. I hope you now have a better idea on this subject.