pot in system

There is many myths surrounding this, In fact It does not take 60 days to leave your system, and can be a lot quicker than this.
The Best supplement you can take to get rid of impurities such as THC in your System is Anti-Oxidants.
Take these along with Drinking 2-3 litres of water a day with exercise and you will be fine.
my known fact is right after spending 1 year t Www.overgrow.com

"When marijuana is smoked, THC, its active ingredient, is absorbed by most tissues and organs in the body; however, it is primarily found in fat tissues. The body, in its attempt to rid itself of the foreign chemical, chemically transforms the THC into metabolites. Urine tests can detect THC metabolites for up to a week after people have smoked marijuana. Tests involving radioactively labeled THC have traced these metabolites in animals for up to a month. "


i rest my case :)
First of all you just said it takes a week. Second, does that make you a scientist because you spent one year at some burnout stoner forum. That don't mean shit. And you are wrong, sorry. I know it is hard to be wrong so I won't make you look too bad. Just because a study says that tests have shown that it can be traced for up to a month doesn't make it exact. If you read his original post then you would know what I am talking about. Smaller amounts stay in for, get this, smaller amounts of time. Ask my old PO. He will explain it all to you. Plus I once smoked a blunt with two other guys and smoked no other weed in a while before that and just barely failed my test three days later by like three points.
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