Wow, that Unimog is massive ...
"I want to ride my bicycle ..." Which I do. I'm not a super-enthusiast about biking, just a basic three-gear bike will often suit me fine.
When it comes cars, I like someone driving one for me, taking me to places, so I can just chill ... I'm lazy like that. Well and that I don't have a license.
When it comes to the topic, I think in certain sense this "hidden" aspect is good. Of course the taboo aspect, people nullifying the truth is troublesome at times but;
I feel that many great things in this world might be somewhat hidden. The right people will discover those hidden gems. And the right people are the ones to make the gains.
Just a personal viewpoint. Like it was said in other thread, PE being an artform, it would be somewhat dull if all guys on the planet would be sporting 8x6 or more ...
As us people come in many sizes, I think those many sizes shall remain.
And what's more, the atmosphere in
MoS is great, pushing men forward in other areas than "just" PE. That's how it should be. "Correcting" just one area in one's life might not fix the total picture. This I've read happening with people losing a lot of weight; while that itself can be great, the other things in life might have not changed and therefore more happiness might not occur, even though you worked hard towards losing that weight.
Just some food for thought I guess, even though it's quite self-explanatory.