Hey, B1

hook me up wit one of dos jelqy thingies. Seriously B1 if you are looking for a guinea pig for your jelqing device, I'm volunteering.

Originally posted by b1nzen48
Funny you should mention that WTG. When I was talking to DLD the other night that exact point was brought up. It seems the only time Thunder has posted is when it is to correct somebody or to link them to a thread. I really don't think the guy Penis Enlargement's at all. He's never put anything up about his personal progress or routine, although I think Thunder did mention once that he had tried pumping for awhile. Outside of that I can't recall anything else. I know he has been asked about his routine and stats, but he always seems to ignore giving a response to these types of questions.

If he does not post pics or give advise, what is his function? Besides posting properly? I was doing a search trying to find something he might have posted about himself, but i came up clean. He's almost like that dude on charlie angel that you don't know anything about, he just gives you orders or in this case forum guidlines. DLD you were apart of thunder elite, what's up with the mystery man?
Is this guy one of those people that lies and likes to put people down?
I couldn't say for sure Punky, but it sounds like a pretty safe bet. At least that's the impression he seems to give of himself.
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