The best sizes are based on the current erected girth, and then up by 0.5in diameter, and then 1in diameter. For your erected length, make sure to always grab the cylinder at least 2in above your current penis length. You need the headspace for both water and air to maximize the pressurization balancing.
If you're using pumping, you must think strategic on the expansion level in constraining the girth while forcing the pressure upwards to promotes length. Pumping alone will not get the length you desire, but it does require both pre-stretching manually using your arm strength through SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory newbie bundle, around 10 minutes to optimize the tissues elongation during pumping, follows by the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) pumping routine.
Be warned that when pumping, the disclaimer from our brotherhood is to put safety at the forefront. Never be in a frenzy and pursue PE out of desperation by going hard core and aggressive without the initial period of conditioning. Think of PE as a training for a long journey marathon across the country. Slowly build up and grow. There's no sprinting in the marathon unless you want to kill yourself and your penis.
"Click" the link, to buy at MoS Shop.
"Click" the link, to buy at MoS Shop.
Fundamentals of penis enlargement. "Click" on this link to read it.
Follow the link to learn more about: Girth program (SRT 5x5x3).