Neurogenex- For students looking to raise test scores


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2003
Because many members are heading into the final months of school I thought this would be a good time to remind people about Neurogenex. For many people it can make the difference between a $35,000 a year job and a $50,000 job coming out of school. And for those younger it's can be the difference between Ivy League and State.
I know most the people using it during the school year have done so in order to help them balance their academic and social commitments. Like being mentally alert for the 8AM class after getting home at 4AM. But testing and problem solving skills are where you'll see the biggest increase when you use Neurogenex. This is from their website.

What is Neurogenex and what are it's benefits ?
Neurogenex is a combination of various nootropics (smart drugs and supplements). Neurogenex improves memory, improves brain metabolism, increases blood flow to the brain, increases concentration and focus inhibits breakdown of the extremely important neurotransmitter acetyl-choline upregulates nicotinic receptors, which are important for appetite control and mood. It increases levels of the enhancing dopamine and other neurotransmitters, which are essential for memory and motor (movement) control, may increase nerve restoration and memory through increases in nerve growth factor. Decreases and may reverse damage done by harmful neural metabolites.

What are the ingredients and what do they do?
1. 2-oxo-pyrrolidone
a. 2-oxo has been shown to improve memory in numerous clinical trials
b. it has also been shown to increase neural flow between brain hemispheres
c. increases density of cholinergic receptors, which improves neural function

2. Vinpocetine
a. facilitates cerebral metabolism by improving blood flow to the brain
b. boosting brain cell ATP production, which means more "brain energy/fuel"
c. increases the production of Noradrenaline and Dopamine

3. Galantamine
a. acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, which means it blocks the premature, often age-related breakdown of the natural neurotransmitter acetylcholine
b. enhances nicotinic receptor activity, an effect long known to influence memory and intellectual activity as well as having impacts on appetite control and mood.
c. under the trade name "Reminyl", Galantamine is FDA approved to treat Alzheimer's

4. Huperzine A
a. studies have shown that huperzine A, like galantamine, inhibits acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain and increases the acetylcholine levels for up to 6 hours
b. used in china to treat ALZHEIMERS
5. Bacopa (20% bacosides)
a. Research indicates they play a protective role in the synaptic functions of the nerves in the hippocampus, the seat of memory
b. May also have anxiolytic (anxiety relieving) effects

a. Increases attention span
b. Precursor to acetyl-choline
c. Has numerous benefits, most of which are related to its impact on choline and acetyl-choline levels

7. acetyl-l-carnitine
a. shown to protect brain cells against aging-related degeneration and improve mood
b. a precursor for acetyl-choline
c. sold as a pharmaceutical in Europe to treat heart and neurological disorders

8. Acetyl-l-tyrosine
a. precursor for Noradrenaline, Dopamine and acetyl-choline

9. Choline Bitartrate
a. precursor to acetyl-choline
b. itself an important neurotransmitter
c. must be taken with 2-oxo, probably due to increase in cholinergic receptors

10. Piroxidal-5-phosphate, Nicotinamide, and Calcium Pantothenate
a. important b vitamin cofactors for brain and general metabolism as well as neurotransmitter production

Get it here
I have heard great things about a stack of Piracetam, DMAE, and Acetyl-l-carnitine. This stack doesn't look like it includes Piracetam though.
side effects? is it ok to take this with a thyroid problem, like myself...also, does it have a trace of steroids in it?
I take Neurogenex daily, great stuff for your mind!
I still have a shit load!
Are the effects permanent if you happen to stop after a certain point or do they taper off over time if you don't keep taking the pills?
You have to keep taking it, this stuff rocks, talk about metal clarity
Could you guys tell more about what difference you feel while using it. Saying you feel smarter doesn't help too much. Maybe just a placebo effect, thinking its real?

What daily things do you do better while on this supplement?
Smart-drugs are old news. The thing I want to now is, if this nootropic cocktail costs "X", for the same amount the separate ingredients can be obtained for less, usually much less? It is like the cum more pills. All the shit in one place for triple plus the price.

For side-effects go read each of the ingredients above by a google search.
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