
Oct 30, 2003
I've been jumping around between a lot of different exercises and every time I think I'm gonna stick with a routine I think I should try something else. I am going back to an old but slightly revised routine now and I have committed to it so I can maintain good consistency. There are a few things I'm trying to figure out before I finish deciding the exact routine and I hope some of you guys can give me a little help. First would it be better to stick with one stretching routine or should a switch on and off between two. I think it would be easier for me to stick with just one but if it will hurt gains I'll use two. Second, should I start off with a smaller amount of reps to leave room for improvement or just go full bore so I don't waste any time. I've been trying to leave room for improvement lately by doin less reps and I feel like I'm not really accomplishing much. I also don't want to leave know room for improvement. In case I haven't been clear enough this is all referring to stretching exercises, I'm confident about my girth routine. What do you guys think?
I think you should do a variety of exercises. That's what I've been doing, thanks to DLD. I don't do nearly as much work as he does, I don't think anyone does, but I stretch till I feel fatigue in my ligs, or I feel a slight give in the tunica. The plan I have has exercises ranging from plyos, to pulse 110s, tunica traction stretches, to rotary blasters. Superset them together, work tunica and lig, do what you feel. If your grip starts to go then you're getting somewhere. When my grip starts to go, my ligs are usually pretty worn, if I've been pulling hard enough. As my grip gets stronger, or I should say I gain endurance, the longer my sessions will be. Try it out. Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress.
the tought of having a better and stronger grip that kinda advances with you penis gains makes a hell of a lotta sense and I've never thought of it like that. DLD gave me a similar routine, its got a lot of variety but my problem is I don't really feel like I get a good workout from most of the exercises. I find that btc and tunica traction work really good for me so do you think I should try other stuff or just do a whole lot of each every session?
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