I'm in, starting super late and not super interested in the prize since I already own most of the equipment ;)

I don't have pics but I'll be taking them in a few days. My first measurement isn't supposed to be until November 16th so I'm hesitant to really measure again before then. However as of yesterday I'm at 7.25 BPenis EnlargementL. I haven't measured girth recently but last I checked I was at 5.75 EG. I'll only be really paying attention to quarter inch gains because I have a tendency to rest on my laurels like a pussy, lol.

My stats are as follows:

BPSFL: 7.5
EG: 5.75
EL: 7.25

I started Penis Enlargement seriously on October 12th 2012. Previously, as in years ago, I did it for about a week and I recall my BPenis EnlargementL being like 7 2/16ths. I actually do have a feeling that I've gain in the 8 days since I seriously started doing this and my EQ was frankly awesome.

My routine:

DLD manual stretching (3 sets, standard newbie stuff)
1 hour in the SG with whatever tension works. Still experimenting but right now I'm shooting for time in rather than tension though I do bring the tension up and down over the hour.
DLD manual stretching (3 sets again)
Back into the SG for another hour or 40 minutes or whatever I can do. Usually 40 minutes honestly.
Shake it out, get circulation to normal again. Bathmate, usually two or three sets of between 5 and 10 minutes depending on the pump. Pumping up to around 170/180. Honestly the X-40 is a little tight for me. I get the rings around the base but mostly I've found that doing Bathmate AFTER the stretch session really makes my dick happier. Filling the stretched cells is a good idea, I think. My first two days I did this the other way around, Bathmate then stretch, and it didn't work as well.

Kegels throughout the day until exhaustion. Already seeing results from this.
Oh, one question. As BPFSL gains appear what's the time it takes to translate that into BPenis EnlargementL gains? Is there a way to help this along? I'm betting the Bathmate is good for this but I'm not sure.
DocHollywood;510425 said:
I just took this today. This is without pumping I reached 6 3/4" and as always taking pictures is tough but shows 6.5" Blurry but here is proof. Definitely some improvement very month. Staying with routine and stretch daily for 1.5-2.5 hours steady. About 300 2 second kegels while in the stretcher and using Bathmate about every other day. Also some A frame stretches and rotaries. Didn't think it was possible to get to 7" but I am so close. I think I may get to 7" NBPenis EnlargementL and 7-8" BP in about 6 months to a year if I continue at my present pace. Since starting in JUne of this year I have grown about an inch already.

You gained an inch since the competition started? Wow. You're setting the pace. Very motivating. I wanna catch up with ya!
Medicating;515169 said:
You gained an inch since the competition started? Wow. You're setting the pace. Very motivating. I wanna catch up with ya!

Where is the post you are referring to? I can't see it???
Just a question to be sure... but this competition is still alive?
I'd like to post my gains tomorrow but if the competition is over i don't, at least not here, i'll start a new motivational thread in the right section.
I'm obviously starting now but will join officially in January when i post a pic.
Cool.....more contestants! I love that you guys are keeping this going and committing yourselves to a minimum of one year in penis enlargement!
Since my last measurement it is only about an 1/8" longer. When I get my other camera back I will post another.
DocHollywood;524285 said:
Since my last measurement it is only about an 1/8" longer. When I get my other camera back I will post another.

YAY! Congratulations! I am looking forward to the winner and the winning he will receive, the new system will be out by then for sure!!
Can you explain those exercises... im a newbie plus i dont understand alot because everyone uses initials... thanks for your help
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Hey folks seem that this competition is a bit faded but i want to be useful to motivate who doesn't believe in his effort to get bigger down there ;)
I followed, and changed a bit, my routine constantly since my last update in this thread (october or so...).
When i measured the 9th i was so happy!

I focused more on stretching for the last 2 months and as result... I gained almost 1/2 inch in lenght!!!

The Routine consist in a good warm up and then a lot of stretch, if i have the time i spend over a hour doing under the cheecks strestches, DLD Blaster to get out the inner penis, and a little variation, i'm trying.

With an ok grip i bring the head in one hand and stretch in front of me, then i put one finger between the scrotum and the shaft and pull down, for other direction i use a light ok grip that don't shut the blood flow, and stretch opposite the other hand.

For girth i'm doing long Bathmate sessions followed by supra's slammer or normal jelq at the lowest rate possible.

Now my stats are BPenis EnlargementL: 7.4" and MSEG: 6.3" Fuck yeah!!!

So if you want it you can get it! NEVER STOP GUYS... NEVER!
I'm really sorry i can't upload any photos right now...
i only have one question i started nov 30 SG, excersizes jelqing lock hanging etc. and today is jan 11
i started at 5inches with before pics in journal
and to day my new size is 6.5 inches
my question is since i found this thread which is couple months old and posibly the competition coming to end in 2013
would i still be eligible based on my before and now size stats to be in the running for this competition or am i too late
ShaggyRat;526649 said:
i only have one question i started nov 30 SG, excersizes jelqing lock hanging etc. and today is jan 11
i started at 5inches with before pics in journal
and to day my new size is 6.5 inches
my question is since i found this thread which is couple months old and posibly the competition coming to end in 2013
would i still be eligible based on my before and now size stats to be in the running for this competition or am i too late

If you posted a current picture and made gains from there. It was in the original rules for this reason. So, in my case, if I wanted to enter this contest I could but I would need to post a picture from today, at my current measurement and show proof to the next inch. Wow, that sounds scary, I could not imagine being longer than a ruler????
I didn't even realize this was still going. Some crazy guy is gonna come in with insane gains. He's probably locked himself away for the whole year, with his penis tied to a wall, and every day he nudges himself a little further from the wall.
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