Is HIT technique possible in PE?


Aug 18, 2003
I understand that most of workout 5 days a week.I just thought:
is it possible to implement HIT technique from bodybuilding?Althought the penis isn't a musle it should bring results as well,isn't it?
HIT(High Intensity Training) is when instead of training with
8-12 reps 3-5 sets 2-3 times a week you workout one time a week with all you got and then rest for 5-7 days(after one of this workouts I couldn't ift my own arm and had 5 spasms)
Maybe with girth workouts but, why do it that way? I'd think with your penis you'd get much better results working it more often. In fact from my personal experience ....I know that to be true...with my penis anyway. The more I work it the better.
Shde82, I say TRY IT and see.
If you REALLY hammer your penis in that session and rest for say 4 days [My rec'] than start again and do 2 on than I think you may see things.

So try 2 on 4 off and on them 2 days HAMMER IT hard and good.
I am sure you have common sense and all so I wont talk to ya like a kid and warn you of the shit that can happen.

I would say this sort of work is Shock work.....I reckon it would deff' help someone who's at a plateu or a hard-gainer.......But also maybe someone like you.
Interesting idea but dont other work it. But i agree with red, the best way is to try it and see.
stretching every day and girth-work only 2x/week should just work fine.

Yep, try it and keep us posted.

i think with muscle training, you need that much rest because your muscles are worked a whole lot more. I think if you really Penis Enlargemented hard for 1 day you shouldnt need more than 2 days rest, probably 1. I would just go by how it feels the next day, just like how sore your muscles are after a workout.
Im sure reds workouts are along the HIT layout, i mean when he worksout he kills his dick.
Its not HIT, its HIIT. High Intensity Interval Training.

I don't see how it would help you with Penis Enlargement, its supposed to be used in Cardio to help burn fat quicker than regular training.

It works by just going as fast as you can for 30-60 seconds, than taking a minute of slower cardio, than speeding to maximum speed again for 30-60 seconds or however long you can hold out. Than slow down, and recover. The trick here is to never stop, always keep going and recover your breathe without stopping.

It has nothing to do with gaining muscle mass. Just helps you burn off fat cells quickly without long useless cardio sessions. I've used it before and its fun once you get used it its intensity.

The intervals can be also done with weight training to provide a more cardio type workout, but its not very good cause you can't properly exhaust the muscles if you aren't doing maximum weight each time.
Maybe there is such thing as HIIT,but I haven't heard of it.As
for HIT look it up and you'll find that it's alive and kicking
I don't think my dick can sprint for a full thirty seconds on a treadmill.
Originally posted by Godsize
I don't think my dick can sprint for a full thirty seconds on a treadmill.

mine did once, it was really a sight to see...
shde82;10689 said:
I understand that most of workout 5 days a week.I just thought:
is it possible to implement HIT technique from bodybuilding?Althought the penis isn't a musle it should bring results as well,isn't it?

I don't think this is anywhere near possible. It's even better to train on a daily basis.
huge-girth;757915 said:
I don't think this is anywhere near possible. It's even better to train on a daily basis.

Check out Plyometric Blasters, they are right up this ally as far as HIIT goes.
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