Its stimulates your natural testosterone.its peptides i think.and no i will not help.or maybe very very little.its not worth it mess with kind of stuff just to make your penis bigger.The only thing that might help is hgh.which will help in a period of 2-3 years.but still not worth it.too expensive.and you will not see great results from it.with that amount of money buy a bathmatex20 a phallosan and a sizegenetics.all of that will cost you much less and u will have much better results and faster.also you are risking getting in jail.those kind of injectable are illegal at least in addition if you dont have a good guy knowing how to use it.u propably are going to end up fucking with your health and your natural test production without the proper pct.
Not to mention, it's not smart to go messing around with your endocrine system on your own. Have you seen an endocrinologist to check if you are deficient somewhere? If not, self diagnosing is a bad idea with this sort of stuff.
Not to mention, it's not smart to go messing around with your endocrine system on your own. Have you seen an endocrinologist to check if you are deficient somewhere? If not, self diagnosing is a bad idea with this sort of stuff.
Agree 100%...Chem PE is a big waste or time and money. Too many have tried and failed in this area that it should be completely forgotten about but men still want to make it work. I hope someday there is a chemical process that would really deliver gains but in the mean time, SRT is the best road to travel.
Well puberty brings on a very complicated chemical reaction in a man's body resulting in his penis development. No one chemical compound is the 'aha!' substance, per se.
Well puberty brings on a very complicated chemical reaction in a man's body resulting in his penis development. No one chemical compound is the 'aha!' substance, per se.
Well puberty brings on a very complicated chemical reaction in a man's body resulting in his penis development. No one chemical compound is the 'aha!' substance, per se.