Hmm, I eventually eliminated erect measuring for many reasons, your example is one. This is why I advocate so heavily on Flaccid Stretched, Bone-preseed. This will always accurately give you a map to length gains.
The measurements are more for your records and proof of your growth to yourself than it is for our entertainment or comparison. I say as long as you know that you are measuring the same each time in future episodes then it shouldnt matter. Its about the growth achieved through the process of it. Or hell measure the thing from every angle and post pictures of each. Good luck man
I do as your upper sketch shows. If you measured 90° rotated to one side, this would make sense immediately. Of course line up with body... that flare hill at the base is part of the penis, IMHO. So bodywall out is penis. If you slam it home hard enough you're trying to shove that girthy hill in, its hittying her pussy lips for dure in some so its penis to me...

My ¢.02
Don't let it craze you man. Just keep peing.

In some �naked people movies� it seems obvious the guy has done a lot of expressive stretches. His last 3-4 inches of penis are this extra girthy tube... this is what you little hill can grow into if you keep going and express out an inch or more of inner penis. At least that's how I see it.

Reguardless, pick a way to measure a few ways stats... stick with them and same way. So you're comparing yourself using exact same method.

Dlds right tho.

The only truly objective measures are bone pressed. The best first fastest place to see gains growing is bpfsl.

I don't do those myself. What's got me is "show length", nbpel & eg. What the girl will SEE when she drops your boxers.

For Penis Enlargement comparison I also use bpel. Do atop or besides the penis. Consistently.
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Don't get too obsessed with numbers; they're only that: just numbers.
Your level of satisfaction with your penis size/gains/progress and what you can DO with your penis are far more important.
I've almost never measured, and I can truthfully say that I truly love my cock.
Neutronstar;554513 said:
i just complited my measurment

measurement completed 200 hours = 0 gain

only gain is on flacid 1.5/10 of an inch
from 4.5 now 4.65

BPenis EnlargementL = 6.7 . I never mesauret BPenis EnlargementL before so now at least i have map for in future measurements

at least i know now i am 6.7 in BPenis EnlargementL

I can tell from the tone of your post, your at least a little disappointed. Take the advice of Max, don't sweaet it.

Ima gonna look up your routine, but you already know... up the intensity and multiply with combo Penis Enlargement moves.

Read SRT and make sure your moves work together.

Like do manual stretch 1/2 hour before SG, high tension SG hour, 3 min manuals, hour tension, manuals, tension... taper off to light extending with SG just enough to hold it long for hours... or other form of holding extended for bed or work like a divosuit or lock hang... so your forms of Penis Enlargement flow from strength to strength all day. SRT nutshell bro. Sorry, I'm sure you know this so dont get mad if you think I'm talking down to you bro. Trying to help you find the next step up of your game plan.

Keep going, you'll grow.
Yeah I totally get you bro. I'm gonna lay my theory on you about it, but advice is same, intigrate a routine around using SG after manuals, even after Bathmate first to expand the tissues. Then manuals, then SG high tension sets, then SG low tension just holding you long to heal extended. That my plan for folding all my tools into my SRT program to use the logic of each and flow from strength to strength.

Here's my theory. Each of these tools manufacturers report suggested results of "an inch gain in Xyz" time, reported as typical results in so much time. Reported by their own prototype tester/users, and customer results to date.

Here's my guess: these are essentially Newby gains in a pe program exclusively using their product. And by Newby we mean, new guy who never did Penis Enlargement before...

So I don't think you can get an inch in 12 weeks from Dlds inch in 12 week routine... then gain an inch in 1000 hours from SG, then gain an inch in 3 months from Bathmate ... and Grow 3 inches in a year. No. You know that's crazy too fast.

So you got your Newby gains using Bathmate cool. You can't also get Newby gains from Sg. That's unrealistic expectations. Second inch is gonna be harder than first probably right? So you'll have to hit it harder with multiple shit in a smart way... which is intigrated SRT program. To fight that truth and do just SG isn't fair and yeah, wasting your n time and money..

I got my 1st inch fast using manuals then SG in a smart SRT way to go from strength to strength of both methods. I got all loose from manuals, tiny incrimental gain to bpfsl, then high tension SG maybe a lil more tiny bpfsl gain... then I healed longer over hours using SG at first as I fell asleep then UJS, or lock hang at work if I did SN AM routine and worked later...

Now that I have my PT I am working on using it to expand the tissues, especially expand the tunica and soften that hard shit up good. Then do manual stretch, then into SG high tension the. SG low tension ads to heal longer. That's my concept for my best use of these tools for length. Use each ones strength and follow it with the strength of the next tool or Penis Enlargement form. Well, its not really "my" theory... its Dlds SRT in a nutshell... genius pe guru that Dld got this shit figgered out for us over the last 10 years.

I know you don't have time to sit, lay, walk around he house naked doing pe 24/7 bro. That is Not what I'm telling you. I'm saying, if you do an AM routine, go to work healing extended or expanded to heal those tiny today gains today. I did a PM length routine usually. 1/2 hr manuals, hour SG, lil manual stretch, hour SG... to get 4 he's SG high tension time. SG recommended 4hrs and many experienced users, some of them mods here at Mos backed that up. Anyway... 4hrs SG tension then take out last bar or back it off to shorter bar for low tension ADS. If I'm falling asleep I'd go UJS. If I'm heading to work because this is an AM routine, I go lock.
My plans as above are to add in my PT (you use your Bathmate ) to smash those tunica fibers before my length work... to add that strength to everything else I'm doing. Since I already burned my newby gains on SG, I wouldn't expect to also get newby gains out of a new tool by itself... I'm using it in the mix and flow of everything else I'm using too.

Now I hope I haven't pissed you off whith that bro. I hope I helped you get my point, which really is the point of SRT. Believe in Dld man. He believes in us... heheh. Dudes a dick guru.

I know you can get your moneys worth out of SG if you use it folded into your other Penis Enlargement forms smartly. I did. Like I said in my first inch SG thread... the look of awe and animal lust on my wife's face was so worth the $, time and lil pain I went thru to grow that inch, and work my ass off to drop weight so it showed...

she was moaning, drooling, shaking and quivvering in lust to jump on my cock. Had to have it, and the excitement of my bigger cock helped her have her first squirt with me. Another time it gave her her first vaginal O for 5 minutes from reaching the bottom of her. That's payoff man. Awesome.

I credit SG and SRT for that.
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Okay cool bro. We're good.

The map I got for SG by itself is, 4+ hours high tension in one session. Take off every hour for dick massage especially glans to restore bloodflow.

One Mos Mod made it clear, 4hrs he called a minimum to see results. So. Doing your 1000 hours over 3 years one HR per day you realize isn't serious intensity and a waste of time, right... 4+ hrs was advised. I think it was Redzulu in his sticky thread where he laid out a progressive plan to escalate to 12 hours. Taking it off each hour for massage.

You'll need a very comfy attachment to even go 1 HR. I found Velcro mod with allergix's wrap to be my favorite so far. Others are liking the autoxleeve folk's vac hanger or similar vac attachments to be comfy...

If its not comfy you will take it off. This is key to hours.

That's 4+hrs advice is from SG and Mos threads, vets, Mods advice.

2nd common known use is as an ADS. Meaning wear SG all day low tension at work etc... I just couldn't do that so I went to lock hanging. Some guys do.

The Better map I got for SG is to do manuals 1/2 hour, SG high tension stretch hour, then take off, little massage, seconds really, then do some btc, rotaries, just a few manuals a few Mins... then another hour of SG... repeat to log 4 hrs high tension SG, then ads healing- either SG with low tension or UJS wrap for sleeping.

That's the SRT routine using SG in the mix.

My mashup of that, mentioned one time by dld, is that if hydropumps help soften an expand the fibers and tunica... they'd be a great warmup for length if you are length focused like me. So use pump Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine, then manuals, then SG... as above. Your Bathmate becomes a super warmup for length. You do manual stretch because btc and rotaries are still the best length work you can do short of hanging (which is risky) and then SG... as above.
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Nice routine bro. Yeah I get ya now. 10 hour tension sets... I'd be expecting something. Shit.

well I'd say your close to tying it together.

The reason folks say seperate Bathmate girth from length is, they're going for girth. So get all pumped fat then squash it for length, they think we crazy bro.

But were after length priority.

So, Bathmate 5x5x3, then manual stretch 1/2 hour, then SG high tension hour, 3-5 Mins out of SG for massage and manuals- rotaries and btc especially, hour SG high tension, 3 Mins manuals... repeat. When you can't stand tension any more take off last bar, back off tension to do low tension ads. Just healing held lightly extended now.

A different time of day do girth routine.

If you don't care about girth for now... do 2nd PM routine: Bathmate 5x5x3, manual 1/2 HR. SG just one hour? Or until sleepytime. Then UJS to sleep.

Or girth still a focus?
Pm girth: Bathmate 5x5x3, SSJs and pumping, right? Then cockring and sleep.

Bet ya $5 dld will come along and reaffirm this! Its his SRT routine, after all.

Gotta go work finally. Have fun bro. Read SRT slow n carefully and you'll see this discussed in the many pages of that thread.
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Thinking about it n reading around... another reason folks advise is what it is...

The expansion from Bathmate or PT means well have to squeeze that pumped penis down to strap into SG... and prob have to do again as Bathmate pump fades ... I did this 3x now.

Did my routine of pumping then manual length then SG...
No problem I had to reset then Velcro a leeetle tighter... no biggy.

Tried this yet bud?
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