hunnies eat the ....?


Aug 5, 2003
just some questions

do all hotties eat the jiz?
do all hotties like it in the anal passage?

ooo yea is it possible for jiz to stay in
the vagina for about 2-3 hours after
sex and not dry up, but still be in the
milky form that it is?

has anyone ever seen hotties vaginas
have white stuff around the lips? not
milky liquid more like some waxy type
of stuff.
-can a lot of sex, a lot of friction, cause
the vagina to be red and cause any
discharge that could be what i am
talking about.
-i guess almost like a discharge but no
smell, has anyone ever seen hotties
with this and what did they think?

when jiz is unloaded into the vagina
is it possible for it to drip out and dry
up around the lips, what do you think
it would look like.

do all hotties eat the jiz?
Yeah man... if you haven't heard of him, check out his music. If you like death rap, that is. He's one of the very best I've heard, and I don't really like rap all that much. He's got a track called "All Hotties Eat The Jizz"'s fucking hilarious.
snap...hes my fav' rappper.
I too dont like rap, I am a metal fan, but hes GREAT.
Hes a dirty bastard amd a hard one too.

Hes got some CRACKERS.

Find the one called 'Poetry in the streets' its EXELLENT.
Has another great rapper named Ill Bill in it.

Both from NYC, Necro even has a song where hes taking the piss outta that trat Eminem.
but its not a poem and not apart of the song, i am really asking these questions...??
Well, a turned on girl will produce her own white stuff, it is a natural lube for intercourse. It's called "getting the girl wet."

No, not every girl will give you a blow job, and fewer still will want you to cum in their mouths.
Originally posted by bobbdobbs
Well, a turned on girl will produce her own white stuff, it is a natural lube for intercourse. It's called "getting the girl wet."

If it's white, it's probably cervical mucuous and not lube. It could also be a combination of both.. a girl's natural lube is clear.
Well, it is "clear" if you spread it thin. Any substantial amount, like a drop, will appear cloudy or whiteish.
"Necro even has a song where hes taking the piss outta that trat Eminem."

Not all the descriptions on Kazaa are true. There is no feud between the two.

Besides, as good as Necro is, Eminem would tear him apart lyrically.
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