Help understanding noticeable girth gains


Oct 27, 2015
Hello all,

I am focusing on increasing girth using the 5x5x3. Starting at 4.75 inches and aiming to get to 6.3 inches.

I started about 2 weeks ago and have since been doing 3 days on 1 day off. I have completed 9 sessions. Seems like it is all going very well, the days I train my penis feels thicker even a few hours afterwards and into the night (about 0.5 inches thicker or for me, 5.25 inches). Even on my rest days I seemed to have stayed at around 0.5 inches thicker in girth...

However, this evening, on my rest day, I got a boner and I noticed that my penis felt as it always has been. I measured the girth and I was correct, it was at my starting width at 4.75 inches 😢.

I have tried gaining girth with the same method over the years and always ran into this problem and it is demotivating so I stopped. This time, I will try to not let it stop me...

Has anyone else experienced this early on in their girth journey? When will we know that we have actually made gains? Thanks.
Brother, 2 weeks is like nothing especially for actually gaining girth. This process takes months if not years for some to make noticeable and good girth gains.

You just gotta stay disciplined in doing your workouts and eventually you will gain. This is a marathon and not a sprint.
Thanks. I understand it takes time. I am just looking for some motivation to get me past these points and see if anyone can share their process on when they actual feel like they have gained.
I've been consistently pumping for about 4-5 months nows, and I'm just starting to see some real progress.

It's a marathon, I knew what I was signing up for. But my flaccid size is noticeably bigger, my erect girth is thicker and the length gains I made prior to pumping are showing more.

Have patience, Rome wasn't built in a day and @DLD Didn't grow 5" in a night.
I thought I would give an update to this thread and log my experience. It's been 2 months since I've began my new journey to increase my girth. I've done 35 sessions of 5x5x3 along with (recently) some high intensity jelqing on some of my off days. The last few weeks I have been increasing intensity because my penis finally allows for it.

So this morning, after a day of rest from PE, I woke up with a super hard erection. It felt noticeably bigger. I quickly measured my girth and I was a solid 5.25 inches. There was zero retention, all super hard tissue. For the past month I've been lingering around 5 when I measure on my off days, sometimes more sometimes less. Today was the first day that I noticed actual gains. 😃

So noticeable gains pretty much came out of nowhere. I hope this new girth lasts and only gets bigger. I think the key is to not let your dick tug back on the off days by doing a few random high intensity girth routines, or even just one 5-minute session of SSJ. 👍
So noticeable gains pretty much came out of nowhere. I hope this new girth lasts and only gets bigger. I think the key is to not let your dick tug back on the off days by doing a few random high intensity girth routines, or even just one 5-minute session of SSJ. 👍
It's just that. Most expect immediate visual and measureable gains from a few weeks of work. The penile expansion does occur with consistent work, and we may not see or measure it within 1, 2, or even 3 months. But it all comes out of the blue like a thunder bolt. The moment the body knows it's relaxed enough, it will let the gains displayed and functional as the body adopts the new "normalcy".
It's just that. Most expect immediate visual and measureable gains from a few weeks of work. The penile expansion does occur with consistent work, and we may not see or measure it within 1, 2, or even 3 months. But it all comes out of the blue like a thunder bolt. The moment the body knows it's relaxed enough, it will let the gains displayed and functional as the body adopts the new "normalcy".
But it all comes out of the blue like a thunder bolt.
It's just that. Most expect immediate visual and measureable gains from a few weeks of work. The penile expansion does occur with consistent work, and we may not see or measure it within 1, 2, or even 3 months. But it all comes out of the blue like a thunder bolt. The moment the body knows it's relaxed enough, it will let the gains displayed and functional as the body adopts the new "normalcy".
Thanks for the insight.
Same here! Woot woot, 5 x 5 x 3 is amazing for girth. After now6 months I notice a greater girth now when doingmy sessions. It's amazing when on off days you still measure the same as after a pump. Amazing feeling!
Same here! Woot woot, 5 x 5 x 3 is amazing for girth. After now6 months I notice a greater girth now when doingmy sessions. It's amazing when on off days you still measure the same as after a pump. Amazing feeling!
Thank you! When I invented the SSJ I knew something better could be better so I came up with the 5x5x3 scenario. 17 years of the best gains in girth for every man who has dedicated them selves to the 5x5x3 found in SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory
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