
Jun 13, 2003
I was wanting is it fair to say that if I increase the size of my head this will also increase the length of my penis?
but of course. But please don't end up with a 9" head with a 2" shaft:D
how do pan on increasing your glans size. i know i would like my glans to be bigger that my shaft girthwise and the bottom of the glans so that it sticks out. any tips or suggestions?
The last time i asked this i was told that constriction exercises where the way to go. There might be more to it now though, it was a while ago that i asked...
channel7 said:
I was wanting is it fair to say that if I increase the size of my head this will also increase the length of my penis?

I've increased the size of my dick head and not lengthened my shaft. Does that answer your question? I'm not sure...

The Flesh Files
Thanks, everyone. I did not expect a response. I am good right now. My head is really bigger now.
Like I've said before, a combination of constriction and Supra Slammers did wonders for my head. It's nice and full now, to the point where I have problem putting on a condom.
ebon00 said:
Like I've said before, a combination of constriction and Supra Slammers did wonders for my head. It's nice and full now, to the point where I have problem putting on a condom.

Can you elaborate on the specifics of what you do?

ebon00 said:
It's nice and full now, to the point where I have problem putting on a condom.

Now that is a cool thing!
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