Has anyone noticed?


Jun 29, 2003
Has anyone who uses the ring of power that is a little older with the spare tire noticed a change. I have not dieted nor changed eating habits at all yet, my spare tire is beginning to go away. Has anyone else noticed this happening?
If it increases testosterone as purported, then decreased fat should be a result. Although I don't think it specifically targets the midsection.
It can't target any one area of the body in reguards to fat loss. Fat can't be spot reduced, it comes off in "layers" from the entirety of the body.
I don't think the testosterone production can have that drastic of an effect on fat loss. I may be wrong though...
Dario said:
I don't think the testosterone production can have that drastic of an effect on fat loss. I may be wrong though...
I have read up on the effects of low testosterone production due to the fact that I had a vasectomy years ago and was concerned that this might have contributed to my lowered interest in sex. More recent studies have found that having a vasectomy does contribute to lower testosterone levels and lower levels have a direct effect on drive. Also stated in several articles I have read was that one of the effects of having low testosterone was storage of fat in the abdomen area. I did not have this prior to having it done and it did take several years to happen and once there, I wasn't able to shed it. I accepted this as middle age spread like most men get when older. I jusk know I have changed nothing in the way I eat, nor have I added exercise to bring about this change I am seeing. Others have noticed this too with me and have asked me if I am on a diet. Just a coincidence?
Look at it this way:

Muscle burns fat. The less test. you have you are more likely to lose lean muscle and increase fat. Inversly, if you have higher test, you can build muscle and retain it and be leaner.

( We've discussed this previously in other threads and this is one of my main reasons to get the ROP)
I think there could be some validity in what youre saying. Fat normally does come off in layers, but in some cases it does not. I know that when alcohol is absorbed and turned to fat it is generally stored in the spare tire region, and if you stop drinking, that area is specifically reduced. I was part of the college scene not so long ago, and I have seen many people (both guys and girls) who were big time drinkers and are skinny everywhere but the spare tire area. I'm not at all saying that you are a drinker, but I am saying that specific areas of fat can be reduced due to contributing factors (or lack there of)
Guys, if what you're saying is true...then awesome! I too am wearing the ROP (have been for two weeks). I am also a weight-lifter and have dabbled in natural testosterone supplements before (Trib, zinc, magnesium, etc...). I wish I did a testosterone test on myself to determine the actual spike. It sounds as though the ROP will be quite the money-saver, considering the supps that no longer need to be purchased if raising one's test level is the goal.
Dario said:
I don't think the testosterone production can have that drastic of an effect on fat loss. I may be wrong though...
Oh, on the contrary. There's an inverse correlation between testosterone levels and body fat in men. Many other factors to consider, but it does have thermogenic (fat burning) properties.
That is aswesoe, you never told me this mowinman!!
test is the ultimate hormone for reducing bodyfat...That is the number one reason men have more muscle and less bodyfat then women. And the best thing about it is you really do not need much in an increase to benefit.
As they say in BB...."test is best"................
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