Gas Prices - Revolt!!

I managed a gas station for several years. You would all be mad if you knew the real reasons gas prices go up. On 9/11, within an hour or two of the world trade center going down, we were called and told to jack up our prices. Was our gas suddenly more valuable? No. It was just a reaction to consumer fear, and our company knew that everyone would be scared and rush to the gas stations to fill up. It's not so much how much it costs, but how much they can get away with charging for it... I guess we're pretty much screwed until the current administration is out of office.

Want gas prices to go down? Then relax, cut back on your driving as much as possible, and say, "I'll use more gas when the prices drop down to what I consider a good deal." Don't be a frightened consumer, don't believe everything you hear on the news, and don't let the oil companies run your life.
Price controls, that's the ticket! Why don't we call up Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter to sort it out? :)
In Sweden one gallon of unleaded fule cost:
next week it will be about:

think about that, if the gasoline was as cheap as in your country damn we all would have V8, V10, V12 cars!!

so fuck you your son of a bitches!! we would kill for your prices! :p
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