Well remember that the penis naturally expands to 100% if you have good eq. When doing girth below 100%, lets say 80%, and you get 20% expansion, you are doing little but getting to your max natural size. In order to break the 100% barrier you need to work with a higher erection level. Say 95%, and if you expand 20%, now you have something at 110%...you dig?
Ya I dig, I used the Bathmate for the first time a 100percent erect and holy shit after, It felt like I can chase down an elk and beat it to death with the wood I had. Also going in erect cut down the fluid retention by 75 or 80 percent then doing some exercises pretty much reversed the fluid retention all together.
ryan62468;444866 said:
Ya I dig, I used the Bathmate for the first time a 100percent erect and holy shit after, It felt like I can chase down an elk and beat it to death with the wood I had. Also going in erect cut down the fluid retention by 75 or 80 percent then doing some exercises pretty much reversed the fluid retention all together.

Thats a boy!
MAXAMEYES;418488 said:
Me, all I do is manual work, and I'm lazy and inconsistent to boot. But I've gained about an inch, inch-and-a-quarter in girth since beginning. Sometimes you just gotta put in the time. Take a look at my sig; that really is how I snuck in girth work during length sessions. Maybe it'll work for you too.

Hey I couldn't help but notice you joined in 2005. In 6 years you've gained 1 1/4 in girth?
Actually, most of those gains came in about the first year...when I wasn't such a lazy fuck.
To be honest I really wasn't lookin' to enlarge my penis at all; when I first stumbled upon MOS I was looking for exercises to counteract some ED brought on by accumulated injuries and the damn drugs doctors pumped into me.
The gains were just some damn good frosting on the cake.
So you don't really work on girth anymore? Sorry for the questions I was starting to think I set my goals too high.
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