Faster Healing from ROP


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2003
Has anyone noticed way faster healing from it, I know I do, I had some really bad cuts and bruses from my steelball stretchers banging up agaist my Stee FR PUD TUgger, they were almost unbearable, I had to switch to my Leather Stretchers, and then I was like lets put on the ROP for 24/7 for a few days and they all went away. It has got to be the zinc ions. What you think, Got any simmilar stories?
It is very reasonable that faster healing comes from more electricity flowing through the affected area. That is the basis behind wearing magnets (check out for magnetic rings and toe-rings).

BUT, not only do they increase healing, they also cause cells to heal in a more uniform fashion, reducing scarring, and causing the affected area to be healthier overall.

Be warned, that site claims that the rings are "immortality rings", which will lead many to believe it's just a cracker-jack joke, but the scientific basis is very real, and while they don't allow for immortality, they do allow for a healthier body!

I do know that ZINC, does help healing.
So the ROP, would make sense to also promote this in the body.
Well it sure is doing a good job, these wounds are healing right up. thanks
Combination of Electricity & Zinc Makes the Ultimate Healing ring!!
Yup, I notice it as well. Could be that the constant increase of blood flow that the ROP causes is an aid as well.
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