case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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well... im wrong. i DID feel ice fine. this morning, i dont anymore. there goes hope. 2 months ago i felt it fine and it hurt if held long enough.

edit. now ive confused myself more. an hour later i touched it with a random item at room temp, . i feel the coldness in that. i feel the cold in my fingers. i felt toilet paper, towels, fingers. etc. might get hard later to see what ice feels like then. im not sure what to think. it just feels so soft and lifeless(feelingless) in clothes. and my glans makes my leg cold if i touch it. i still feel like something is clamped off internally when i kegel hard. a sensation/burn up through my junk. harder i kegel the more i feel it. mostly after ive sat down a few minutes. ive also had instances where a constant burning stopped after getting up. or viced versa. im gonna stretch more frequently, although i cant seem to get the results a used to from it.

more edit. tried ice again. i felt it. although very very little. got hard. same result. start to jack off. feel everything. put clothes on. same lack of feeling. what a joke.
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Yep, this sounds like a bent nerve branch sporadic misfiring at each other, or a kinked dorsal nerve at or near the base of the penis, causing intermittent signal sending/receiving.

Once again, after getting the MRI results, look into LIST treatment. This may be the best course of action.
ill know tomorrow. i dont figure it will show anything though. wouldnt it seem its In the glans though,not the base, since it sex seems to aggravate the tissue? i figure its too late for any shockwave stuff. not that i expect that to even do much . i aint an expert on much though. this seems really like my first doctor visit to amount to anything, and its so long out now it wont matter much it seems
wouldnt it seem its In the glans though,not the base, since it sex seems to aggravate the tissue?
Not necessarily. Think about sciatica. The phantom pains are spread between the lower back to the hamstrings and quad regions, but the inflammation/kink occurs in the L's and S's in the spinal colum. That's 10in to 24in away. Think about the penis. From the base to the glans, it's only between 6 to 10in away.

i figure its too late for any shockwave stuff. not that i expect that to even do much .
Never know until you try. LIST is a post-trauma or long term trauma recovery option. This is introduced for those who suffered from long term acute trauma.

i aint an expert on much though. this seems really like my first doctor visit to amount to anything, and its so long out now it wont matter much it seems
There are specialists in all fieds, and there are specialists in specific fields. The specific fields are extremely limited since they can't make money to recover the costs for the fields. Some of these specialists are hidden among the broader specialized fields. You just have to search for them. There are quite a few of them in the Asian countries are they are not limited to their practices. There are quite a few start poppping every where in Euro. In the US, unfortunately, there is an extremely limited count due to the sue-happy idiots out thre.
yeah. id try the list. only cause im desperate. other than that. im screwed. staying alive is pretty painful now. can only hope the nerves stop irritating over time. so far, it hasnt enough. feeling issues are only at glans though. anything under that, or frenulum feels nice as always.
Nah, you're long from being screwed. Those who made it back from the brink of Stage 4 terminal cancers are screwed to victorious. They did their works and diligence. My brother is at a Stage 4 for 5 years, where the doctors said he could not live past 6 months. He proved them wrong. This is a minor thing. You will conquer it if you walk with your head held high and fight with everything you have.
yeah. i understand that....i just miss life.this should never have happened. it makes you totally useless. every single step of every day is a train wreck, and mental stress over such a stupid thing that wont go away. ive fought hard, i just cant fix it . and it hurts.
Life throws you challenges when you least expected. Our family constantly go through it all the time. We just have to continually find the answers and act on any possible chance to rectify or conquer the situation. This is how rewards come about. We just went through a $52K situation, but we know the rewards will be returned to us in 5 years or so. Our rewards may not be fully return to us in 10 years, but looking in the long run, not only we benefit as a the main parties, but it's for our kids, grandkids, and their families to be. Don't expect short term pursuant and short term rewards. Think of long term investigation and pursuant for long term rewards.
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Life throws you challenges when you least expected. Our family constantly go through it all the time. We just have to continually find the answers and act on any possible chance to rectify or conquer the situation. This is how rewards come about. We just went through a $52K situation, but we know the rewards will be returned to us in 5 years or so. Our rewards may not be fully return to us in 10 years, but looking in the long run, not only we benefit as a the main parties, but it's for our kids, grandkids, and their families to be. Don't expect short term pursuant and short term rewards. Think of long term investigation and pursuant for long term rewards.
Be in life or in PE, "Never give up, never surrender. " It's easy to take the shortest way out. But what do you truly have at the end? More regrets. Take every path with every possibility, and when there's nothing left at the end where you stand, break the walls in front of you down and make a new path that has yet to be traversed upon. That is life. Anyone can just sit idly and raise their hands up in defeat. I have yet to see you done it. Otherwise, you would have stop posting by now.
as expected. MRI is perfect. i have no issues, Dr. has zero ideas. im gonna go on cialis for a week, since ive never tried it more than 2 days cause it shrank me more and freaked me out. at this point im used to it, so it doesnt matter anymore. the 2-3 days of nighttime arousal /horny feelings following one viagra pill has me curious if this happens again. perhaps that will lead to a clue testosterone wise.
It's not the doctor that has no clue, but the radiologist(s) that had no clue. The doctor that received the info from the radiologist(s) can only evaluate the info provided beside looking at the results themselves.

The clues provided already pointed to the lack of free and total testosterone levels. Using Cialis boosted the nitric oxide level up, but also crash your testosterone level down after the "horny" feelings or the blown loads. What you are chasing after to is maintain that testosterone level high. We already acknowledged that the low testosterone level fluctuations caused by the mental and emotion instability. You have to stabilize it. It also comes to an infinite looping that your metal and emotional issues caused by the shrinkage of the penis because of the glans's sporadic sensitivity, resulting from a hidden trauma that manifested like a bad gremlin.

So, hold your head high, and search for solutions under unconventional means. LIST is one. TST is two.
i just dont know. it feels really over at this point. i took cialis yesterday. there was one moment for 30 sec, i felt a little urge. then gone. nothing all night either. this sensitivity,and nerve feeling is my pants has never went away. kneeling down really gets to me. i did that yesterday trying to work on something , and it got me overwhelmed with anxiety. which fired my burning nerve irritation again. i just cant figure how this all started so mild, with what seemed like libido issues, then transformed into hypersensitivity 6 weeks later. thenstarted my feelings changing along with this burning.with shriking state. then actually thinking things were going positive for ahiwle. even getting plump again for awhile. now its just all in the toilet. i sleep all night limp like never before. i started out day one losing my kegel response. it ruins everything. theres nothing there. i cant work like this. it eats at my anxiety, and i constantly have to sit down. at this point, i almost feel like killing the nerves is my only chance at living. i wont mentally be able to deal with that either. the left side of my glans is always eating at me in one way or another. it has seemed to permanetly stay shrunk /disconnected now. doesnt respond to anythinhg except manual. yet, i feel it every way all day, in a foreign object way.

of course, there was a time, when i had a little drive connection and size, it didnt seem so bad. i used to remember waking up fat, and at least that felt ok. i wake up with a 3-4 inch stub now limp as a wet noodle.
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Just out of curiosity, have you try wrapping the entire penile shaft completely, from the base and go past the glans? It's something to think about. Use a moderate restrictive cock ring, where the restriction of blood flow is up to 70%. This allows the volume of blood to flow into the penis and stay there, but with the capacity to leave when needed. Use flexible bandage and wrap it up to keep it warm, but wrap past the glans to prevent movement of clothing and wrapping from irritating the glans through rubbing/friction.

This is a test to see if the kinked branch terminal is near the surface or keep into the skin (fascias). Once you discover it the finding, you can go one step further. We are now entering the unconventional methods. I have my colleagues on standby for you.
no, but i currently have it stuffed in a sock and using the rest of the sock to fill my underwear to keep anything from moving. its the only thing that remotely simulates a normal feeling. until i kegel and feel nothing at all. after a few hours i have to take it out just so i feel something again. nothing i do can appease my anxiety with the feeling for very long.
Do what you can and prevent the rubbing. That's what triggers the signal reponses. Do your best to isolate the signal response from being hyperactive.
thats all ive done so far. the over all feeling is crap day to day. everything has set in worse. im not sure how after a year, but im no longer feeling a way around this. i really dont understand how i had sex a couple weeks ago. 3 times at that. no way a person can live through this.
Consider yourself lucky to have 3 times of enjoyment a week. Some don't have for months on end. Some can't even have sexual excitement for years on end. Your case is considered dire in your point of view. Take your case and spread it across the board, your case it still in the bright and sunshine portion of the issues.

However, keep plugging different solutions by testing it. The critical test is to keep the volume of blood in the penis through restrictive means. Do not exceed 80% restrictive flow more than 30 minutes at any given point. We want the blood to constantly cycle.
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