
I believe that "lush" is another word for an alcoholic or a drunk. That's what that twit meant.
"...but to love someone, you have to love all of them, and that includes their past."

Sure... but you don't have to love their past. You might have to accept it, but fuck loving it man... I wasn't loving it. Just because she has a past doesn't mean I gotta be buddies with her ex boyfriend of 5 years. The past should stay in the past, but people from her past were still in the picture, and I loathed that about her because she saw nothing wrong with it. And maybe there really IS nothing wrong with it, but it upset me, and if she gave a shit about me then that would MAKE it wrong. It really just rubs me the wrong way cuz I would have never done that to her if the situation were reversed.

And women CAN turn their feelings on and off as long as it's to suit whatever it is they want at the time. Like, I had to play by the "rules" and she did whatever she wanted.

"You have to share them with their family, their friends, their job, etc."

Yeah, of course. But I draw the line at ex boyfriends. Fuck that noise.

Why does everything have to be reversed when you're dealing with women? So, I gotta ACT as if it doesn't bother me to achieve the desired affect: her not fucking with them anymore. If I voice my dismay, it only makes them do it more. So I guess if I had just pretended it was no big deal, then maybe she woulda laid off the ex boyfriend shit... or maybe not. Maybe she'd have him over for dinner. I don't know. I'm a terrible liar and it's hard to hide it when something upsets me. It'll just smolder inside, waiting to explode. Chicks seem to have no problem opening their mouth when they don't like something, yet I have to take her shit in stride?? They name streets after her: ONE WAY. Yet in HER mind, I'm the selfish one.

Being with her made me paranoid and miserable even though we had a lot of good times. Being without her is pretty miserable too. I guess it's just an example of how too much baggage can ruin a relationship. She was 8 years older than me, so her baggage was way heavier than mine. I couldn't carry it all so I dropped it. I wish I could just forget it and be happy with somebody else.
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